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AMPs don't screen
dragonfly2006 49 Reviews 1033 reads

And they get busted more often too.

steve20083530 reads

What are the general unwritten rules about screening?  Frankly I don't feel comfortable giving all of my information(work, home address, drivers license, etc...) to someone I hardly know.  I guess I'm afraid of being blackmailed at a later time.

zn_garden12001 reads

Well then Stevie I guess it's back to the drawing board to find someone who does not need that info...or Craigs List. Just so as you know... we book by appointment so YOU leave us after your time is up.

Hurt her, threaten her or rough her up and might very well be concerned of the repercussions, but act like a gentleman and she will kiss you good-bye and wish you well until such time you want to book another appointment with her.

Bottom line is you need to do what is comfortable for you and knowing that, seek out the company of those that fit your comfort level.

grashopper. We're too busy making a living by acting responsibly with the information that's critical to maintaining our safety.

Go with a lady who doesn't screen, and you're much more likely to find yourself in hot water.

If you value your bunny, don't balk.

Neurosexy4991 reads

Dear Tabu:
What databases do you use in combination with each other since you can miss some things on a database? Also would you have some one fill out a form if he had one name instead of another name at one time in his past? Also how would you screen a european hobbyist and would you be able to effectively background screen him if you would not  be able to have access to those criminal databases? Also what would you need to verify a foreign hobbyist and how would you go about getting say interpol records as well?

"Frankly I don't feel comfortable giving all of my information(work, home address, drivers license, etc...) to someone I hardly know."
--but you are comfortable having sex with them. Gotta wonder.

If you dont feel comfortable about giving your information to someone you hardly know ...think how the provider feels about letting some stranger come into their residence???  Its hard enough to let someone you HAVE screened come through your door.

Do your homework.  Research reputible well reviewd providers.  Stick to the ones who have a reputation as a bonified provider.

Dont??  Better learn to search out the lower end of Craigslist and try as you might to find a provider who is uh..legit.  But make sure you have a lawyer and plenty of cash on hand for the hotel your wife will make you go to, after you call her from jail...broke after facing the pimp, or undercover LE..with a charge of soliciting....something to think about  

You dont feel comfortable?  Might need to try a new hobby.  This?  Its ALL about discretion.

It's a risk but let's put it in perspective.  Remember that the ladies are taking serious risks too.

First of all, they really don't know what kind of person you are until they meet you.  They are hoping that you're not filthy, diseased, or worse, some violent maniac who likes to hurt women.

Secondly, they have a lot more to lose from you outing them.  They not only lose their jobs, but face legal penalties.  During that process they will be outed to their friends, family and community.  Any lady who outs you can potentially find herself in a world of shit.

Besides a rigorous screening process is a good sign that she is strongly minimizing any risk of detection from LE.  A lax screening process could result in an unwanted interruption of your session.

-- Modified on 12/15/2007 6:45:55 PM

-- Modified on 12/15/2007 6:52:39 PM

A good screening process will show you that she not only is concerned with her safety but yours as well. Because she is taking time to actually do the screening rather than just seeing you without.

I agree with Tabu....well reviewed ladies are't out to hurt anyone.

JudgeDredd1639 reads

"I don't feel comfortable giving all of my information(work, home address, drivers license, etc..."

I don't know any legitimate providers who require your home address and Driver's license #.
Usually it is a verifiable telephone # and work phone # along with a couple of prior provider references(if possible).
Your home or cell # is for a cursory confirmation of you being who you say you are. Your work # is for innocuously making sure you work for Acme Widgit Fabricators Inc. and NOT LE.

 If you expect a woman to invite a total stranger into their home who is most likely a minimum of 75lbs greater in muscle mass with no more than a verbal, telephonic declaration stating "I'm a really nice guy"; then I would stick to Craigslist where the vapid, naive, criminally intent, and LE decoys abound.

Get used to this.  They do this to protect themselves from LE and crazies who would harm them.  To date, I have never had any problems on this...and I'm batting 1.000 on first encounters nearly four years into this game.  Reputable providers are not interested in playing games...they want you to contact them, and for you to be willing to work with them to ensure that fun can be had safely by both sides.  Good luck to you...

sammy10702114 reads

Don't give out anything you don't feel comfortable giving out. Yeah, I know all the providers are discreet professionals - just like all the gents are nice guys. But somehow the 1 in the bunch on either side always shows up eventually. Despite what others have said, it is not impossible to see quality ladies without giving out all you personal information. It will take time (maybe a long time) and won't be easy, but it can be done. Once you have a couple good referrals you should be ok. Also I've never bought into the idea that giving all that info is actually doing any good. LE could easily setup a phone number with someone at the other end to give out the right answers.

zn_garden1089 reads

Yes they can set up a fake phone number...did you think we hadn't thought of that already? That's why there is a lot more to our screening than just dialing a number. I go through 4 more steps and have been lucky/good dilgent screening and caught a few, so yes it does quite nicely thank you.

Just a small example...I caught a firefighter calling on behalf of the cops...all the right numbers etc to the station but with my "other" methods, soon found him out. So never underestimate our screening power.

Read the post below.

While there are providers who cross the line and out a hobbyist, they are extremely rare.  On the other hand, hobbyists who cross the line and abuse providers are not rare enough.

On a related question, how safe is it to give out workplace name and number to an agency? I'm not talking about a large agency that operates in several major cities, but a small, informal Asian agency that has three girls operating in Los Angeles. This agency asks you to fill out a website form that asks for workplace, numer, and job title. I understand there's always risk involved in this hobby, but how risky is it to give out workplace info? I'm not a newbie, but the screening I've gone through has always involved provider references and never workplace info.


Workplace references are to make sure that you are who you say you are: not a broke-ass deadbeat but mainly not LE.  Of course, it's not difficult for LE to set up a fake identity and phone number if they really want to get the place.

It is one of the most common screening methods providers use.  I live in NYC and haven't frequented an AMP in about a year but as of last year, AMPs here don't screen and as I've noted above they are more prone to busts.

I can't see an AMP using the info to blackmail you.  if you're worried about your info getting into LE's hands, I'm not sure that's such a concern in a large city like LA which has much bigger problems than hunting down Joe Hobbyist.  If you were a prominent celebrity or politician you might have to worry.

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