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orionflyr 9 Reviews 2539 reads
1 / 8

I am pretty new to this. I saw my first provider in November, then saw her again a couple of weeks later. Had super reviews. She is VERY classy, mature, and accomodating.  She recommended since that I was new that I try a couple of different providers. I found another provider who also had great reviews and appeared to be classy, accomodating,and mature. Our visit was a major flop as far as I am concerned. She called just before our scheduled time to say she had overslept and needed more time to get ready. No big deal; everyone has a bad day now and again. However when I showed up at the new time she was still not ready; I ended up waiting in my vehicle for 10 minutes before she returned my call "I was in the shower", so she could let me in , then another 35 minutes downstairs until she was finally ready. After we talked a bit and she had taken the gift we went upstairs to her bedroom. After stripping and getting in bed she decided to tell me she could not provide full service since she had "forgotten to buy condoms"! She said she would make it up with "great oral" but there was not anything special about it. I know she may have been having a crappy day but I feel really ripped off. I was feeling pretty flustered by that point so I did not make a big deal about it. I'm not sure giving her a bad review will have any benefit. Should I do the review anyhow? Would it do any good to contact her again and explain my point of view and see if we could arrange another visit under better conditions??

sticky digits 1837 reads
2 / 8

You screwed up on three critical points, all of them common newbie issues.

First, when she was still not ready at the -adjusted- meeting time AND she did not answer your phone call, it was time to walk away.  You need to have some respect for the value of your own time, and think with the larger of your two heads.  Sit in a car for 10 minutes??  Not a wise idea, and simply a preview of bad things to come.

Second, always carry your own condoms.  Select a brand that you like and trust, and always have a couple with you when you visit a provider, expecially for the first time.  You may find that she doesn't have any, or only has crappy ones, or the ones that she uses do not fit you well.  Be prepared.

Third, when she came up with her insane last-minute announcement that FS was unavailable because she had 'forgotten to buy condoms', it was once again time to walk -- or at the very least, re-negotiate the fee to be comparable to her reduced service offering.  Again, you must think with your brain, not your balls - it's up to you to see to it that you don't get ripped off.

As to your question about arranging another visit -- are you nuts??  Unless you have some serious machoistic tendencies, take what you learned about this lady, pack it up, and move on.

Write the review, and be explicitly factual about it.  If she has tons of great reviews, yours will not have a detrimental effect on her business (and you shouldn't really care if it does or not, since it's simply the truth as you experienced it).  And if she does do this on a regular basis - wouldn't you have like to known about it beforehand?

jazz32 24 Reviews 1709 reads
3 / 8

I've had more than my share of stuff/sh*t happening, but it sounds like you had a particularly bad experience.

Write a review.  If she is already on TER, it will warn others of the YMMV factor.  If yours is the first review, your warning will help to set expectations.

-- Modified on 1/4/2007 10:02:25 PM

sgandolfs 63 Reviews 1514 reads
4 / 8

ask the original provider you saw, for recommendations - she is better suited to help you as she knows you somewhat already.  As for the wait on the second one I would have left after 30 minutes.  Time is a valuable commodity for all.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1738 reads
5 / 8

One of the hardest things to learn in this hobby is to know when to walk away.  Use the big head to do the thinking and WALK AWAY when the vibes are not right.

mauiman1 2 Reviews 1368 reads
6 / 8

Write the review. That's why we all belong and are on this board for--to warn others, and be warned about a possible ripoff. I definitely want to know who it is so I don't waste my time and money on this lady. Good luck!

orionflyr 9 Reviews 1751 reads
7 / 8

Well, sounds like I screwed up big time. Thanks for the constructive comments from you and the other replies also. I'll be more careful and better prepared next time.

greatguy122 59 Reviews 1525 reads
8 / 8

Super Bummer on your first experience, as their are some really good providers out there for ya!!! I've been doing it for couple of years now and your best approach is to check the TER review board for new reviews, as you may find a new diamond in the rough here sometimes or to reviews and search according to rating, etc..., as you can do an advanced search and check what you want them to do!

Good luck and have fun!

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