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+1. (e)
xyz23 45 Reviews 433 reads


So a few months ago I had a new client pull a no-show.  When he didn't show up on time, I texted him a couple of times but never got a response.

This week, this person emails me and asks, "Did everything turn out alright back in March?  I wanted to help but you'll understand that I couldn't take the risk."  So I emailed back to ask what he was talking about and explained to him what happened from my perspective.  

He then tells me that he did show up at my location, but saw a police squad car out front with a blonde woman in the backseat and assumed it was me.  When he got my texts, he figured it was LE trying to get him and thus did not respond.

Now, I don't know this guy from Adam so he may be lying... I don't know.  When I left the hotel 30min after our scheduled date, there were no squad cars there; I would have noticed that lol.  However, I will give him a second chance, because if he is telling the truth, I cannot say that he did the wrong thing.  I likely would have done the same, in that situation.  And I always advise everyone to listen to their instincts..... if your "inner voice" is telling you to get out of there, then do so!  Quickly.   :-)

So what I want to know is if this situation were to happen to you, what would YOU do?  
Should this person have handled it differently?



Using the scenario that you described, I too would have done the same thing as this person did.  Whether it is the right approach, I don't know.  But I cant say as I blame the person, it is better to be prudent than to possibly walk into a situation that has greater repercussions.    

BTW, a similar situation happened to me several years ago.  A squad car pulled into the area I was residing in at the time about 15 min before a lady was scheduled to arrive.  If that doesn't put a person on edge I don't know what will. She drove into the area and saw the car and opted to depart.  I couldn't blame her.  No word from her until a few days later.  It all worked out and we ended up having a really nice time.

but that's about all.

The story is pure BS.

Give him another chance if you like, but don't be surprised if he pulls another NS/NC.

Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and/or second chances when the person in question has no other such reports.  However, I won't book a room or even be present just for that person.  

If I've already got a room for the day, and no one else is trying to book for that same time-fame, well, I will be there anyway.... so sure, I'll give him a chance.  And possibly all will turn out well, I've made some money, and possibly a new regular client.   If he doesn't show up, I've lost nothing.  :-)

GaGambler580 reads

You've got to give him points for creativity, but I call bullshit on his story. If he had called you within a day or two, "maybe" but waiting several months, during which time you have had reviews written about you, I think he's full of crap.

I do have to admit, his story is much more creative than many of the weak lines I have been handed by hookers who have no showed on me.

I think the guy is full of it too, other wise why take so long to email you?
Not only that but if he was smart enough to leave when he thought he saw a girl in a cop car and assumed it was you, why all of a sudden would he be stupid enough to send you such an incriminating email knowing the correspondence may be compromised?

Dear Deb:
Just wondering, I am sure that you gave him your number prior to the date.  I was wondering why he didn't call you to inquire about LE being outside?  If worst came to worst, I am sure that you leave one phone in the car and you might have another burner phone with you.

thats what i do with first time cancelers so long as its not the moment of.  

i wouldn't see this guy again though.. he could have called you *69 and spoken to you.

Exactly!  I give him credit gif what he is saying and why he did what he did.  On the other hand, why did he wait THAT long yo touch base with you again?


He's obviously lying, and wants a second chance.    That's up to you, but i know what i would tell him.  And he wouldn't like it.

I would not respond at all.  Doesn't feel right based on you what said...

Apparently, the purpose of my post got a little lost.... sorry about that.

I was asking what others would do if they were to show up at a lady's (hotel) incall to find a squad car out front, with a woman in the backseat?    Would you leave?  Try to contact her?   None of the above?

Thanks for all the advice on what I should do, but that wasn't what I was actually looking to hear about lol.

He showed up, no problems there; however, he repeatedly insisted that I was indeed the woman he saw in custody.
And all he saw was the back of her head!!  LOL.    
Just like many here assumed he was lying about that story (hell, I wasn't sure what to believe!), he clearly is one of the type who assumes all providers are always lying about everything.  Wanted to know how I got busted, what was the result of that charge, blah blah blah.
After stating twice that it wasn't me, I told him he could drop the subject or leave.... which I think just further convinced him that I was indeed lying lol.  

Why did he wait so long to contact me?   Well, he claims that he was spooked after that incident (or as he put it, that "close call"... drama much??) and stopped hobbying for awhile.   But supposedly this week the family is out of town, so he's got plenty of opportunity to play and temptation got the better of him.   Whatever!
Personally, I think the real reason has more to do with the fact that I raised my donation shortly after our failed date, but am running a "special" this week.   LOL.    


I think your analysis is probably pretty spot on. He sounds like a dipshit.  

In any event, I think a lot of people (not just the guys) would be spooked by police presence outside of an appointment, but not enough to NCNS with no explanation for an extended period of time. Even if he's telling the truth, he's being a twat about it.

if the gal is someone I had seen already, but if it was a first time, and my recon on the gal is iffy, I might demur and see what happens.  In the meantime, I'd certainly text her and let her know what is going on.

I can think of one time I arrived at the hotel and it was flooded with LE.  I inquired of the front desk what is the hub-bub and was told that the son of some wealthy mid-east muck-a-muck was graduating from Harvard or MIT and his relatives were all here to attend, and that's why all the security, so I figured things were fine

As if you're going to give him your social security number so he can do a full background check. Gtfo lol

It does sound a little over the top that a cop car just happened to have a blonde lady in it right outside of your incall. If its true, I get why he'd leave. But it may not be true.

Paranoia can get the best of you, and perhaps that was what he was envisioning could happen, but told you his "vision" as a true story. Lol.

-- Modified on 8/7/2015 10:11:07 AM

If he was using a hobby phone, he could have taken your call safely.  I think he got cold feet, pure & simple.  
Points for creativity, but I have messaged gals the next day when dates that went sideways (she didn't pick up at the call time/place).  Hoped she was ok...   i never heard back.  But that was my way of putting it out that I had fulfilled my side ofthe agreement.

I have gotten creaped out by a Patrol Car in the Hotel Lot.  I pulled away & went to the coffee shop down the street & called her.  She was fine...  just stepped up Police Patrols.  So I got instuctions on a different approach to use & returned Police was gone...  we had a good time

And you have serious doubts or you would not be here asking us listen to your own gut and pass this one by.  

Okay just read down further that you actually saw him and he sounded like a nightmare on stilts...or a dipshit. I hope he paid you or did the twit just stand there continually arguing it was you in the squad car?

-- Modified on 8/11/2015 8:34:26 PM

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