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++ Incalls to her location
harborview 10 Reviews 289 reads

Booking a room just to meet is risky for either party.  
Early on a few times...  we met at a nearby coffee shop...  in one case, I didn't even get my car shut off before she hopping in with me!  In a couple of cases I was unfamiliar with the maze of one way streets...  went to her place from there.  In another case, I waited outside while she went in & booked a room.  (NOT discrete...  surely the management was complicit!)   At least we were both there & ready.

Hey all!

Had a bad experience for my first time, just wanted to spell it out and get some answers to some likeminded individuals. I'm completely new to the game, no real references, but have gone through a few "checks", but no luck with a meeting yet. So I email this highly rated gal in PHX and ask if I can set something up. She says sure, give me x, x, and x forms of ID. I give her those, and more trying to make her comfortable with me. She says great! Here's the time, go get a hotel, I'll be there. So I rent the room, send her the confirmation, and says meet in the lobby, I go down, and she sends a text and says, this place is too shady, I'm out. The hotel wasn't great, but it wasn't in a terrible part of town, and she OKed the hotel (as in I actually asked her, sent the hotel name and address). Ok, I get it, you need to protect yourself, she says, get a new hotel, and I'll meet you later that day. I say stupidly say OK, and get a new hotel in another area that she selects, and she bails on the meeting again. I say, well, fuck, I'm out $300 and I didn't even get a public meeting. So I go home that night, thinking, well, I have the room til 12 tomorrow, why not give it one more go. I send her another form of ID without her asking, and a recent photo, and she says, OK, let's meet at 10:30 the next morning. That time rolls around and she's sick. T.T

I know things happen, and shit happens, but does this happen often? I mean, she's a 30+ reviewed lady, all very high scores, and I'm out ~$300 for no good reason at all. Do I have any recourse, as in can I write a review? I don't really want to out someone, but that's pretty poor service in my opinion. If she didn't feel safe, move on, don't lead me on with promises if you go to a different hotel that'll make it all better, and then back out again. What would you do?

She sounds like one sadistic brute to put you through all this.

You can not write a review as you never met her.  You can spill the beans on the Phoenix Board, however.  She should get lambasted for this kind of behavior.

Next time, stick to in-calls so you're not out hotel money.

Sorry you had to go through this.

Posted on my regional board and the reviewers only board.  Did not mention her name, but told folks to PM me if they wanted her name.  

That's what I suggest you do.


After the first cancelation, call someone else.  Explain the situation & see if you can get a taker.  The cost is one reason I prefer INCALLs to here location.

I would have just called another girl after the 2nd incident.  Repeat offenders offend for a reason: because some people are beyond reason and simply BSC.  

First one that falls through,  I'd give the benefit of the doubt but 2nd,  I'd be pretty fcking pissed.  Did she even contact you to explain why?  

Check out the DC board btw.  A guy was stood up and he posted on three boards warning other guys about a girl who no showed.  This girl has stellar reviews nonetheless and some guys booked her after seeing the "proceed with caution"  post.  One dude even said he enjoys being stood up.  lmao.  

I guess this proves there's no such thing as bad publicity.  Some guys are too desperate and spineless, they'll put up with anything and worship a pretty girl even if she shits all over them.

Who will appreciate you and treat you with the respect and courtesy that you deserve :))

I appreciate all the answers guys. I ended up having a good time somewhere else. I'll put a post up on the regional board like some mentioned, but won't post a name. As I mentioned in my first few sentences, maybe I'm just too new for her, but I'd at least want to make sure that anyone in my shoes knows what to expect.


but don't make excuses for her - not very nice what she did.
But learn from it.
The two most important words for a newbie to learn are "move on."
This is not easy at first, because when you start this hobby it is easy to get fixated on a particular lady, or to take things personally, or wonder what you may have done wrong in a particular situation. You really amost have to reprogram your mind a little.  Outside of this hobby, you may have a fantasy fixation and it doesn't really matter.  But in this world, fixation gets in the way of good judgement and retaining your personal dignity.

Treat ladies with respect AND expect the same in return

Do you have Pay Pal? You can send her a "BILL". Just go in and fill it out (giving reasons why on the bill...I'd line item each and don't forget your mileage either.  

If she fails to pay you back. You can send her to collections then. Still don't mean she'll pay ya,  but most people will at least work something out (maybe meet you 1/2 way) instead of dinging her credit.  

Worth a try.

Booking a room just to meet is risky for either party.  
Early on a few times...  we met at a nearby coffee shop...  in one case, I didn't even get my car shut off before she hopping in with me!  In a couple of cases I was unfamiliar with the maze of one way streets...  went to her place from there.  In another case, I waited outside while she went in & booked a room.  (NOT discrete...  surely the management was complicit!)   At least we were both there & ready.

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