New York

Vivienne Cole See my TER Reviews 204 reads

My last line was a nod to it, not plagiarism ;

There is a new show on STARZ called The Girlfriend Experience. Has anyone seen it? What are your thoughts?

hmm it's entertaining but it's just a bit overly glamorous imho. An easy watch, but nothing to rave about.

(I posted this to Boston, first.)

I read a comment on another website that said it was pretty bad and unrealistic.  
If you are watching with others and notice some problems, control yourself and don't blurt out, "THAT'S not how it works, you take the empty envelope with you and never leave used condoms in the trash cans! ... No, no, no ... I never do it THAT way, you should always do it THIS way!"  
"I mean, I read someplace that it isn't done that way!  I love to read, you know."  

Posted By: sultriesam
There is a new show on STARZ called The Girlfriend Experience. Has anyone seen it? What are your thoughts?
Old story:
HS Bio teacher: Semen is substantially protein.
Student raises hand.
HS Bio teacher: Yes, Mary?
Mary: Then why does it taste so salty?
Mary turns purple as other students react.

The experience depicted gave off the expression of disapproval in a macro sense, and I had to tune out.  Totally inconsistent with my experiences in this game...

The NY Times has a good review.
I didn't think it was very good.  Steven Soderbergh has his name attached to this, but he's not really involved. He made an art house film in 2009 called The Girlfriend Experience, starring porn star Sasha Grey. The movie was boring, amateurish, and Sasha Grey is a terrible actress. This is not much better. These girls are sour pusses. No charm, no personality. Definitely not GFE girls.
If you want to see something that really nails the hobby, check out "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" from England. This could be a how to guide to any newbies. It's mostly played for laughs, but there are some serious moments too. They even had an episode about bad reviews. "Like restaurants and movies, escorts live and die on their reviews."

Thank you for the reply. I watched "The Secret Diary of a Call Girl" and thought it was very well made, seeing how it was written by an ex-call girl. It was witty, funny, light, and easy to watch without the excessive glamorization of the industry. Anyway, I guess I will not even try watching "The Girlfriend Experience" with all said!

Totally agree. I hate how so many movies depict super sexually active women as soulless robots filling a void.  
Like there's no conceivable reason any woman would enjoy copious amounts of sex unless she was dead inside?
The Girlfriend Experience movie, now the TV show, Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac...
The girls on this show are basically at each other the whole way through, and then there's the predictable "Am I a sociopath?" conversation. Boring.  

Belle from Secret Diary of a Call Girl was definitely a better character - would be ideal if a something would come out that combined the budget and style of The GFE with Belle's self assured, non manic depressive vibe!  

All that said, like any good ho I'm a sucker for floor to ceiling glass windows, modern hotels, and fancy stemware, so I'll inevitably finish the series before the end of the weekend

Sounds like you read the Times review. They were also enamored with all the glass....

My last line was a nod to it, not plagiarism ;

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