New York

GRL.I. 11 Reviews 849 reads

This Person was playing with you and never intended to see you, I don't think it's unfair at all to black list him,  after  all do you think he is thinking at all how much he inconvenienced you? I think inconveniencing him is the very least you can do. just my 02...

I want to know if I am being unreasonable or does this person really have a problem...  

Someone e-mailed me today at about 10:30 am for an appointment and we agreed tonight would work. After verification I got friendlier and he started requesting for a specific out fit he saw on my website. Not uncommon, however, I told him it wouldn't be possible as I will not be going home before I meet him in the hotel later. By then he had e-mailed me at least 10 times. Then I got an e-mail from him that he was taken back by my rate and wanted for do only an hour only in NYC. We worked it out. Another 10 or so e-mails gone by he started asking about explicit things about our session. I got uncomfortable and refereed him to read I told him I don't want to see him anymore. Then he begged for forgiveness and promised no more questions. Another 10 or so e-mails gone by. Finally I booked the hotel. An hour later he said he will not be able to make it tonight as he will have to work late. Having booked the hotel already, he know that I will loss out. Also, as a girl with a day job, I ended up e-mailed him over 50 times today. I think this is an unnecessary emotion drag and other girls should know about this guy. What do you think?

deadagain51038 reads

It sounds like two clueless newbies or two time wasters gaming each other. You should have a mentor or a scheduler.

OMG man!!! Why are you bashing the girl????? regardless if  she is new or not handing her appointments they way YOU see fit, why would she blacklist herself?  May be we should all aspire to be as professional as you are my friend..

deadagain5798 reads

And maybe you will get blacklisted by the provider who you were cross examining above. Make up your mind.

Its not her fault at all , lately clients are asking for more and more including selfie photos . yesss black list the jerk. he is inconsiderate

Because when girls DONT respond, its "she's high volume" but when she emails a hobbyist back she's a newbie? I think not.  

I would blacklist him, seems he knew what he was doing from the start, this is why i don't usually do email appt or text... u can totally tell when speaking to someone how serious or not they really really are.

deadagain5686 reads

It is "you're" or "you are", and "Dummy". Will you take a few phonics books as tips?  

Posted By: JadaMonroe
Because when girls DONT respond, its "she's high volume" but when she emails a hobbyist back she's a newbie? I think not.  
 I would blacklist him, seems he knew what he was doing from the start, this is why i don't usually do email appt or text... u can totally tell when speaking to someone how serious or not they really really are.


I think she was playing on "newbie" with "dumby". Lighten up a bit.

our = ownership... which equals YOU being  the owner of dummy ... award will be given.

did u want to spell check the letter "u" for "you" too? ... who cares.. bottom-line your responses=pointless. Your the type to do what the guy did and not even cancel but don't want the girl to Blacklist you

 thanks for the USE hmm...-LESS grammar lesson when i know what "you're" (you are) and "your" is... i used YOUR correctly :) You own stupidity

Send him a polite email asking him to refund the hotel cost, allow him 48 hours to respond, if he doesn't then send it again and wait another 48 hours.

Considering he took up most of your time today with his emailing you he should reply back to you within 24 hours to be honest.

If he is an honorable guy then he will have no problem refunding you.

If you don't hear back from him then yes, blacklist him.   None of his references flagged him as being a time waster so this could be a legit one off.

Unfortunately the time you spent corresponding with him is a loss.

I hope things get resolved

This Person was playing with you and never intended to see you, I don't think it's unfair at all to black list him,  after  all do you think he is thinking at all how much he inconvenienced you? I think inconveniencing him is the very least you can do. just my 02...

No, I don't think you're being unreasonable at all.  If it was me, I would have stopped replying to him when he started getting explicit and then begging for forgiveness.  You don't need the headache from guys like this one.  If he acts like this during pre-screening, what is he going to be like when you meet him?  

But then, looking at your pix on your website, who could stand you up!  You're a hottie!

JackDunphy728 reads

You should have cut off communication with him much earlier. Put him on your DNS, fine. But BL the guy? Negative!  

The BL should be for physical abuse and/or threats or stiffing you your fee not for him just jerking you around by email. That makes him immature or childish but not dangerous.

Chalk this one off as inexperience and move on.

Two things I need to improve.  

1. Be better on verification before I communicate with the client. (I still don't believe in communicating thought an assistant.)
2. Just trust my instinct.  

On the plus side. I had a WONDERFUL time with another friend here in NY last night

deadagain5718 reads

Good for you! Responses are not always what you want to hear but you are new and learning the ropes. Threatening to blacklist will scare a lot of us away. There are enough trigger happy providers already. Hit the newbie board. You can learn much there

Hi. I have a good feeling about you. I think you are making the common mistakes of most new girls. We all did these mistakes. When you have a good heart and are assuming the best out of people, it can come to a bit of a shock when a man acts this way. I think somewhere along the way, you start to really trust your instincts and see the signs of who might be a messer and who is serious. You will see in the emails, the way they speak with you, who you're going to have issues with and who will be a delight to see. To never be jaded, you must really filter and not give any time to the time wasters. You really will see the red flag at the beginning. A little flag always grows to a big flag. There are rarely any real surprises. I personally wouldnt black list this guy. He's obviously a typical time waster. Most girls can see the signs right away. I take blacklisting pretty serious, and would only do it for the violent really crazy men. You're new, and I think you'll learn from these experiences. Your website is very classy and you will attract the nice professional gentlemen. See how they treat you and use that as your base on how you want to be treated and spoken to. You have the right to decide on how you will be treated by men. I know so many girls think about the money and go ahead and see someone who they dont like. But I could never do that anymore. I like there to be a friendly lovely encounter where both of us are happy with the date and time we spent together. So a few pointers are, look for red flags at the start and then dont go further if you feel one is raised. Never stop your life on a guess of a date. Be sure it is confirmed before changing your plans. Never book a hotel room for one person unless you have either seen them before, or they have given a deposit or something that really assures you that they are serious. It's common for ladies to get angry and become sad or jaded in this industry. I can see you are sweet and kind hearted. Dont let ourself get jaded or angry. Stay sweet and trusting. Just be wise, clever, alert and never be a fool. Never think of money first. Always think of getting the best result and enhancing the goodness in your life. Greed, selfishness, anger will never make us better people in any way. Keep yourself a loving good person no matter what. Forgive and let go. These really can be a part of this adult world. It's a challenge, but it can be accomplished and you will be so happy as a result of never losing heart or spirit. Its all about watching the flags and not putting yourself in a situation to be disrespected or treated badly. Its ok to say No to someone. You are allowed to say no. I think many girls fear to say no. If you dont have a good feeling about someone, just say no.

Lots of love. Stay safe. Stay wise, Keep a good heart. And I would let this go and not black list him honestly. Just learn from it and dont let it happen again next time.

-- Modified on 3/25/2014 7:50:58 PM

I actually think that this is the best post of the many made here, and I think that Cameo gave excellent advice and made an accurate assessment of the guy you were thinking about blacklisting. I'd make Cameo a friend and exchange PMs with her for her advice. I know that the girls are competitors, but they should be able to help each other out. As they say, it is the hard lessons that are learned the best.

Back_In_Black564 reads

Want to blacklist a guy you were sexting ? Huh u sure this is the right line of work for you ...

Unreal ! Get a booking agent ....;)...

Posted By: SexyNYLibrarian
I want to know if I am being unreasonable or does this person really have a problem...  
 Someone e-mailed me today at about 10:30 am for an appointment and we agreed tonight would work. After verification I got friendlier and he started requesting for a specific out fit he saw on my website. Not uncommon, however, I told him it wouldn't be possible as I will not be going home before I meet him in the hotel later. By then he had e-mailed me at least 10 times. Then I got an e-mail from him that he was taken back by my rate and wanted for do only an hour only in NYC. We worked it out. Another 10 or so e-mails gone by he started asking about explicit things about our session. I got uncomfortable and refereed him to read I told him I don't want to see him anymore. Then he begged for forgiveness and promised no more questions. Another 10 or so e-mails gone by. Finally I booked the hotel. An hour later he said he will not be able to make it tonight as he will have to work late. Having booked the hotel already, he know that I will loss out. Also, as a girl with a day job, I ended up e-mailed him over 50 times today. I think this is an unnecessary emotion drag and other girls should know about this guy. What do you think?

Full of "expert" opinions, just like before. Where's your credibility in all this? Any reviews? Any actual experience? Lots of criticism, but no evidence of action.

Back_In_Black505 reads

Will turn away guys ... as for my reviews I have them however they are of no use to you as the ladies I see are way out of your league ! LoL...;)..

Yes she has 2 brand new reviews and spent way to much time with this man ! She definitely needs to figure out how to do this better ....oh and go fuck yourself ....;)....

Posted By: BK57
Full of "expert" opinions, just like before. Where's your credibility in all this? Any reviews? Any actual experience? Lots of criticism, but no evidence of action.

with the girls out of my league. Those of us in the cheap seats are dying to know what a hot shot stud you are.

Back_In_Black581 reads

Flattering but your not
My type .......! LOL......;)....

Posted By: BK57
with the girls out of my league. Those of us in the cheap seats are dying to know what a hot shot stud you are.

Back_In_Black479 reads

And trust me girls are shaking their heads at your dumbass responses ....;)....yup got 2 PMS already about you ..

Aldos getting to you ....;) I right ?

Back_In_Black698 reads

Here and hits the newbie board also the sound advice of the lovely ms.davette and goes on the po board for help and advice ...! Have a nice day bro..

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