New York

This is the great thing about the hobby, you can find exactly what you want!teeth_smile
LeslieAwnwoodxxx See my TER Reviews 335 reads


Just noting an observation that I made recently.  

I know that NYC is a "survival of the fittest" type of city. It certainly is not for the faint of heart.  

Can't help, but make the connection that in industries where self-branding and being resilient gets you to the top of the ladder...those men are generally more well endowed also.  

Maybe I'm on to something.

That begs the question:
Does having a bigger stick correlate with success? Success may not be the best word here, because there are successful men everywhere. However there is a certain something required to make it in NYC. If you come up with the word, please replace "success" with it. My brain is fried tonight and I can't put my finger to it.

I'd like the ladies to chime in on this one because I may just be attracting well endowed men when I visit NYC. If you don't mind, can you share your observation.  

Note: by well endowed - I mean I'm almost always using the mid size cover or larger when I visit. Hardly ever the small size. The gents I've experienced have above average girth or length or both.

Agree. I'm thinking your observation is spot on. I, myself, am below average in length and girth (which leads me to getting annoyed when ladies I see compliment me on "it". I know they are trying to be nice but it's obviously a fake compliment as I know where I stand.  And the over-the-top fake moans during intercourse? No way my penis makes them feel that good hahahaha. But I degress). I was in a group party fairly recently and was out sized by all the other guys there if I remember right. I'm also not very successful - barely scrap by here. I don't think being hung means you will be successful, but if you are then you absolutely have more confidence in yourself which can lead to being more confident at work, at the gym, with ladies etc. And since guys that hobby tend to have above average incomes (especially in NYC) Id say the odds favor them being confident in themselves and are hung. I would also suspect that guys who are well endowed want to show it off more so will have more partners and hobby more. I'm sure there will be many who refute your observation but they won't be able to convince me otherwise.

I tell women who have smaller breasts that larger isn't always better and the same applies to men down in that area.  

There are spots that non-large sizes can work better than others and vice versa. I personally enjoy the variety and do not consistently crave one size.  

The saying, "its not the size of the boat, but the motion in the ocean" couldn't be more true.

I have considered that as well Jordan and here my thoughts:

Almost every provider says that size doesn't matter. Of course there are size queens and others because of how their particular body is built really can't take more than xx size.  However I would provide these 2 counter-points: 1) it makes complete business sense to say it doesn't matter knowing that so many men are worried about size (obviously myself included) so you need to make us feel more comfortable which I totally get and is appreciated on our end by most guys..however it's hard for me to believe any lady that says that for this reason, and 2) I'm sure most women don't want to constantly get pounded with large units whether they see 2 or 6 clients a day, so I'm sure just from a physical comfort perspective smaller is better than larger the majority of the time - so this is why most say variety is good. From women I've talked to outside the hobby the majority of them say they prefer above average which makes sense if you are having intercourse several time a week so you don't have to worry about being sore and can feel more full-filled if you will lol.

As far as the comparison between breasts and unit size, I would counter that breasts aren't needed for intercourse so size is less of an issue. Yes absolutely they are an erogenous zone and a turn-on for both sides, and yes other things like oral (both ways) are important. But for the actual act a guy's size plays more of a factor.

I guess my last point would be how society normally portrays men and how women instinctually desire men. Again, under most circumstances women are turned on by men being men -  confident, rugged, powerful, hard to get, bad boy being hung like an 8 year old boy doesn't really come to mind in this scenario haha.

100% sure unit size doesn't matter in the long run, but to have the choice between 2 exactly the same ppl, most women ai feel would desire the one who is more endowed.

batmanbegins338 reads

If you say "women outside" then you must be talking about fat women cause a woman that needs a big one is going to be a fat woman.  
If you think breasts are not needed for sex, then you have some issues cause you failed anatomy.  And you sound too much of a mangina.

I was waiting for that response...obviously you read too quick and didn't get what I was trying to state.

As we say "

" time to be taken from mothers breasts and get some P**S*Y"
 said that nation do admit - that man who can not get our of breats sizse and  need big ones- are just babies and  and in fact never become true men  

  Adult man - it is one  who s head feels hormones of P**ssY " at list it is what we nation wise we have in ,my country - men  looking under the skirt more then on breasts .. breats can be fake .. right??
 But how to fake vagina and hormons ??
 Breast is JUDST WOMEN are worry abotu if they have big or little .. men care about pussy ..

Really it depends on my mood because size doesn't matter.  

I don't use toys during appointments and only use them for my own "at home in the mood and I'm single" pleasure.

That said, size really doesn't matter when the only goal in mind is an orgasm

Jordan you are correct and I very much agree, what's in that New York water?? lol

Franchesca - if you find what is in the water, or where this water is, please let me know. I'll pay top dollar and then some for it lol

You're absolutely correct, NY is not for the faint of heart and survival of the fittest certainly describes living there.  I was born and raised in NY and have since relocated.

I think the other respondent may be on to something, maybe it is the water. Some of it might be genetics, after all NY is a melting pot of ethnicities.  I say this only because of some of the comments I've received from the ladies I've seen, which I won't elaborate on

Which town has the smallest dicks?

-- Modified on 4/22/2015 8:56:50 AM

sayswho456 reads

Frushing? Just a guess

Posted By: bdb6
Which town has the smallest dicks?

-- Modified on 4/22/2015 8:56:50 AM

Posted By: sayswho
 Frushing? Just a guess  
Posted By: bdb6
Which town has the smallest dicks?  
 -- Modified on 4/22/2015 8:56:50 AM
-- Modified on 4/22/2015 10:43:50 AM

sayswho349 reads

I am part Asian actually and it was a joke based on your question . SO no the Asian isn't racist .

Amongst NYC gents, I just happen to notice a trend on the above average side.

Not saying that tall men are well endowed, simply that I would not be surprised if you could make a correlation between equipment size and success.    In the end, success comes from perseverance and confidence.    Now that I think about it, I missed the boat on both height and equipment, that explains a lot!  Half joking, but really anything that gives a person confidence will contribute to success. some of the most "corn-fed" places like Nebraska and Iowa lol. Forget a BBC .... whole lot of BWC there ha!  I dunno if big(ger) wallet equals big(ger) dick tho.

From my experience the smaller the breasts the better the blowjob.
Not a 100% rule but a good generalization from my trysts.

Posted By: Jordan_Carter
Just noting an observation that I made recently.  
 I know that NYC is a "survival of the fittest" type of city. It certainly is not for the faint of heart.  
 Can't help, but make the connection that in industries where self-branding and being resilient gets you to the top of the ladder...those men are generally more well endowed also.  
 Maybe I'm on to something.  
 That begs the question:  
 Does having a bigger stick correlate with success? Success may not be the best word here, because there are successful men everywhere. However there is a certain something required to make it in NYC. If you come up with the word, please replace "success" with it. My brain is fried tonight and I can't put my finger to it.  
 I'd like the ladies to chime in on this one because I may just be attracting well endowed men when I visit NYC. If you don't mind, can you share your observation.  
 Note: by well endowed - I mean I'm almost always using the mid size cover or larger when I visit. Hardly ever the small size. The gents I've experienced have above average girth or length or both.

sayswho337 reads

This is 100% true . Skinny girls have more space and less pillow filling that space . I recall a Dr wanting to change the size of a certain diaphragm on a certain someone when they lost weight . Of course the build of the area to begin with without weight or with is also a determining factor . But if a girl gains or loses the diaphragm size changes because the internal space changes as well.

...very successful men that aren't extremely well endowed in NYC, so I'm not sure, I've had lots of fun with both!  

I hope men can know, that aren't well endowed, it isn't all about that, Its perspective, am I right? The thing that gets me going is "technique" and a connection.  

Hope I don't sound offensive, I rarely post and wanted to give my take.

Regardless of a guy's endowment, success equates to confidence.  When you're confident, that transcends to all aspects of life.  

I share the same thought as you, great experiences happen when there is chemistry and when a guy has good "technique" Both of those equate to both parties having fun

then and "technique" can be  improved:)

God created Adam  with good technique
 but till he  gave him soul it was just a  dead doll

 OOORR dear gentlemen .. you are with you technique and size cock make me soooo upset...
 I do love men and  am the best lover  possible to find in states( at list what men all say as once and even those who have and tons of providers and  tons of wives and tons of lovers)
 yet .. I am alive woman not mechanical .. and it make me very very very sas to read and hear about technique in kissing, in sex, fackability, inches.. and dollars per hour ..

And it is why i rather will spend all eve or all night with true gentlemen not counting hours..  

 Mind is the biggest sex organ
 The rest is skill
 What you for donating?

 For the skill I guess .. it is  as technical training and blue collar level  
 Who is there heart from the gold level??
 PHD and in feelings and love feeling?
 I am.

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