New York

The Birds - Seagulls at the Phone Booth scene
impposter 49 Reviews 132 reads

You should watch the complete movie, Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.

Dr35389 reads

Any ladies on LI this afternoon or evening?

Last day we went to the beach .. and I took such with us .. and it was in the paper bag  firmly packed .. not as it was all left open .. what was my surprise to see how seagulls vandalizing my sushi and  there is  a fiesta  over under our umbrella and may be 20 +  seagulls ..
 Oh  well.. I love birds but those were just obnoxious.. can not believe  they found food  even in firm  closed bag..

I am on long island am pretty often ..  when driving  to Hampton always stopping at Greek islands :)
 Love Mediterranean  food and sea  by the way, never saw so aggressive and hungry seagulls as on Hampton beach .. what is a deal with them there ??!!

If company is right.

In the city, pigeons are often called "rats with wings" because they are so ubiquitous. At least they aren't too aggressive.  

Along the sea coast and aboard ships, seagulls are the "rats with wings" or "rats of the sea". They are excellent scavengers. In my experience, they aren't too aggressive (can almost feed them from your hand, if careful), but I wonder what would happen if they did get aggressive.

It'd be Hitckcock's "The Birds" in real life

id they will eat alive a person to was buried to the sand totally??!!  
They were soon smart .. then , after they ate all our sushi they still were hanging around.. many of them.. and what is interesting they understood human language !! As soon as I just say them go away and just looked - they immediately tuned around and walked away .. so stating birds.. I saw them always .. yet just now I took a close look at them...
I bet they can be very aggressive and scary - goos that they do not know that we may be scarred of them.. I was  a bit scarred .. thanks I was not alone. Next time I will take a gun with me... hahah

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