New York

Anon67 4852 reads

Does female ejaculation really exist or is this a sexual urban legend?  Would appriciate hearing from anyone who has had an experience with a provider that has this unique talent as I am curious about this.

Almost all women can be made to squirt...

Posted by loverofwomen , 5/25/2003 4:43:49 AM

The fluid comes from a series of glands known as Skene's Paraurethral Glands, which is a network of glands, ducts, and nerves that surround the urethra, and run to the neck of the bladder.  These structures develop in women from the same embryonic tissue that becomes the prostate in men.

Squirting produces a clear, or faintly milky liquid that's all but tasteless, and has a kind of silky texture.  It's NOT urine, but it comes from the urethra.

Squirting usually accompanies a VERY intense orgasm in women with a high threshold for squirting, and more often in women who are either very orgasmic, or have a lower threshold.

An orgasm produced by manipulation of Grafenburg's Ganglia (or G-spot), is all but always intense enough to cause squirting, but the two phenomena are actually unrelated.  Most women can be made to squirt with any orgasm of sufficient intensity.

I love making a woman squirt, and usually try to get as much in my mouth as I can.  I like to produce a combined orgasm by manipulating the G-spot, while stimulating the clitoris and other structures associated with the vaginal area.  That reminds me.  I have to get more tickets today.  Without giving each girl a number, fights break out on line. (grin)

should have read this before I posted lol You explained it in a nutshell! Thats the best description I've heard yet thankyou.

sigh I'm in love........rates?

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 8:32:45 AM

my clitorial orgasm is very much like a guy orgasm, full of spams.
The G-spot one is like opening a faucet, it flows...and the sensation is totally different from a clitorial like riding waves or clouds when everything pours out of me. I'm drained and exhausted after, unable to move. I guess is different from women to women? Sam, how is yours?

I usually start to shake. When my thighs  start quivering  and I start cursing you know it cumming lol
But when I have a full body climax that is easier for me to reach with a vibrator directly on my clit I get the riding waves  thing you mention,it usually lasts for a few sconds but when I'm "there" it feels like forever. Usually there's a bearing down sensation and afterwards I'm quite flushed and usually quite sweaty too lol
I guess it's similar to what a man experiences when he's cumming after the initial burst, thats why I usually stay "down there" on a guy long after he is done orgasming I know the sensation lasts longer than just the body fluids take to get out sometimes.
I've heard you have a few "techniques" of your own that makes the men howl. lol

I actually got wet reading this thread.  I've been able to squirt since I first had sex at 18...on my!  It doesn't always happen, but with my SO, it happens quite often.

I have to get really aroused to come close, and the odd thing added to this, is that I don't particularly like clitoral stimulation...It tends to annoy me.  I am almost fully aroused solely by manipulation of the area around my vagina/lips/anus...

I do have one review where I ejaculated all over my client's face, and that has not happened to this day...I don't believe I've ever had a clitoral orgasm..mine are always strong, and they always feel like a tsunami is rolling

loverofmen, you have definitely got some skills...I'm going to have to come to NY, and see if I can add to your already extensive knowledge of the female anatomy....;-)

Sexy Sofia Danila in Atlanta

for a clitorial orgasm, I prefer either be on top or doggie using a small vibrator hoovering over my clit and the guy moving slow without changing his speed. After I cum he can explode banging thr shit out of me, I don't care, for the squirting, I don't like clit stimulation, you're right is kind of annoying. I just need the fingers rubbing the spot also slowly and in a constant motion or a certain position with only the tip of the head of a guys dick doing the same.
Damn....I'm hot & sweatin' here too...Where Is My DC Guy right now????? lololol Thank God I will be in Baltimore next week, I'm in a real need of a complete drainage :)

with me, doesn't happen with every guy because I need the right stimulation to trigger the flow :)~~~  I have one guy, who drives all the way from DC to meet me once a month. He loves it and knows exactly how to get me going. When I'm scheduled to meet him, I have to get extra paddings and lots of sheets because there is not one single dry spot in the bed after we're done. A woman needs to be very sexual and feel comfortable with her body to experiment with her G-Spot. I'm glad I found mine, it's a wonderful feeling.

Anon673082 reads

Could you teach me?  ;)

Wow Betty I remember this conversation else where lol

Squirting is quite real. There is a difference imo for a female  between a reg orgasm and a full body climax that for me if I'm very very excited included a small amount of clear liquid that is released from a small sac under the urethra which is part of the g-spot. (A Doc, might be able to explain the inside anatomy better than me, I'm better with the stuff that sticks out lol) I've heard and seen girls squirt a few inches, first time it happened I thought I peed myself lol but after careful inspection and seeing it happen to others I see that it is just a response our bodies have. I'm assuming the reason nature intended for it was to help with fertilization by luricating the vaginal canal and surrounding areas.
I happen to be a gusher and have many a night had to sleep on the wet spot (my wet spot) it takes for me to be relaxed and comfotable with my partner for this to be able to happen.
my 2 cents

It seemed to help out a number of people.

This next post is self-explanatory.  I'm afraid it reads a bit like Gray's Anatomy, but...

Posted by loverofwomen , 5/26/2003 6:48:37 AM

Grafenburg's ganglia (or G-Spot) is not a myth.  It exists on all women, and it's primary function is thought to mitigate pain during childbirth.  

When properly stimulated, the G-Spot can produce a different type of orgasm from those produced by clitoral, or vaginal stimulation.  These G-Spot orgasms have been described to me as not only more intense than the other two, but also as having a deeper, whole-body quality, as well as having the potential (when done properly) of lasting well over a minute.  

In addition, G-Spot stimulation can be combined with stimulation of the clitoris, and/or anus to produce a combined, or blended orgasm.  These little beauties have the differing qualities and intensities of each type, all combined.  This is a good way to make lots of new friends.

It's not uncommon for a woman who's had a blended orgasm to pass out for as long as ten seconds (the French call it, "the little death").  This scared the hell out of me the first time it happened.  I also keep facial tissues by both sides of my bed, because I've made several ladies cry.  It's a reaction to the intensity of the release.

One should also be prepared for squirting (see my earlier post on Skene's paraurethral glands).

The G-Spot is located along the upper vaginal wall, behind the pubic bone.  It's (isn't evolution wonderful?) about a finger's distance in.  At that position, the vagina opens out, and forms a notch above and behind the bone.  If you feel around in there, you'll find a spot that feels a little like the roof of your mouth.  Just beyond that area, is a soft, smooth surface.  That's the general location of the G-Spot.

The G-Spot, of course, isn't in exactly the same place in all women, and as always, each woman reacts differently.  Unlike stimulating the clitoris, one should avoid stimulating the G-Spot until the woman is already fully aroused.  Stimulating the G-Spot too early can be unpleasant.  And initially, the pressure exerted should be very gentle.

As far as pregnancy's concerned, AngelStar's right.  The fluid produced at the tip of the penis during early arousal can contain over ten times the density of sperm as is contained in semen.  Moreover, simply contacting the moistened opening of the vagina or labia minora while producing this, "pre-cum," can distribute enough sperm to ensure at least one reaches the ovum.  These little guys can travel all the way into, and through the vagina, through the cervix and uterus, and up into the fallopian tubes before they die.

What's even more disturbing (for those wishing to avoid pregnancy) is sperm cells can live up to five days inside a woman.  So, even if she's not ovulating at the time of insertion, a woman can still get pregnant under the right (or wrong) circumstances.

I hope this has been helpful.  I imagine, right now, having a nun in the family isn't looking too bad.
Posted by loverofwomen  , 5/2/2004 3:42:06 PM

I've had very few guests who've forbidden the insertion of a finger or two into their vaginas.  Of course, some level of trust must be devloped first.  But, when done correctly, the results can be very gratifying.

This post was in reply to an original post discussing the ABCs of cunnilingus:

It's all in the wrist...
Posted by loverofwomen , 5/2/2003 9:16:03 AM  [Go to loverofwomen's Reviews]

I usually position my love du jur on her back with her hips on a thick pillow.  I then have easy access to everything from her anus up.  Once I have the major and minor labia nicely engorged, and lubrication running well, I move my attention to the clit, and ease my index and middle fingers into her vagina, with my palm up.  My chin fits into the heal of my palm, and my pinky can be eased into the anus.

My hand can then be moved gently in and out, providing stimulation to both the vagina and anus.  I also move my index and middle fingers back and forth.  This technique can be used to provide direct stimulation to the G spot.

When I wish to move away from the clit, I simply rotate my forearm down, so my hand and arm are positioned as if I were carrying a pocketbook.  This allows access to the delicate area between the clit and the vagina.  

Of course, I remove my hand when I wish to rotate through areas other than the clit, and its immediate area.

I can, and have, maintained this position for periods longer than an hour, and even then, have only stopped at the request of the object of my affection, not because I'm tried or uncomfortable.

Naturally, these techniques must be modified from lady to lady.  Oddly enough, some prefer no fingers in their vagina, claiming it's a distraction.  Others say the three finger approach makes all the difference.

I'm nothing if not flexible.

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 10:56:55 AM

My webmaster is working my putting my July schedule on my site and I've decided to mix things up a bit this month. I'll be giving Stamford a try the begining of the month and have actually planned on coming to NYC the last week of the month. For both occasions I'll be using an opscale hotel.  Anyone on my list will get my monthly e-mail probably tomorrow.
Hows that for supply and demand? You demand it and I'll supply it!

followme3327 reads

The Educational Reader

Thank you

Hello there Honey
I can speak on this as well,I have on many dates
have had femail ejactulation.
No it is a fact i have in the last month on

First one when I had my first three girl
gettogether in Las Vegas xoxox
The ladies were Nikki Avalon and Gemini Starr
and a good friend. With that I lost the fountain in the
excitement xoxo the rest you'll have to email me LOL

I had thought of this for the longest time....
Call it my fantacies being forfilled.
BTW we do have pics I'm waiting for xoxo

Also recently myself and 5 other ladies and a male friend
got toether a few days ago..
That was my second fantacy with girls and a guy!!!

But better yet this time it was me Starr of N.C. Gemini
Starr, Arelie Bloom ,Lesley warren and Drew ofTaylors
Well Drew and my self were getting to know eachother
And my good ness it was spectacular all over her she had
experienced that before oxo
BTW It happened 3times in a hour or so...

It is a fact I live it and my goodness i think I should teach
my lady friends they want to know how....
All I can say is that it takes you to a place that will go
beyond your wildest dreams xoxo
I could say more but, those ladies who have been there
you know what I mean..xoxo Be Well Baby
alana allure xoxoxo

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