New York

Sorry this happened to yousad_smile
SerenaVincente See my TER Reviews 831 reads


I'm sooooo pisst off; because I refused to see a loser. I get a awful review by someone I've NEVER seen. How could this happen.  Is this guy so mad at me because I refused to see him he chooses to write a LIE about me
. Everyone who has met me knows based on his reviews everything he had said about me was a LIE. LIE LIE

I smell like flowers and if I could eat myself out I would because I smell damn freaking good, I'm not a clock watcher nor do I look at my phone (since I find it disrespectful) I'm never tardy. I don't use towels to clean people off. I use babywipes.... Ughhhhhhhh I'm so mad

Why do people do this?

From a guy's perspective... No one cares about one bad review unless it's the only review or one of two or three and the others seem like shill reviews. Sorry that happened to you. People are assholes. People take things way too personally.

That makes me feel a lot better.  I couldn't sleep well thinking about this
Thanks alo

Look, I had the same problem with Tara Verve, she let me know that after reviewing my 14 reviews that she will not see me because my reviews are too long and detailed. I sent her an email back explaining that only 2 or 3 are bad and everything else is 9/10, 10/9 but she doesn't respond, so clients should know that providers are watching their numbers and restrict their clients to those who only give 9/10, 10/9 reviews. Why didn't you just see this client and prove your metal? A lot of what goes on on this site is caveat emptor, girls with consistently high reviews are probably awesome but you should check their reviewers to see if they are genuine and occasionally give an expected negative review. It would help if TER rated the average reviewer's scores and not just the provider's.

So true! Won't name names but gave a reference for a well known provider with amazing reviews in NYC area. She refused to see my client because he rated other women too lowly in her eyes ( yet he gave me and 8/9...)

Always do your research

She obviously felt uncomfortable for whatever reason and chose not to see him. People have to trust their instincts.

Must be a bogus review. How is this allowed to happen?

I have seen Mya many times.  She never is late, never checks her phone, never rushes. She always looks her best, smells her best, gives her best.

Hopefully, TER will remove this scandalous piece of crap.

Panthera12930 reads

This is your second poor review this year. Suck it up! Take a shower and get your shit together and you won't get these crappy reviews.  

The reviewer has 16 reviews and 3 white lists and to totally legit. You have credibility problems. Just ask the folks up in DC.

Awww- poor guy
Coming from a alias. Man up and show us who you really are .

DamienScott810 reads

And your mom named you 'Seduction Maya?' Really? Keep up the BSC posts. You too can drive your biz into the ground.  

Posted By: SeductionMya
Awww- poor guy  
 Coming from a alias. Man up and show us who you really are .

Panthera12796 reads

and making the call as I see it. If the alias "cry" is all you have, then so be it.  

Your ranting posts and second poor review are there for anyone who choses to read them, or they can just blindly be herded like sheep and follow the pity party.

You're expressing your opinion. Big difference. Fact is, the review was deemed fake by TER and was removed.

DamienScott907 reads

Of course it was removed. Of course. Why wasn't the 6/5 in March deleted? But Mya's so smart instead of getting it dropped she quietly so few see it, she creates all this drama so 1000x as many can see how BSC she really is.  

BTW, Do you ever get tired of shilling for mediocre at best hookers?

Posted By: bdb6
You're expressing your opinion. Big difference. Fact is, the review was deemed fake by TER and was removed.
-- Modified on 9/16/2014 11:17:19 AM

What's really tiresome is reading your hateful bullshit

DamienScott689 reads

Lol that's all you got? Well, Miss Maya will be very very unhappy with you!

Posted By: bdb6
What's really tiresome is reading your hateful bullshit.  

Lmaoooooo I'm just going to laugh and let you be with your life. Thank you for the entertainment .

DamienScott636 reads

Welcome! Let's see how your biz 'takes off' after this train wreck thread.  

Posted By: SeductionMya
Lmaoooooo I'm just going to laugh and let you be with your life. Thank you for the entertainment .

Panthera12878 reads

And how do you know that it won't be put back up?

Even some of the high scorers have stated that you are unreliable in scheduling

And sexG would shill for a corpse if it was a female, that guy must the most whipped old man here

BenjaminFranklin641 reads

It's amazing they haven't deleted your accounts yet.  
Every review you write is fake it's either for girls you pimp out  
Or bashing other girls that are your competition  

Is anyone awake at the switch?

DamienScott879 reads

Practice what you preach. Let it go.  

Posted By: SeductionMya
Coming from someone with a alias. Don't be upset! Be happy!  

DamienScott691 reads

Perfect. Just think how many guys you've 'touched' with this marketing wizardry. Well done, well done!

Beside the obvious need for you to learn how to use words and construct coherent thoughts in your posts, you might question why you participate on this board at all. You contribute nothing but negativity, and hide behind an alias, which we all do, but you have absolutely no credentials. I await your lame witty response. Once I receive it, let's find a time and place to meet in person, to discuss the state of the "hobby," and your salient grievances.

DamienScott833 reads

I've never ever met with another hobbyist and I,sure,wouldn't start with a toad like you.  

Posted By: hegel
Beside the obvious need for you to learn how to use words and construct coherent thoughts in your posts, you might question why you participate on this board at all. You contribute nothing but negativity, and hide behind an alias, which we all do, but you have absolutely no credentials. I await your lame witty response. Once I receive it, let's find a time and place to meet in person, to discuss the state of the "hobby," and your salient grievances.

1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.


If the review was removed, why are we still talking about this?  Whoever it was wrote something thus lady did not like.  She said it was fake, TER removed it.  The veracity of the claims are tough to figure out, so... who gives a fuck?

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 7:23:39 PM

I didn't realize it was removed. If so, who cares anymore?

I am sooo sorry that something like this happened to you .

that everyone could express their own opinion without attacking the opinions of others. Or, in some cases, simply attacking others. Par for the course, here in TER-land. And yes, it is the same on all those other boards and sites too.

vramdasnyc777 reads

Well unfortunately, things like this happens from time to time.  When guys are paying for it, they feel its their right to have a "good time", which I think is so wrong, I mean you ladies have to deal with idiots like this on a day to day basis, its up to US guys to respect the Lady and their time.  I mean I got ripped off before by a provider from Miami years ago, she promised to stay for 2hrs at my hotel and I paid her in full, then she left after 45mins, I didn't go on a rampage to destroy her, she gave a nice BJ, we tried doggy and I poped once, I was happy that she came to my place, although she could have stayed a bit longer, I think she left because she made double appoinments, her phone was going off like crazy. Anyways MYA u got 60+ reviews, so I would not be so concerned about one bad reviewer, when we look for reviews we don't judge by 1 or 2 negative reviews.  Not sure why u getting so much hate here.  
Take care.

Posted By: SeductionMya
I'm sooooo pisst off; because I refused to see a loser. I get a awful review by someone I've NEVER seen. How could this happen.  Is this guy so mad at me because I refused to see him he chooses to write a LIE about me  
 . Everyone who has met me knows based on his reviews everything he had said about me was a LIE. LIE LIE  
 I smell like flowers and if I could eat myself out I would because I smell damn freaking good, I'm not a clock watcher nor do I look at my phone (since I find it disrespectful) I'm never tardy. I don't use towels to clean people off. I use babywipes.... Ughhhhhhhh I'm so mad  
 Why do people do this?

Thank you
And sorry that the girl you saw ripped you off

vramdasnyc663 reads

Yea its whatever, it happened in the past, she was a backpage chick, and they can be very mysterious LOOL. anyways I did check out your ad on Eros, you look absolutely wonderful. I am not a VIP member on TER, I just joined to get my feet wet, I did sent you an personal email to seducmya4u at google mail for future contacts. I do travel quite a bit for business, in the future we meet up at some point at any of the cities you tour.


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