New York

Several of ATF's had assistants, and a couple morphed into one...
HollyPaige See my TER Reviews 943 reads
1 / 15

Hey Guys

I wanted to reach out to you for your opinion . For awhile now i have been thinking of getting an assistant who would help me with booking, responding to emails in a more timely manner and just help me to stay organized.  Does an independent provider having an assistant have any impact on your decision to book with a specific person or not?   Do you think it would lack the personal touch?

I would really appreciate your thoughts on the matter. But be nice


Holly xoxo

rily 314 reads
2 / 15

To me a timely response is important in case I need to find an alternate provider.  I also find that providers who are well organized seem to have less issues scheduling and keeping appointments.  

The one thing that is concerning sometimes is when you are unsure if you are conversing with the provider or her assistant

chuckstiffy 13 Reviews 304 reads
3 / 15

but I would book with a truly great provider regardless. Two of my absolute favorite providers use assistants in different ways. But, when I feel the itch to see one of them, it's not really a consideration. For one of them, I interact exclusively with the assistant. The other provider does see messages which means that she can, and does, respond to the more personal ones (the assistant will flag certain messages for her). We once had a discussion about bringing in another favorite provider of mine for a threesome. So, discussions can get quite personal even with the assistant listening in. I would definitely go with the latter approach.
While I do occasionally feel awkward sending a personal message (say about things in our last date that I particularly enjoyed) which I know will be read first by the assistant, I also recognize that having the assistant there has made it easier for me to enjoy the companionship of these young ladies. For example, I know that in some cases, absent the assistant's help, we would not have been able to book a hotel for the next morning. Like I said, I think it would be good if you could see the more personal messages and respond to them. I think it's also really important to make it clear in the email who's responding, whether it's you or the assistant. Otherwise, guys can feel that you are really being fake and impersonal. So, the key if getting the right assistant who knows when to step out of the way.
I have not had the pleasure of your company yet Holly, but I suspect most of your admirers would  still be there for you. Maybe if you get that assistant, you and I can finally get our schedules to work out. Now, that would be great.

MakingMeGrow 353 reads
4 / 15

Hi Holly,  

One thing I would just caution is that it may give the illusion that you are a high volume provider. I'm not sure if that affects any potential bookings. Sometimes an auto response on email when you are not available acknowledging the message with a promise of a response within a brief turnaround time will do it. For me personally, I am more than happy to wait for someone who is well reviewed, beautiful and delivers great service.  Just my .02 cents.

cspatz 67 Reviews 300 reads
5 / 15
doublemac 6 Reviews 261 reads
6 / 15

As long as it's clear who is who in responses, not a problem for me.  For example, I don't want to email your assistant about my plushy fetish if I think it's you on the other end.  That's embarrassing enough for me as is without one more person knowing.

Plus a prompt reply to an email is hot.

Carminaxxx See my TER Reviews 362 reads
7 / 15

Thanks for asking, Holly! Was wondering the same thing. I used to have an assistant but started taking over my own bookings/screenings and realized how much work it is, especially for someone who is a Luddite like me!  

I am considering getting an assistant so I can have more time to focus on my writing pursuits and not have to constantly be on my phone or laptop. However, I don't want to lose the personal touch of interacting with my client before the appointment and already establishing a rapport/connection from before they even step foot in the door.  

It's also really nice to know someone's interests and turn-ons ahead of time, which is certainly very intimate and as some gents have expressed, can be a bit embarrassing if they realize a third party is listening in.

Anyway, definitely helpful to hear everyone's feedback! Good luck figuring it out Holly!
Posted By: HollyPaige
Hey Guys  
 I wanted to reach out to you for your opinion . For awhile now i have been thinking of getting an assistant who would help me with booking, responding to emails in a more timely manner and just help me to stay organized.  Does an independent provider having an assistant have any impact on your decision to book with a specific person or not?   Do you think it would lack the personal touch?  
 I would really appreciate your thoughts on the matter. But be nice  
 Holly xoxo  

HollyPaige See my TER Reviews 320 reads
8 / 15

Carmina !!! It is nice to hear from you. I have admired you from afar and have only heard wonderful things about you. I appreciate the thoughtful responses to my post.  I too don't want to lose the personal touch but at the same time i think an assistant would allow me to respond in a more timely manner to the sometimes overwhelming number of emails i receive daily.  

Stay beautiful

Holly xoxo

cspatz 67 Reviews 380 reads
10 / 15

Posted By: HollyPaige
Hey Guys  
 I wanted to reach out to you for your opinion . For awhile now i have been thinking of getting an assistant who would help me with booking, responding to emails in a more timely manner and just help me to stay organized.  Does an independent provider having an assistant have any impact on your decision to book with a specific person or not?   Do you think it would lack the personal touch?  
 I would really appreciate your thoughts on the matter. But be nice  
 Holly xoxo  

impposter 49 Reviews 336 reads
11 / 15

Posted By: MakingMeGrow
One thing I would just caution is that it may give the illusion that you are a high volume provider.
Not always.  Many of the ladies claim to have full time jobs elsewhere or other time commitments that keep them at very low volume and that also preclude prompt replies.  So, the perception could be just the opposite.  (34 new reviews that all say Aug 2014: that screams HIGH VOLUME!)  

I don't mind interacting with an assistant but I want to know that it's the assistant and not someone pretending to be you.  An assistant should be able to provide quick replies to initial inquiries and speed up checking references.  

As Carmina said about her tech skills, it's the age of specialization: I want you to be really good at what YOU do :-) and your assistant to be a really good with the email and phones

rcf 6 Reviews 347 reads
12 / 15

not at all- love that personal touch after I have been verified

Fridays117 27 Reviews 208 reads
13 / 15

As to yes or no for scheduling, screening, etc. via email I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea.  I for one wouldn't want phone contact with anyone other than the provider herself for confirmations and final response during the two calls on the day of the date.  Keep in mind though, the more people you have involved the more complicated it can get with miscommunication between you and your assistant even.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 298 reads
14 / 15

Personally, never had a problem with assistants.  In fact, I remember once where I was making the second call to a provider I had seen several times, and there was no answer.  I contacted the assistant, who was monitoring, and she eventually made contact.  Bottom line: Appointment was delayed by an hour, but all that ends well...

p2kb4 82 Reviews 250 reads
15 / 15

I don't mind working with an assistant but do find it less personal. Admittedly, I will more likely see a lady who I can communicate with.  For me it works best when the assistant does the grunt work but the lady takes over at the end with the communication. It is you we want to talk to and see not your assistant

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