New York

See? Meth really can f@ck you up. OP is proof. eom
random133 117 Reviews 344 reads


I read in SCIAM years ago that the reason that violent crime fell dramatically in the early 90s  
was due to Roe v Wade. All the unwanted babies that were aborted, well thats why crime rated dropped.

After they make weed legal and the cops have nothing to do,  
you think the unions will let their "bosses"  reduce their ranks?
reduce their coffers? reduce their pool to collect dues from?
Is the post office still hiring? Really you have to be kidding me.
They are going to need something to do, I am afraid we will see more of this

the golden age of hobbling is coming to an end
one by one they will shut down our institutions
First CL now rebook who is next?  
in all areas of society you see the signs.
they are coming after us the successful white man.
Once we are gone they can continue their holocaust  

the muslims have a saying first the saturday people then the sunday people

CltLuvr440 reads

potential end of hobbying to the holocaust is really bizarre to say the least!

just pay your parking tickets
and make sure you don't video tape the cops with your iPhone  
or they will arrest you also
and don't resist or plunger!

Shootfighter368 reads

they rounded up a few street walkers and their johns you are mistaken.

I have no problem with law enforcement going after pimps and trying to protect underage girls.

ItalianBella421 reads

WTF are you racist? Are you suggesting that prostitution or boards like TER...are only for "white people"? And funny how it's a Black officer in the picture you posted...suggesting that the cops a.k.a. the black woman is bringing down the white man???
 And they will never put an end to prostitution...where there's a will there's a way...For whatever boards ones will be created!!

Plus, they used BP as their primary target in placing the false ads for their stings.  Gee, what a surprise!

As for the pic, looks like the cast of losers straight off of the TV show "Cops".  Whatcha gonna do, bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

in_vino_veritas289 reads

I was about to take your comment about "coming after us the successful white man" seriously until I scrolled down and saw the picture of the guy getting arrested. Unless your idea of a successful white man is Uncle Jeb from the Beverly Hillbillies, I think you are using something called "sarcasm".
Good one buddy!

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