New York

Right. Sorry, I mis-spoke. EOM.
inxsnnj 12 Reviews 2480 reads


and I say this not to start an uproar of mean or good comments.  Just a thought that I wanted to share..Mostly to the moderator.  It just seems to me that allowing alias names has caused a lot of friction on this board.  All the ladies seem to be reputable and respected.  I've also noticed that generally the only time an alias is used is to knock someone down.  I have always thought as I was born in this great state..that NY'ers and the close vacinity areas are known for their straightforwardness.  So why is is that some hide behind a name?  Whether you have something good or bad to say, face the person your directing your comment too with the strong minded person you are.  I've noticed a lot of ladies hiding behind a name.  Can you tell me why?  I thought that working together..keeping each other safe was the way most wanted it to be.  As one lady said... so many gentlemen come here.  Whats with the jealousies...the hurtful comments?  Plenty of quality gents to go around.. and the variety of ladies in NYC alone entices them here.  I would think the guys that come to this board and see this drama.. would want to refrain from meeting some of us ladies that do not play like this.  So in this case it hurts all of us.
The M&G I thought was supposed to be a place to say hi.. get acquainted and show the face behind the blurred pics.. ;)  Not a place to cause harm to our lifestyle.  Its a given fact that ladies tend to have more issues against each other than men...but PM'ing each other would be more appropiate than ter bashing.  

To the moderator.. I really wish you would think about the whole alias issue.  Its hurting this least that is what I see.

fasteddie513076 reads

I'll spell it out one more time...

First, let's all remember that EVERY screen name on TER is an alias... it's somewhat ridiculous to say that aliases shouldn't be allowed.  NOBODY posts under their real name.  The thought that one alias has greater validation than another is foolish...

Yes, people here have established "personas" using one specific alias, but it's not like you know who they are or where they live... they could say anything they want to or about anyone and it's not like you're going to track them down and kick the shit out of them.

The truth is that people get upset about people using aliases simply because it frustrates them that they don't know who the troublemaker is so they can't focus thier ire or hatred on that person in the future.  Come on, be honest, what the FUCK difference does it make who the poster is... if it's a post that you take issue with, reply to it and make your point, add your feelings to the community and stop whinning about who the author is or isn't... 80% of the time people are wrong about who it really is anyway.  So someone using an alias just gives you a chance to bitch and moan about cowards, etc. to the point that the message itself, good or bad, right or wrong, loses it's significance, and the intelligent discussion of said message falls by the wayside while people focus on who the author may or may not be.

NOW... ALL of that being said, in response to your comment about the moderator thinking about the whole alias issue, it's a moot point.  TER allows people to create and use almost as many aliases as they want.  Whether that's a good policy or not is open to debate, but none-the-less, that's the way it is.  As a moderator, it's my job to see that TER policies and guidelines are followed... While I do have some subjective say in how I enforce those policies, I have no power to circumvent or disregard them.  So if you don't like the policy, I'm not the guy to talk to... send a PM to Staff and voice your opinion; hell, start a grass roots campaign here on the board to get your fellow members to do the same.  But until TER changes their views on allowing aliases, learn to live with it.

BTW, TER did make a policy change regarding aliases a little while ago... now, only VIP members have the privilege of creating additional aliases.

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 12:50:19 AM

A suggestion that may not be technologically workable but I will float it never the less.  One frustrating part about the use of an alias, in my opinion, is the inability to send the poster a PM.

If an alias poster makes a personal attack or flames someone or simply criticizes another member, responding on the board usually makes things worse.  If the offended member could contact the alias user via PM, perhaps any "issues" could be resolved privately or at least give the offended member the ability to vent at the alias user without engaging in a public battle.

Now I do disagree with one aspect of your analysis.  Yes, a TER handle is an alias and one that develops a personna and a reputation based upon comments made by the person using that handle.  And you are correct that we cannot track them down necessarily although at times we do all get together at Meet & Greats so sometimes there is a face and perhaps a real name identified with that handle.  My take is those that use an alias want to protect their image, otherwise why use one, and they would not make the same posts under their TER handles for fear of damaging their TER "persona" and undermining their credibility with the group.  We often ask for advice from others here and take into account the person providing a response.  We might think differently if we knew about that person's "alias-ego."

You are a broken record with your alias obsesion/complex. Next, you'll be asking people to come to Long Island?

BTW, your  argument is full of holes. You can't PM anyone who is NOT VIP either. That means the majority of posters can't be Pmed regardless of alias, or non alias posting. Only VIPs can use an alias, and only VIPscan send/receive PMs.

In an age of digital everything, YOU are the quintessential, and perennial broken record.

You made my point.  Only VIPs can use and alias and only VIPs can receive PMs.  The point was to provide a means to communicate privately with alias users.  No need to do so with a non-VIP, non-alias user.

By the way, to Eddie's point, I am curious why you used an alias to criticize me instead of your TER handle.  You must have a reason for doing so, right?

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 6:11:44 AM

You bring up aliases every other week, and then again, and again, and again. The back channel on you is embarrassing too. Quit while you're behind.

Most people don't want a PM from you.  People posting under alias likewise don't want a PM from you. What part of that don't you understand?

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 7:34:34 AM

Another solution would be allowing VIPs to see the aliases.  Another board I frequent allows you to click on the user's ID, and see every alias they ever posted with.  I don't see that it's changed the quality and quantity of posting other than eliminating cheap, gutless personal attacks.

trustno202438 reads

Point 1. Yes, it would be helpful to be able to PM the person using the alias. A lot of bad feelings and misunderstanding could be avoided.

Point 2. Handles are only aliases up until one ties there real life with the Alias. For the provider that's as soon as she links to her ad. For the hobbyist, his handle remains an alias until he posts his first review. Then at that point at least one other person knows who he is and what he looks like. The more reviews posted the less anonymous the handle. And if the chap attends a M&G, then everyone knows what they look like.

In my view, once a handle is connected to a real face and identity, it becomes nothing more than a nickname. At that point, it's anonymity is quite perishable. By that I mean, sure, the gents out in California may never meet the guy but the local community does.

While on that point. I think that's what was missed here. TER has become a community of sorts. To that end, every time a member is attacked via an alias, the community diminishes. So how could lawyer's suggestion be looked upon as anything but trying to make the community a better place? I think the answer is demonstrated by those who snipe behind the alias in this thread.


1. Use of topical humor

2. The creation of a character(literary license) to be used in an informative, fun, innocuously sarcastic, philanthropic, as well as topical way.

3. Anonymity for when regional or associational sensitivities may be of concern.

4. Innocuous playing of "devils advocate" in a discussion or debate where one wishes to not be further/future aligned with one faction or the other.

5. Avoidance of suffering political fallout for a comment that may have been misread in a possibly volatile discussion.
(Ain'tcha ever had someone not understand what you were get'n at )  

6. aliases may be used for posting investigative reports, meet & greet announcements, helpful advice, or other similar types of useful information where the use of a user-name could prove problematic.

7. To 'classify' the content of the posts.
(You can readily surmise the post's cant when you see the alias 'Cynicalman')

8. Concerns in revealing your review history.

9. Ability to contribute where you would otherwise feel embarrassed to speak candidly.

(The "1" BAD USE)

1. Chickenshit, pusillanimous, puerile flaming.

The problem is that it is difficult, if not impossible, for any moderator to police the use of an alias, separating the good reasons from the bad ones.  It's too bad that some folks abuse the privilege, but I'm not sure what fasteddie or anyone else can do about it.  There are some specific instances where a problem can be addressed (e.g., the alias poster who was falsely raising LE concerns in North Jersey to damage independent competition; eddie caught and banned that person in response to various complaints).  But while I agree the alias flamers are cowardly, I don't think it is reasonable to put the moderator in a position of tracking each and every unpleasant comment.  Of course, if someone is a repeat offender, that will eventually bubble up to the moderator's attention, and that person could end up getting banned. We don't have to tolerate someone who is just an incessant creep. But for most of us who are troubled by this abuse, I think all we can do is tune it out, or at least recognize that alias posts are usually not worth the pixels they're written with.  At any rate, sometimes people who flame others on this board find their behavior backfires; what goes around comes around.

fasteddie512381 reads

Moderators have very limited powers.  We do not have the ability to ban anyone.  If we feel that someone has transgressed the rules enough to be banned, all we can do is suggest it to Staff.  THEY are the ones who decide if they offending party gets kicked off TER.

Freedom makes the case pretty well.  

What I'd add is that they seem to be used most often for 1 Bad One.  

As an example -- we had a poll here this week about CL.  I posted that I'd had some luck with it, which I have.  Immediately "Craigs Shit List" pops up like a jack-in-the-box to tell me I'm stupid and lots of other stuff.  If disagrees, he's entitled, but I'm just replying to a poll and I don't see why he can't just do the same.

... and find the arguments to allow the use of aliases beyond one's original screen name specious at best. If you don't have the courage of your convictions -- or your asinine flames -- you should not be allowed to attack others out here. There ARE faces and reputations behind the sign-on screen names here. To say otherwise is sophism. And the one BAD reason to have aliases far outweighs eight or nine or a hundred "funny" ones.

I WILL be writing the powers that be and urge others to do the same.

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 6:50:50 AM

I agree 100% with Dallas and Lawyer Freedom Rider etal.  The use of alias to flame is growing and hurts the community and the board.

casting a secret ballot in a school election where the candidates know the voters. Even though an individual may not care if the candidates know who they voted for it is comforting to know that you can vote for your choice anonymously and without having to be concerned about retribution. It is not a "cowardly" way to vote it just insures that each voter can vote the way he truly wants to. On this board it allows people to state what is on their mind in a similar fashion.

Mask Maker2880 reads

Yes, i make all sorts of masks: angels, comics, super heros (white knights), diplomats, and also monstor masks. A good film or theatrical play is one that incooperates all types of masks, keeping the audience at suspense and interest and of course there's usually a conflict (here comes in the monster mask/villian mask), who attacks the innocent mask, but the angel/super hero mask flys in and solves the conflict, resulting in all the people wearing the happy smiling masks. The end. This is also how life works. We wear our innocent masks, then meet monster masks, we wear the sorrowful masks, then see the angel masks, then put on our happy masks. This seems to be the correct usage of mask wearing.
Imagine the horror movies where there are too many monster masks and they destroy all the good masks, until the earth is only populated with monsters... I just hate those kinds of films! There needs to be a balance. All masks are ok at one time or another, but must be worn at just the correct moment or else a bad script and nonsense occurs.
Im in my mask shop all day looking at the ter board. And Ive seen an overabundant wearing of monster masks. It would be nice to see some angel or comic masks worn a bit more. I'd hate to see those monster masks eat up all the good people on ter, so that all thats left is a board of monsters.

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 9:10:48 PM

Primarily, because when one votes, one is casting an anonymous ballot for the candidate's name only and NOT accompanying it with any kind of additional statement, whether positive or pejorative. The more appropriate analogy is someone who sends anonymous notes in the snail mail or to newspapers or other media making scurrilous accusations without either the facts, the opportunity for rebuttal or the courage to identify themselves.

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 2:18:45 PM

fasteddie511917 reads

The plain and simple FACT is TER allows the use of multiple aliases.  Learn to live with it.  You can certainly write the powers that be, but I sincerely doubt you'll get anywhere.  From what I've seen, the NYC board is the ONLY one I know of that is obsessed with this subject.

What would serve EVERYONE here would be to simply refuse to reply to a negative post by someone using an alias.  If you don't give them the attention they crave, they'll eventually go away.

And one more thing... as the moderator, I get to see who's doing the posting, and I can tell you that 90% of the assholes posting under an alias are assholes under their regular names as well.

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 9:39:32 AM

has to be negative. There are times that an individual might want anonymity even though the post is positive. I am not saying that I am for or against aliases only that a poster should have the right to post as he pleases.

And when they got out of control the board went stagnant leaving only the aliases behind. Eventually the board picked back up again and the use of aliases was primarily done for humor. Those who used it to flame or stir up trouble were moderated.

So while NYC might be the only one obsessed today, next week it will be DC or another city.

And damn if your not correct that 90% of the cowards who attack or flame using an alias are assholes when using there registered handle, and likely that way in public.

What I don't understand is why flames are tolerated in some cities and not others. That is something a mod can control by moderating those who sole purpose of using an alias is to stir up trouble more than giving an opposing opinion or posting something useful.

But managing the moderated is very burdensome I guess. Having to read through and approve a post takes a lot of time. Since you a volunteer, who are we to complain unless willing to take on the task of moderating, walkin a mile in your shoes.

TER could use a few more Moderators, you guys are stretched too thin.

It can be very hard as a moderator because moderators fight on if something should get approved  or rejected.

Monk693108 reads

Since it's easy to register on this site using any old email address, I don't see how you could ever hope to police this. Even if aliases were banned, all one would have to do is set up a new Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, etc. email account and then register a new account on this board. If the "troublemakers" take the time to create different aliases now, they'll most certainly go to the additional trouble of creating dummy email accounts if they're banned entirely.

First we see the posts against use of aliases then Fasteddie explains TER policy (for the last time).  Then some more posts against use of aliases this time with flack from alias users followed by indignation.  Then another (final) post from fasteddie.  Let's give up the ghost here and move on to more important new stuff like .. I don't know.... bitching about provider rates :)

On a serious note, I don't feel anyone should use an alias to attack another or, even worse, speak for a group of people (Frosty the Biz Snatch, you know who you are).  However, I have seen a lot of pretty funny use of aliases that have drawn a good laugh or two.  But instead of driving yourselves crazy posting here, let's PM Staff.  That's the only avenue that might elicit change.
Other than that, I know the mods have the power to out alias users.  Perhaps the threat of that with an occasional 'outing' would help most mind their manners.

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 5:16:18 PM

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