New York

Re:Your right Fortitude.....
LIguy133 6 Reviews 6091 reads

While I would not pay their prices that is my decision. From all the reviews I have read they seem like they are doing a nice job.
I just think to pay that kind of money, the girl should have been in a movie (not porn) or a TV show (not the "The Most Wanted") Let's get together for dinner, I am off to Atlanta for a few day's I wil call you next week.

fortitude9725 reads

This business of the veracity of New York Confidential has been beaten to death.  With the exception of one of our members, there doesn't seem to be an issue here, and therefore I have taken down the thread that has caused all of this animosity and vitriol.

NYC is in compliance with all TER guidelines for advertising and posting on this and all other TER Discussion Boards.  They seem to have gone out of their way to show that they have an interest in earning the trust and business of our membership, as is indicated by some of the posts in the last thread.  Those of you that feel they are too expensive, or are not providing the kind of service you require will probably not avail yourselves of their services.  To those of us that do, I sincerely hope that you enjoy yourselves and encourage you to write reviews.  Similarly I urge those who have anything negative to report to do likewise.

I have removed the thread and all pending messages relating to it, and will not entertain any additional rhetoric along those lines, unless it pertains to new business.


There are three other threads you should add to the memory hole, if this the tack you want to take: two initiated by REFORMED (one on 1/1 another on 1/5) and one initiated by NYConfi on 1/5 that REFORMED hijacked into another series of rants and attacks.

Or you could just banish the sociopath from the Board (my choice).

In any case, thanks for finaly stepping in.


-- Modified on 1/8/2004 8:25:14 AM

frankie2003a8253 reads

I refrained from posting to those threads so as not
add to the frenzy.

Posting information (good or bad) is one thing but
someone trying to push their heated opinion onto others
is quite another.


I have not used NYC yet but felt they have responded to criticism in a mature and responsible manner.  I understood "Reformed" to first time he made it - even the 3rd!  Enuf said on this subject, please.

I salute your action.  I participated in the thread, but hope I was not offensive.

While I would not pay their prices that is my decision. From all the reviews I have read they seem like they are doing a nice job.
I just think to pay that kind of money, the girl should have been in a movie (not porn) or a TV show (not the "The Most Wanted") Let's get together for dinner, I am off to Atlanta for a few day's I wil call you next week.

It makes me very uncomfortable when someone removes something someone else wrote because they do not agree with what that person(s) wrote. While I do not agree with basing NYC. I thoroughly agree that it is someone's right to say what they want. Just like it is my right to read something and say this person is an A**hole.
That is just my .02

-- Modified on 1/9/2004 5:20:08 AM

The one odd thing to me is this: the girls of NY-Confidential all seem to get VERY high marks on looks.  But based solely on their pictures those marks seems extraordinarily high as I think there is only one truly hot looking girl in the whole bunch.  Most of the girls are 5's or 6's in my book and I wouldnt take a freebie from them. Ive been consistently puzzled by these high marks for appearance. Ive tried to come to a credible explantion for what I view as a discrepancy and the only one Ive come up with, whuich is weak at best, is that many of you like what I consider wholesome/plain girl next door types as oppossed to the centerfold/stripper look that I expect and also that many dislike implants, whereas I wont even look at most women who arent enhanced.  Neverthelss, the high ratings on appeatance have led me to question the vreacicity of the reviews of NY_Confidential girls time and again.

CmdrData9005 reads

...I cannot understand your comment.  One of the girls you gave an 8 in looks to, by her pics, IMHO, probably wouldn't even make the cut at NY Confidential.  The gal that worked for Julie that you saw is truly an 8 (I have seen her).  Scores for looks are so subjective anyway that most reviews I've read say that the girl looks better than her pictures.  So who can really tell from a photo?

There are enough very, very good reviews up for NY Confidential providers that would lead me to believe that in fact they are a legit agency.  What remains to be seen is whether it's worth the price of admission.  $$$$$$ and up is steep for any provider, in my book.

I just finished seeing my fourth young beauty from NYConfi, Joelle. I've already reviewed Cheryl, Lisa and Bianca.

I have two observations regarding the NYConfi girls looks:

1) without question, they have some of the worst photos out there; Lisa is much better looking than those dreadful pictures, Bianca's pics are arty but don't really do her justice, Kallie's pics look very low-rent, etc. By contrast, an agency like Fleur de Elite turns 7 and 8's into 14 and 15's. BDJ also does a good job in enhancing the product, primarily with lighting and cropping.

2) the NYConfi girls definitely fall into the natural beauty category (Jennifer Aniston is a decent comp to Cheryl) versus the enhanced Playboy-type NYCDOMSTUD describes and prefers. This is clearly a matter of taste; for me dancers Cheryl and Joelle have the nicest breasts (natural pert B-cups) I'd ever want to fondle (remember, more than a handful is wasted!). Lisa and Bianca's bodies aren't too shabby either. But, clearly if you're looking for Pamela Anderson, you'll be disappointed with these four.

Perhaps more importantly, these girls excel at providing a true GFE, better than many of us have ever had in real life. My experience is that reviewers tend to grade up a notch on looks in these circumstances. The legendary Diana of Mona Lisa was a perfect example: she never got below an 8 in looks, but on looks alone, she was really about a 7. But noone could make you feel the way Diana did, so her appearance grades were probably a little hyped. I think there is some of this going in some of the NYConfi ratings.

In any case, it doesn't sound to me like NYConfi is your cup of tea, so don't worry about the veracity of the reviews. However, in my case, in two years of pursuing the Holy Grail of ultimate GFE, I've found it four times in a row at NYConfi, and I plan to keep going back as long as it lasts.  


-- Modified on 1/9/2004 1:49:05 PM

...This is something we really need help with.

EVERYONE thus far has said the NYC* girls are way hotter than
the pictures...and how pleasantly surprised they were.

Almost all other sites have great pictures, followed by
girls who don't look as good upon arrival.

We have amazing GIRLS

We need amazing PHOTOGRAPHERS.


1way5978 reads misleading with the photos of the girls. That'll start another war.

I know from experience that when a lady shows up and she is cuter than the photo, it's a nice start to the session.

-- Modified on 1/10/2004 7:50:21 AM

Wiseromancer9335 reads

You're right -- there are many men who prefer their women with natural breasts ... not just the feel, but even the look is preferable.  I think of absolutely gorgeous porn stars such as Briana Banks who completely ruined themselves (IMHO).  But as with so many other things, this is a matter of personal taste -- I'm glad there are some "naturals" out there, and I hope they stay that way!


I personally do business with NY Confidential because they don't have the centerfold/stripper type girls.  You equate the "girl next door look" with "plain."  I don't think the two necessarily go together..  I've had some pretty awesome girls living next door to me..  The stripper/centerfold look may be for some people (to each his own) but to me they often look cheap and sleazy and that they can be bought.  Sometimes they even look like crack whores or coke whores.  We all know that all the girls in this business are esentially being "bought" but with the more subtle and classier girls, it's not so obvious and it to create a more
"romantic illusion."  I really do not like implants at all unless they are really well done.  Again, natural breasts help to make the entire experience seem more real.  And besides, as Moleculo says "more than a handful is wasted."  Though I had always heard that "more than a mouthful is wasted."  I guess it depends upon the size of your mouth in comparison to your hand.  :)

I think a new agency should be given a chance!  Thank you for sticking up for them as I felt it was uncalled for!

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