New York

suggestion to hobbyistregular_smile
traveling provider 9698 reads

suggestion to hobbyist
when interested in a traveling provider consider scheduling on the second or third day of her visit.  In my experience it seem that hobbyist all want to see me on the day of my arrival.  This is when I am at my worst.  I have spent my morning wrapping up my personal life for the week of absence.  next, it's the stressful rush to the airport, the inspection, boarding, hours in flight, unboarding, baggage claim, car rental, check-in, unpack, supply run for forgotten or bulky items.  It's time for lunch and a long soak in the bath.  2pm...on your mark...get set...go.  
After a day to settle in and catch up on my rest from travel preparation I am at my prime.  I am considering posting my day of arrival+1 but I enjoy a bit of early evening stress relief.

Just thought you might want to know that the first might get the worst.

Do the "day of arrival +1", but as far as your early evening stress relief, I'm sure you could just pick up a guy at the bar (pro-bono). Or, if there's a good, regular client in that town, let him know of your arrival a few weeks in advance, and offer him a chance to be your 'first' ;)

I recently had a session with a traveling provider on her first day here.  I would have scheduled it for another day, but she was only here 3 days, and I was, unfortunately, busy both other days.

However, as exhausted as she must have been from the trip, it was a phenomenal session.  She certainly gave me no reason to want to do anything differently.  :-)

I guess we have to trust that you will only schedule appointments when you will be ready for them.

Do clients get snippy when they try to schedule for your first day and you tell them that your schedule for that day is already full?

Why is it not obvious: If you feel out of sorts on day1 - simply advertise the day AFTER you arrive and get set-up as your "first day". Am I missing something here?

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