New York

Re:Single bashing
tyrek88 24 Reviews 8076 reads

Wow ! I have occasionally asked for more input from providers but I didn't think I would be bashed because of the actions of a handfull of others. If I did the same thing to providers, boy would I hear it on the boards.
For the record, I am single, recently out of my 30's (41), not broke (I have plenty of money, especially for someone my age) and I am not dissfuntional in any way.
I have always treated all the providers I have seen with the utmost of respect. I have never stood up or even cancelled an appointment even though once I should have.
I have never sent an angy email other than to one who stood me up.
I have never asked or expected anything for free. I did suggest to one provider who I saw three times that if she wanted to go to the beach (she lives in NYC and mentioned it is a hassle for her to go since she does not have a car), then I would be happy to come to her place and drive her there and then bring her back. I did not ask or imply for anything else in return and did not send an angry way when she declined or make an unpleasant call.
I don't take this personally in any way but I prefer not to be  linked with a handfull of other bad apples.
I see the providers in between relationships simply because I enjoy the sex with a nice attractive woman. I have plenty of companionship and don't seek anything else for free.

BigBlondie9804 reads

I have also posted this on the other board.

I have to ask this........I arrived from Boston Tuesday afternoon and have been treated terribly since I arrived....I have had numerous men call to set an appointment and then not show up, I have a man calling to tell me  "you are disgusting, my god you are the ugliest thing I have even seen,  what a fat f*cking slob you are"   Just to quote a few of the nicer things he has said.  
I have been here many times and have never been treated so poorly, I want to believe it is one person causing all the problems, but today alone I had 6 men call throughout the day to schedule then not show up.  I would not question 1 or 2 but my phone has been ringing off the hook and I have yet to actually have someone show up.  

So I am wondering, is it me, did I upset someone or is anyone else having this problem?

I would appreciate any feedback.

Thank you,


coffeecan7782 reads

give it a rest baby & go back to beantown where you're appreciated. unfortunately, ny's not for everyone-- eom

BigBlondie8821 reads

and always been appreciated. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me.

butt-one7914 reads

Take a ride out to LI .....I will love u up (eom)

That is my average day, every day of the week since the economy fell. This is an example of a letter I received just days ago from a guy in Salt Lake City.

ok ........... that's all good ........ but i'm not looking for an appt. ......... just asking you if ya wanna go to dinner while your in town ......... i get **** all the time ........ don't take it personal...... i have never paid for *** and never will ......... women are aggressive with me .......... but nevermind that .......... how long will you be in salt lake ?      :)

Some men that participate in this hobby love women. Others hate women and they use escorts to take out their anger and frustration so you have to be careful and selective.

If a guy is emailing an escort and he's single and looking, he's having trouble meeting women. Otherwise he wouldn't be emailing in the first place. He wants the company and he's frustrated he hasn't met someone yet. Nothing wrong with that. But he should be going to a church social or a single's party, not to an escort, unless he knows that escorts charge for time.

That's why married guys are generally the best clients. Married guys don't call and bash you, don't send you threatening emails. They pay you and leave, no strings, no worries. And they don't write asking for free because they "don't have to pay for it". They know they have to pay for it or there would be strings. And like us, they don't want strings or an affair. These guys are way out of control and I'm telling you the ones that are out of control are single and in their 30's. The single guys looking for relationships, should get off the boards and out of the hobby. It will just make them bitter and angry because they aren't getting what they need and money can't buy love.


So no, it's not NYers. NYers are a good group. It's just the general trend amongst guys who have time, a phone, a libido and are broke.

For every 20 who try and break your day you have to think of the one guy who once made your day (even if it was 3 months ago) and the one down the line next week or next month who will treat you like the lady you are.

Think of it like looking for a job in a sucky economy. You are going to get 70% of people at the desk saying "No, we're not hiring." or "We only hire experienced people." or "We just laid people off." You have to keep filling out applications until you find an open door. And you have to keep screening clients, maybe even 500 until you find the one who is the real deal. I'm sure commission sales dudes can relate.

Being an escort is like looking for a new job every day. It's like being a temp in some cases because sometimes you'll go out on the same gig you had last month and you are glad because you already know the people, how to work the system and where they keep the legal pads. The limited customer base have a litter of thousands of willing hot babes to choose from. While most of the suppliers used to be lying in bed or getting their nails done, they are now actively advertising for work and answering their phones.

Any girl with active banners, ads and links out there all over the net is "seeking work". I hate it when chicks say "I've got so many guys all over me that I don't need new clients." Then why are you paying $300 a month per site to run banners with priority listings? You're doing so because you need work. A lot of people need work. Fewer guys have the money to commission work. This is called the law of supply and demand or the shrinkage of potential consumers. When all you have left is window shoppers and lots of them, you find yourself sitting in a hotel room saying "Why the heck did I make this trip? This cost me a shitload and how am I going to pay for this trip to NY with no bookings? Were they all toying with me?"

I can't answer that. Maybe they thought they could save the money. Maybe they wanted to see you. But more likely, speaking with you was all they could afford or they found someone 22 years of age who was willing to do $50.00 for 2 hours but will never admit to it.

During the wildfires of LA, I was stranded.  I was in hotel for 6 days. I had ads on Eros and other sites. I got over 100 calls per day every day. They all wanted short notice and by golly, I could do short notice because I was sitting in a hotel room with time on my hands.  I didn't get a single show in the 6 days and my rates were $300 an hour at the time. A ton of bookings and all no shows. Six days holed up in a hotel in LA racking up expenses without a single booking. Short notice appointments are a thing of the past. If a guy has $200-$600 he's going to pour over 6000 photos of naked women for 22 days before he makes a decision. Afterall, he's not sure when he'll have another $400 so she best be Pam Anderson or Catherine Zeta Jones with an incall at the Four Seasons and 2 bottles of $500 wine.


-- Modified on 1/8/2004 12:35:49 PM

-- Modified on 1/8/2004 12:36:31 PM

I love the ones who tell you they dont have to pay for it....or pay once and want to see you for dinner and a freebie...I especially love the  ladies who give dinners away, especially in DC, horrible peer pressure on the other board...they think it is wrong to charge for dinner dates cause a few jerkie VIPS say we should go out for dinner for free...The idiots come and go like the seasons. But the single guys are the worst...looking for love in all the wrong places....

Big Blondie, I hope the rest of your trip goes better.  I noticed what appeared to be a full-moon last night.  Perhaps that's what's causing the odd behavior.

Heather, that's a surprising a disturbing post.  I doubt all the men who cancelled on Big Blondie are single men.  There's many, many men who are single who would never do what you say and there are men of all ages who are married who do exactly what you describe.  Of course, the reverse is also true.  Just as I don't like someone bashing a provider they haven't seen (or any provider that's not a rip off), I also hate to see post like yours.  From your many other posts, I've always viewed you as very open-minded and non-judgemental.

Some of my favorite clients have been single but married guys aren't calling Big Blondie and putting her down. It's single guys between the ages of 28 and 38 who do stuff like this. Young guys, 20's, are fine because they are in college, at a new job or have women friends in their lives who they hang with and they aren't going to treat their girl friend friends like that. Guys in their 30's that are single and not dating start to get really pissed that they email escorts asking for free dinners and free everything.

Married guys don't have time to run through Eros guide and call every girl on there to insult her. Married guys are looking to get busy. So I'm NOT saying all single guys are impolite. I'm saying all guys that call providers and bash their looks are single and usually in their 30's. They have not yet mastered how to actually get women in public. I have never had a 50, 60 or 70 year old man call me up and bash me and I suspect neither has Blondie. Usually, by that age, the gent has learned the value of sweet talk.  You get further faster with honey.

If you are a single guy in your 30's and reading this, chances are you had a relationship within the last 2 years and it didn't work out. Shit happens. That isn't the guy who's calling Big Blondie. That guy is just in transition. The guy who is calling to insult someone he does not know off an Eros guide ad is an angry disfunctional man who hasn't had human contact in a while. If he had a girlfriend or was a normal guy, he wouldn't be doing this.

-- Modified on 1/8/2004 8:37:03 PM

BigBlondie9388 reads

I would like to thank you all for your input, you are wonderful people and I am grateful for all your suggestions and opinions.  I would like to clarify that my post was not meant to bash NY men I love New York City and I honestly love the men I have met since I first started coming here over a year ago.  I think that RoCunn may have a good point because the behavior I have seen is consistent with the craziness you sometimes see with a full moon.  As for the fool who chose to call and insult me, I would never let someone like that get to me; I was just curious if any other ladies were having trouble.  

Until now I have never felt the need to decline blocked phone numbers, I try to make scheduling with me fairly easy.  I have asked for phone numbers and have verified these numbers, but the men just did not call or show, I placed one call to the number about 15 minutes after out scheduled time had passed to see if they were running late and I got either voice mail or no answer.  I will not continue to call anyone for I feel that their being rude and inconsiderate to me does not justify me calling and taking the chance that a wife or boss takes the call, so I let it go.,  

I am sorry this was so long I just wanted to make things a bit clearer.   I understand things come up and appointments cannot always be kept, it was just that there were so many no call/no shows that I thought I would ask.  

Just for the record....I will most definitely be returning to NY, although I am going to wait until it gets a bit warmer!  

Ladies Stay Safe,

To all,  Have a wonderful and prosperous New Year!


Wiseromancer7406 reads

That's it ... there are the lovers and the haters.  The haters still get hard*ns and urges, or they'd just leave everyone alone.  It seems to me there is more hating going on ... which I base on the increase in "demeaning" porn -- the gagging, the "gaping", the gang bangs, the "tricked her" sites.  I can't imagine how any of that could turn someone on unless they really hate women and enjoy watching them used and abused.

Of course there are many who would argue that all porn is demeaning, but I find much of the regular, non-gonzo stuff not just titillating, but actually often very beautiful.


Hi Ashley,

 I do tour NYC and have never had a problem. I find the
clients to be total gentlemen there. :)

It really sounds like you just got ahold of a bad apple!

Please, don't let in get you down, Sweetie!
If you need to talk, feel free to PM me!

Keep Your Chin Up, Babe! ;)

Kelly in Phoenix

newyorkjewels10301 reads

Please dont let those prank calls get you down.  It's a very cruel person with no life. I imagine he lives a miserable existance and has to hurt others to make himself feel better about being a loser.
I have a few tips that may help you.  Just some things I do to help eliminate these kind of problems. A few suggestions to reduce prank phone calls and cancellations.
It's a good idea these days to get a private number for your cell.  Also, be sure to get atleast one referral and a cell phone number from the client when booking.  Most important, tell everyone to confirm atleast two hours before your days starts.  
I hope these suggestions may help you. And please dont let this jerk get you down.
                                Sincerely, Alyssa Young

-- Modified on 1/8/2004 5:26:28 PM

The only difference is I'm 36.

I am sure that your repeat friends will make it worth your while. We all get a "freaky" call or email sometimes. Like the others say it is just some loser projecting onto you. Hang in there. My first trip to NYC, I had a guy call when my phone was off(I was sleeping) from a private#(of course) threatening to do some pretty sick stuff to me and then kill me. It is a chilling feeling when strangers want to hurt you for no reason. I stayed and now I live here. I made some very good friends here and now I love it! Don't let a few creeps ruin NYC for you. My ATFFriend is a New Yorker :) Drop me a inbox or email if you need to chat :) Big Hugs,Devin Taylor

Wow ! I have occasionally asked for more input from providers but I didn't think I would be bashed because of the actions of a handfull of others. If I did the same thing to providers, boy would I hear it on the boards.
For the record, I am single, recently out of my 30's (41), not broke (I have plenty of money, especially for someone my age) and I am not dissfuntional in any way.
I have always treated all the providers I have seen with the utmost of respect. I have never stood up or even cancelled an appointment even though once I should have.
I have never sent an angy email other than to one who stood me up.
I have never asked or expected anything for free. I did suggest to one provider who I saw three times that if she wanted to go to the beach (she lives in NYC and mentioned it is a hassle for her to go since she does not have a car), then I would be happy to come to her place and drive her there and then bring her back. I did not ask or imply for anything else in return and did not send an angry way when she declined or make an unpleasant call.
I don't take this personally in any way but I prefer not to be  linked with a handfull of other bad apples.
I see the providers in between relationships simply because I enjoy the sex with a nice attractive woman. I have plenty of companionship and don't seek anything else for free.

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