New York

Re:Regarding NY Confi's threat--the full story
captyve 55 Reviews 5705 reads

To anyone who hasn't read the lengthy exchange of postings below, starting with "Warning to NYConfidential Customers", here's the story being referred to:

seguy, a hobbyist of NYConfidential, writes in a run-of-the-mill complaint in the last paragraph: "I for one do not like my personal info floating around an office that appears to be an accident waiting to happen".

NYConfidential prove him right by posting, in their first response: "Please remember this client is still anonymous, we are not saying a name"; and then posting a second time, in case seguy missed the point: "By the way, he’s using an alias.."

Realizing the disaster they have caused by threatening to "out" a client, NYConfidential responds idiotically:
"You are protected by attorney-client privilege because our owner is an attorney" proving, once again, seguy's powerful intuition. How so, you may ask?  Because seguy, in his initial complaint says to NYConfidential: "#1- never ever treat your customers like they are less intelligent than you, even if you think it true".

Continuing with their “foot-in-mouth disease”, NYConfidential lets everyone know that others have revealed client names and telephone numbers and have gotten away with it: “World Class Encounters gives names/partial phone #'s of "bad guys", we have NEVER & will never.” WCE responds further up that they only named dangerous clients who threated physical harm, not complainers.

The complaint about scheduling problems is trivial compared to an agency's idle threats about revealing customer names, followed by idiotic remarks about "attorney-client" privilege.THAT's the NYCONFIDENTIAL threat.

thats_amore6161 reads

This is just dandy. You select a high-end agency,
and pay more hoping for cleanliness, safety,
and above all "confidentiality". Hoping such an
agency would have some intelligence in case something
"DID" happen, and not place their clients at risk.

I have never used this agency, but I did call once
and set up an appointment (gave my name and business
address figuring there would be an ID check anyway).

I then cancelled later because the whole process
had made me uncomfortable. The person at the other
end just kept quoting higher rates, sounding like he
was trying to hustle me, and basically an insult to
my intelligence. He just kept offering ladies, any
ladies it seemed, just to get me to bite.

Now if they ever get busted, and the way they are operating
its appears that they eventually might, my name may end up on
some "John List" and I never even did anything with them!

Why are we paying $700+ an hour for this???

So what if your name ends up on a John's list. I've done business with them before an I couldn't care less if I'm on a John's list.  What do you think is going to happen with that list  if they are busted?  Do you think you will be prosecuted?  Do you think the list  will be  published in The NY Times?
NYC is a city known for its tolerance of certain ways of life.  The NY Times has better things to do than publish a list of Johns.  Nor will the police contact your wife or other family members.  They, too, have a lot more important things to do with an understaffed force, than to go out an start hunting down Johns for prosecution or supplying name sto the pressl  The only time you see the names of Johns published in the local paper is something like the Hootervlle Gazette in New Jersey.  So relax, and enjoy your life.

EOS3608 reads

I would say the risk is very low, but then did Charlie Sheen ever expect to become the prosecution's star witness when he paid for the service of Heidi Fless' girls? Or maybe you will tell us that when it comes to alternative lifestyles LA is less tolerant than NY :)

I'm glad you acknowledge the risk is very low.  The only reason Heidi Fleiss got in trouble was because of her arrogance towards colleauges in the business and the massive amounts of drugs she was involved with.   Nothing more.  As long as one does business in a fairly discreet way and doesn't go out of their way to destroy a colleague's business, there usually aren't too many bumps along the way.  ADAs  are much more aggressive in prosecuting street hookers and massage parlors.  They are easier to prosecute and convict and therefore provide a better conviction percentage on their record when it comes to achieving political ambitions.  Heidi made a lot of mistakes, the least of which was running an escort agency.

Charlie Sheen was brought in as a witness because he is very high profile and will attract the mass media to the party.  Just what the DA wants.  You didn't see Don Simpson (producer) or other heavyweight producers testifying even though they  spent just as much money as Charlie did.  But did you notice that Charlie Sheen at no time offered an apology or any excuses?  America almost embraced him as he became the punchline for a lot of jokes, but they never disdrespected him.  They were almost implicitly saying, "Good for you, Charlie.  Have a good time for all of us."
Being in the open and not offering apologies virtually takes the bite out of any attempt at bringing someone's reputation down.

frankie2003a3729 reads

is this constant shilling of scriptfixer.  It's one thing to
weigh in on an argument, his shilling is quite another matter.

peace out,

I don't understand you.  FIrst you accuse me of shilling for NYC and now you have some sort of complaint about my latest posting in this thread.  What is it with you.  Can I do anything that you don't have a fucking problem with?  I suppose I'm shilling for the Los Angeles District Attorney now, or maybe I'm the real killer that OJ Simpson has been looking for.  This board is for the exchange of ideas and information.  Not for one neurotic conspiracy fanatic to vent his personal inadequacies or frutstrations,  whatever they may be, on me or anyone else.  If you cannot find something positive or constructive to say, why don't you go shove one thumb up your as and put the other in your mouth. I, for one, am tired of your relentless and ceaseless bullshit.  Your tune never changes.

Frankie 2003a is not an alias, yet there are no reviews posted by you.  Who are you? What is your purpose on this board ?  Are you just some lonely  institutionalized psycho  vomitting his anger at the world?

I guess the word hasn't gotten out to scriptfixer that this script about NYConfidential is in turnaround hell.  We here in NY know that there is a Republican Convention in September--RIGHT HERE IN NEW YORK CITY--and that Mayor Bloomberg has plans to clean-up the city, so that no Bible-thumper from the heartland could be caught in a compromising position.  Quiet and discrete escorts and agencies will survive and avoid embarassing themselves and their clients.  NYConfidential does not have the smarts to do either.

dse5212 reads

We heard from NY Confidential that clients are protected due to attorney client confidentiality.  Now we here from scriptfixer that we need not worry about prostitution laws in NY, because apparently, he says so.

Did the law degrees you guys receive come from the same cracker jack box, or did you have to make seperate investments

frankie2003a4235 reads

This scriptfixer guy is a pain in the ass.  He's more annoying
than NY Confidential.

They agency can't be too much of an ass (although they did a
pretty good job of it) because the readers here are their
clients.  This guy is their attack dog or something.

The dude lives in LA and posts on this board almost exclusively
to defend NY Confi.  It's one thing to weigh in on a
conversation but he's way too one sided to be legit.

Check his posts on this board - they are almost exclusively
about NY Confi - either praising them or dissing some other
agency relative to NY Confi.  It's just too much.

Someone posted as an alias that this guy was their photographer
or something.  I suspect (but obviously can't prove) that he
has some sort of undisclosed relationship with NY Confi.


I have plenty of postings on the Los Angeles Board.

Can we all agree to put this NY Confidential thing to bed?  It is just stirring up a lot of negative energy and fighting to the benefit of no one.  Can we all agree to drop it from here?  It no longer serves any purpose.

FLY ON THE WALL5174 reads


frankie2003a4543 reads

I sense you know something about this guy.
Please let us in on the secret :).


frankie2003a5455 reads

and how do you know?  PM me if you have to.

peace out,

firpo5236 reads

It's not that you have posts here and at the LA board it's your incessant commentaries with no validity.
You wanna have an intelligent discussion, show up with a valid argument; you wanna get flamed and correctly shown to be a petty shill who can't pull off an intelligent conversation (it's all in the tone actually), show up with the disingenuous postings -- the vain disparagements lurking just beneath the chipped-away veneer of pseudo-concern, fake praise and concern, whatever else it can be dressed up in -- that you have already littered this board with.
Is it so difficult to understand this?

I'm tird of  trying to defend myself.  If you have something to say, PM me.  Otherwise, I' m finished with this incessant name calling and these self-indulgent exposés on matters of no real consequence other than to keep you guys busy, feeling important as if you've found evidence of a second gunman on the Zapruder film.  Say goodnight, Gracie.
Goodnight, Gracie.

or the Philadelphia Daily News.  Philadelphia, as we know is a little town.  And like NY, lack liberal feminists crusading to expose the men who victimize the ladies of the night.  Further in the article we see quotes from the chief of Police and the DA citing the fact that many Johns have committed other crimes, so going after johns is good police work.  But I agree with script- the Times or the NY post of NY daily news would never print any sensational news arttciles just to sell papers!

To anyone who hasn't read the lengthy exchange of postings below, starting with "Warning to NYConfidential Customers", here's the story being referred to:

seguy, a hobbyist of NYConfidential, writes in a run-of-the-mill complaint in the last paragraph: "I for one do not like my personal info floating around an office that appears to be an accident waiting to happen".

NYConfidential prove him right by posting, in their first response: "Please remember this client is still anonymous, we are not saying a name"; and then posting a second time, in case seguy missed the point: "By the way, he’s using an alias.."

Realizing the disaster they have caused by threatening to "out" a client, NYConfidential responds idiotically:
"You are protected by attorney-client privilege because our owner is an attorney" proving, once again, seguy's powerful intuition. How so, you may ask?  Because seguy, in his initial complaint says to NYConfidential: "#1- never ever treat your customers like they are less intelligent than you, even if you think it true".

Continuing with their “foot-in-mouth disease”, NYConfidential lets everyone know that others have revealed client names and telephone numbers and have gotten away with it: “World Class Encounters gives names/partial phone #'s of "bad guys", we have NEVER & will never.” WCE responds further up that they only named dangerous clients who threated physical harm, not complainers.

The complaint about scheduling problems is trivial compared to an agency's idle threats about revealing customer names, followed by idiotic remarks about "attorney-client" privilege.THAT's the NYCONFIDENTIAL threat.

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