New York

Re:Ma-Ling or Mae Lee????
nyc_hobbyist 27 Reviews 3673 reads
1 / 16

Did anyone read the NY Times article about "Call Girls" today in the Metro Section?

I was wondering if the madam in the article was Ma-Ling of AlwaysGFE.

GooeyFacial 3371 reads
2 / 16

Ma-Ling's  (spelling?) girls are Jersey based.

nyc_hobbyist 27 Reviews 3114 reads
3 / 16

It says she operates out of NNJ and many of her girls are from Canada.

BenMajor 5 Reviews 3477 reads
4 / 16

Seems like the article could well be The escort names match the offerings, but since a girl named "Rachel" is still featured, not sure...

buddym 45 Reviews 3516 reads
5 / 16

Sounds like she run a tight ship.  Can you imagine sent pics and the like to the girls family if she steps out of line.  Sounds like the pimps of old.  The agencies that we are familiar with would never go to that extreme.

tonyrocc 13 Reviews 4947 reads
6 / 16

whenever Money is  involved , things can get a bit dicey.
This is a very competitive buisness , you would be surprised
what can go on.

Fistfuck 3275 reads
7 / 16

Her name is Mae Lee (many mistakenly call her Mah Ling). I spoke with her this morning and she was unaware the article was to be run today. She has been cooperating with the Times writer and has agreed to be the subject of a book down the line with the same writer. She has some brass balls thumbing her nose at LE. Her girls are great. I've seen Victoria (who is quoted in the article) a few times and she's HOT. Jenna's not bad either. You all obviously have figured how to contact the agency.

lovredhead 3131 reads
8 / 16

So what is her website address.  I want to check her girls out.

CANDIE See my TER Reviews 3943 reads
9 / 16

So foolish of her to do that!  If I were a hobbiest I would not want to be the one in the soooooooooon to be bigtime sting!

sunraider 12 Reviews 2795 reads
10 / 16

After reading the NYT article I think it would wise of Mae Lee to stay away from the recreational drugs and Chi-town gambling parlors. I doubt very much if she's the banking this agency and I would imagine that her significant others are really pissed about her "outing" their agency.

Officer Krupke 2777 reads
11 / 16

...then, they're gonna make a big stink to Jersey City PD, or worse, the NJ State DA.  It's really stupid to cooperate with these journalists, because it can only lead to increased LE activity.  The cops who (bless their hearts) choose not to prioritize Vice crackdowns on internet activities, get forced by "nimby" ("not in my back yard") prudes to do so.

BenMajor 5 Reviews 2211 reads
12 / 16

I can't imagine what drove her to blabber to the Times, unless the journalist lied to her and said it would only be used anon in her planned book on the topic. As a hobbyist, I wouldn't go near her now that I know she is talking to the press, vengeful to the point of insane cruelty, and doing a lot of drugs for one reason or another. Sounds like this women is headed towards self-destruction. But what do I know—it’s not like I’m smart enough to clear $20K a week tax free.

AlwaysGFE 3934 reads
13 / 16

You really must not know me... I have more balls than anyman I have ever met. No need for another set in this opporation. It is all me babe it will always be this way. Trust me it is enough to keep things in line. :)

Just remember one thing a great man once said... "All publicity is good publicity" and honestly if one was to read more carefully, it is not all about the business it is also about me. This is about a book not about telling business secrets. Jelousy will carry something so simple to the outter limits of the mind, the reality is... an article was written about the truth behind "this" agency... which puts no one at risk but "this" agency if even that, but it does tell more to the world that a business as this has reached another more proffessional level as well as telling the world that there is a girl out there with a story that will soon be a book. What ever else people see into is running with there imagination. I am one of the MOST PAARINOID people in the world, but most of you are making me reconcider my positioning in this matter!

Happy discussions! I have no more imput in this matter.

xox ML

BenMajor 5 Reviews 3000 reads
14 / 16

A wise person once said about the press:

"I don't care what they write about me,
so long as they spell my name correctly."

Good publicity is priceless.
Just ask the Mayor of New York.

sunraider 12 Reviews 2641 reads
15 / 16

I am sure that you're the consummate professional that you are, however, sometimes it is better to "make assurance double sure." If Sidney Biddle Barrows (the Mayflower Madam) with her bloodline and pedigree, could get busted then anyone of us involved in the nature of this business is in jeopardy as well. Although I have not used your agency personally, I have yet to read any negative comments about its services and I wish you great success with your endeavors.

Mya of LA 3667 reads
16 / 16

She blabbed to the LA Times and soon got nabbed. Her downfall is well documented.

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