New York

Re:If she is local, I'll give it a shot. I hope she can take a multi-pop session!!! (EOM)
fortitude 10730 reads

At $$$$.5 per hour, she better be MSOG and have someone detail your car while you're in with her.

fortitude12459 reads

Here’s an interesting coincidence that 1way and I both discovered. It seems that Mrs. Robinsin has 3 reviews. All 3 reviews give her a 9 for performance. That certainly could be if a provider is an exceptional gal, and there are many of them out there. Here’s our dilemma:

All 3 reviews are from guys who have NOT reviewed anyone else. To give someone a 9 without any reference point is IMHO unusual at best.  

And for 3 different guys to essentially report pretty much the same exact session is also unusual.

The writing style of all 3 are very similar in syntax and grammar.

2 of the 3 employ an unusual style of setting paragraphs, and they are almost identical in that respect.

The pix on her site are awesome looking.  And we both are contemplating a date with her (not at the same time!).  She frequents the east end of LI in the summer, and is therefore convenient for 1way.  But at $$$$.5 per hour, the cost is very steep if he or I take one for the team.  

So, you guys, and gals, tell us. Suspicious or not?

-- Modified on 8/1/2003 7:11:33 AM

We'd like to know
A little bit about you
For our files.(you bet)
We'd like to help you learn
To help yourself.
Look around you. All you see
Are sympathetic eyes.(horny...too)
Stroll around the grounds
Until you feel at home.

And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo wo wo).
God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson,
Heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey hey hey, hey hey

Hide it in a hiding place
Where no one ever goes.
Put it in you pantry with your cupcakes.
It's a little secret,
Just the Robinsons' affair.
Most of all, you've got to hide it
from the kids.

Coo coo ca-choo, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo wo wo).

God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson,
Heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey hey hey, hey hey hey).

Sitting on a sofa
On a Sunday afternoon,
Going to the candidates' debate,
Laugh about it,
Shout about it,
When you've got to choose,
Every way you look at it you lose.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you (Ooo ooo ooo).

What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
"Joltin' Joe has left and gone away" (Hey hey hey, hey hey hey).

Well....Forti...I agree with your suspiciousness,,,its in the

We'd like to know
A little bit more about her
For our until then...I'll just think of her when I 'm stealing the cupcakes from another provider's
Perhaps thinks..Mr.Robinsin wrote those reviews....


WARNING   WARNING  DANGER   WILL ROBINSON( courtesy from Lost in Space)
Personally when I look at reviews I also check out who did the reviewing. Guys who are one and out reviews , or only review certain agencies I dont put much stock in.
Oh , and guys on the Porn Board who have reviews that are always glowing  especially with NEW ladies I dont trust either.

These reviews underscore the need for better policing.

I was suspicious after the first two reviews appeared on the same day, were written with a very similar tone (a woman's) and, of course, they were the first and only reviews submitted by the reviewer.

I took the time to write an email to "Mrs. Robinisin" to inform her that such conduct will have a boomerang effect on those who read TER and I requested that she remove the reviews.

Of course, I received no response and she has subsequently posted one more.

Let's hope that those who read reviews also check out the Discussion Boards...

1way9401 reads maybe I'll just see what happens. The fee is steep considering there are others that I KNOW can play nice with me.

I hope she can handle it. I'm starting to recover from my FLA trip.

-- Modified on 8/1/2003 8:47:53 AM

There is another review of her that was just posted on the NY Review board. Same guy, two reviews, both of her. I'm still going in (no pun intended).

-- Modified on 8/1/2003 8:57:40 AM

7.42 %

that's based on the estimated probability of a consistent performance of 9 as taken from the TER database [1]

that's roughly  13-to-1  odds  (and much lower if you were in Vegas! ;-)

although i did notice the latest review of her is a 7 ... so go figure

Live Long & Prosper!




-- Modified on 8/1/2003 11:21:35 AM

Not to take anything away from 1way but I sent you a PM several weeks ago about Ms. Robinsin. Remember your response to me ? You couldn't find her because I spelled her name wrong.
I am not being sensitive my friend. Just busting some chops and making a point.
Those reviews are as phony as the day is long and the days are getting shorter this time of year.
Stay awayyyyyyyyyyy one way. Unless of course you want to take one for the team which I wouldn't recommend.
Save your hard earned dollars and see one of those lovely gals I suggested recently.

fortitude10662 reads

Whoever is doing the shilling is dumber than dogshit.  He was supposed to start a new review profile for her friend Laura.

Hey Blur, if you're reading this, what gives?

You know this is why I appreciate the NYC regulars. I'm sooo not needed!

I was tied up in a conference all day, this virtual world just goes on without me...and I even get credit for working hard here, while i was really unwrapping my rubber chicken wrapped box lunch....thanks.

isn't unmoderated status wonderful?


... may the unmoderated status live long

or is it "auto-moderated" !?


Way to risky.  I always look at who is reviewing and take they past ones into account.

There are many factors to be taken into consideration:

If they have only 1 (or none) the reviewer has no frame of reference to determine good and bad
The posts are all (IMHO) almost identical, that's suspect
For the $$$$, I wouldn't risk it

Good luck and proceed cautiously.

for a woman in her mid 40's!
I realize there are exceptions but they are truly rare.
Also, the rate should be going down as the age goes up (at least that's been my experience). IMHO

Reviews are a little suspect. The part I don't like is giving employment info. That is something I won't give, I know that screening is a neccessity, but as soon as I see that I move on.

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