New York

Question for guys and providers, LET'S HAVE FUN!
Kim@BDJ 7222 reads


If you were to take 1 to 3 celebrities that you think you might resemble or look just like to describe yourself who would they be?
Also.. personality wise, who's personality do you most identify with the most?

Maybe you can mention the provider and think of which celebrity she most resembles and then which celebrity's personality she is like.Be positive, no jabs here, thanks

I have always wanted to do this, can we have fun doing this I think it will give the guys a better idea of what the girls look close to even though most girls blur their faces out to do discretion only.

I wil also contribute to what some of the girls of BDJ resemble also!


-- Modified on 1/26/2005 8:31:32 AM

That's difficult because I've never had a repeat visit with a provider, so I can't judge their personality.  I will say I though Gina Robbins looked a lot like Julianne Moore.

I will also say the my ideal type would look like Catherine Zeta Jones but have the personality of Allyson Hannigan.  (This one time at band camp...)

Who ever I chose would be sexy, attractive and very interesting......  I will have to get backi to you ; )

jmw86525471 reads

who would you want in your living room, Kim?

Difficult to say about her personality, though. Maybe Brooke Shields with Johnny Carson's wit. He seems better now than ever.


StandupLou3514 reads

If you are one of their regulars, Valentina from
the former ML will fill the bill well.  Looks-
wise and, Brooke might not .  .  .

I can't play the game about myself. That just wouldn't be!

I think Jill(from BDJ) resembles Samantha Fox. Samantha Fox back in her modeling days - not during her singing career. I posted this a while back when I saw her and I didn't get any type of a response from anybody. No agreements or disagreements. What do you guys think?

I have to sit back and think about other providers that resemble celebrities.

Kim ;) wink!3255 reads

Jill does look like exactly like Samantha Fox, can anyone provide the link to her pic from years ago, I think she used to be a page six girl in England and she sang that song, i want to have some fun... so fitting for jill herself. Jill's new pics will be up soon!

This is the best Samantha Fox picture I could find.

Kim... great idea. This is the levity that this board needs.

I am a mix of Pierce Brosnan, Brad Pitt and Danny Devito.

The mix ratio is .01%, .01% and 99.98% :)

Oh, and I'm hung like John Holmes' friend's hamster.

Personality wise... Chandler Bing from Friends.


Kim ;) wink!3682 reads

When I come into NY. All you cool charcaters have to come out and have fun. DRINK, DRINK, AND DRINK~

Let's get this thread going, I will let you know where it is heading soon!

I'm thinking that me as DeVito/Penguin and a provider that looks like Michelle Pfieffer/Catwoman...meowwwwwww!


Hey Kim,
I've been involved in this stuff since you were just winding up the Wild Orchid days, so though we've spoken many times, we've never met. Having drinks and talking face to face with you is something I've very often thought about as being the most fun I guy could have.  I am sure you'll know who I am if you think of Makenzie!  If it's possible to hang for drinks and fun with you and your crowd when you're in NY, I'm definitely good for your drinks!  Just name the place.

P.S.  -Tom Jones -looks
     -Colin Firth -personality

Well, if I can describe myself then I would say I have the personality of Donal Logue but the looks of ... well ... Donal Logue.  However, I hope to age graciously and end with a very stoic face with kind eyes like Ed McMahon.  That's why I try to stick to a strick regiment of no less than 19 martinis a day.

Cmon---Don't keep us in suspense. Tell us who you are closely aligned with!!

I'm a cross between Michael Bolton/Barry Manilow (looks) and Woody Allen (humor)...and I'm ready to meet you and your girls...preferably on Long Island!

-- Modified on 1/26/2005 10:59:06 AM

I have known you for a quite a long time, but I haven't seen you in a while. I would say you look somewhat like Teri Hatcher. (lol)

-- Modified on 1/26/2005 3:48:44 PM

-- Modified on 1/26/2005 3:50:38 PM

kim, goes....i don't think there's any one celeb who I resemble...i'm a mix of Richard Dreyfus, Ron Howard and Owen Wilson.  Personality-wise, Jerry Seinfeld and George Carlin.
And, like one of the other guys said, I don't think I know any provider well enough to speak about their personality...
nice chatting with you this morning ;)
a long island friend

toffeenose3603 reads

dont want to sound a sour note (yes i do) but this sounds like PR to me aimed at countering all the negative postings BDJ girls were receiving. not nyconfidential all over again, is it? "The funniest will get a free fuck..."

-- Modified on 1/26/2005 5:46:22 PM

Kim@BDJ2966 reads

I hardley ever post on this board except for schedules but I guess maybe having a little fun once is not good.You can all thank this person for ruining a good mood that I was in ONCE.

From now on I will only post schedules, how sad is that that you can make a person feel like that.

I don't need publicity, I was stressed out, still am and I just wanted to have a good time and get the board into a fun direction and away from the negativity that once ruled here not too many days ago.

Schedules only.. due to this type of response.


Don't be so concerned with the one 'bad apple' post. Don't let one bad apple ruin it for the rest of us 'fruitcakes'
We understand the spirit of your post and appreciate your wanting to enliven the Board from recent 'days passed'!!

PR? Are we reading the same posts? Kim starts a thread about comparing ourselves and providers to celebrites and you think this has something to do with PR? Is that a joke? Did you miss the fact that she didn't even include her link in any of the posts that she made in this thread. She was just looking to have some fun. Not everyone has an alterior motive when they post.

How many  recent negative posts have been made about BDJ girls? As I recall only 2. Peyton and Cami. As Kim already mentioned both girls no longer work for her based on the feedback that she was getting from her clients. What more do you want? Are you going to sit here and look down on her for giving both girls a chance to work for her? If you are all I can say is that is ridiculous. The bottom line is that both girls were not up to the quality of service that Kim expects from her girls, so they parted ways. Enough Said!

Now, you want to put another spin on this and compare her posts to the NY Confidential contests. I can't believe I'm even wasteing the time to dispute this as that may be one of the stupidest statements I have ever seen posted on a PMB. If you can't see the difference between Jason running bogus contests and Kim posting about comparisons between johns/providers and celebrities, then you have issues that are beyond my control.

-- Modified on 1/26/2005 9:43:21 PM

Please ignore this tasteless post. There was no offer of a contest here or anything else execept the idea of having some fun. That is the dumbest comparison I have ever heard. I am sorry but what negative PR, Cmom. Somebody has to defend Kim's honor and I will be happy to tell you to go away. You are so far off base on this one.

firpo3163 reads

you're note sour note just a bitter man. Not everything in life has to have an ulterior motive.
Kim, please do not pay attention to one person's pathetic attempt at getting attention.

Remember what I wrote before?

I LOVE IT WHEN SOMEBODY POSTS SOMETHING THAT MAKES THEM LOOK STUPID!!! It's not my job to protect you from yourself!!!

I knew as soon as I approved this post that the board community would set you straight.

GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!!! This is not TBD!!! Every post here does not have to be an ad or an ISO. Indy and Agency providers can take a lesson from this type of thread. The more people get to know you on the boards, the more likely your phone will ring more often. In my experience, threads like this are often effective in getting long-time lurkers to join in the back and forth.

All I ask is that people try to keep to the one thread per page rule. What I mean in this case is I don't think it would be fair for the same provider/agency to fill one page with multiple off-topic threads. That hasn't happened since I've been back so I'm not complaining.


-- Modified on 1/27/2005 6:56:40 AM

Interesting post Kim. I just started watching Medium with Patricia Arquet. I cant believe how much Kelly looks like her. She's also pretty psychic but only in session. Alyssa

Me, I've been told I look like Danny Kaye...but other than that, I've my own unique to personality...well that's a tough one...

My humor is a mix of Woody Allen, Monty Python and Mel Brooks (the producers Mel not the Space Balls Mel)

Politics falls somewhere near Howard Dean...Passions are large...

And my sexuality...well look at my name ;)

As for me:
At work Im told I resemble SHREK! Which I think is right on the money since my sense of humor is much like Mike Myers. Im shy at first but once I get going, you cant stop me. LOL

Kim dont let one negative post stop you from having fun with us on this board. Keep em coming!!

Kim did not say only BDJ could reply... she wanted this to be an open forum to have a little fun and talk about something light-hearted for a change.

I would like to hear who my favorites would say they look like.


Vinnie Vegas2693 reads

I characterize myself as part George Costanza:  short, fat, balding, no money, back hair similar to Ron Jeremy, and loads of shrinkage, the nutritional habits of Ernest Hemmingway. To sum up, going thru life a short, fat, drunken, dateless troll, who is hanging one hard, and with the finances of a Pakistani dirt vendor is no way to go thru life.  
My impressions of Kim goes like this.  Having never met her, only thru setting up dates, she is the most driven ambitious person, male or female I have ever met.  She has that rare charisma and personality that draws people to her.  Smile that could melt steel and a body built for sin.  It is hard for me to put a personality of her or her girls as they are very unique and different in their own ways.

I've been thinking about a way to describe myself...

The best I can do?

Somewhere between "Timmy" from South Park and Hannibal Lecter. ;)


Pardon this photo. I was having a bad hair day and just a wee bit hungover.


-- Modified on 1/27/2005 11:24:06 AM

-- Modified on 1/27/2005 11:54:25 AM

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