New York

AlexiaNYC 9717 reads

Don't mean to step on any toes here, but there are hundreds of escorts who don't require a deposit. Check their reviews and give them a call. Don't risk your hard earned money. That kind of bad experience makes hobbying less fun.

I just emailed someone that I Have been with before. She informed me she wants deposits in advance. I just won't give someone  a deposit. I know of to many people being ripped off. What is the general feeling out there regarding deposits.

A Big NO on deposits. To many stories of rip offs or having trouble getting money back if theirs a problem.

NO to deposits!!!!! I've been stood up and they never had the decency to return an email or phone call.

Onceburned7927 reads

The only experience I have ever had with putting down a deposit was bad -- I lost it.  If you have to ask, you don't trust her very much even after having seen her, so I'd pass.


AlexiaNYC9718 reads

Don't mean to step on any toes here, but there are hundreds of escorts who don't require a deposit. Check their reviews and give them a call. Don't risk your hard earned money. That kind of bad experience makes hobbying less fun.

Been burnt several times making a deposit.("Did not receive it"..."Was cancelled"etc,etc..... besides,my name goes on record somewhere!.  I'd rather make a deposit in a sperm bank.

Ya know Alexia, I like you more and more every day.

ritchie9356 reads

NO! NO! NO! Giving a deposit is the easiest way to lose your money FAST! Stay away from escorts that require a deposit. You'll wind up getting a bait and switch and when you try to back out they will tell you that you lost your deposit.

I understand why aldies want deposits; too many "Gents" not showing up and wasteing the lady's time. However, I will not submit to that transaction adn never give a deposit. If that is not acceptable to the lady, then I will go elsewhere, no harm, no foul.

In the meantime if I've ever had the occasion to cancel on a lady, I always make every effort to afford her the maximum notice I can. I think I may have only given 2.5 hours once because of a missed flight, but generally it is more than that. If all gentleman and lurkers followed that practice, I suspect that fewer legitimate providers would request deposits.

Be well and play safe,

Kym Regal11770 reads

You are so right RC. But you have to also take into account that if you live in a place where you have to travel everywhere ( ie. Long Island), battle traffic ect... it doesn't do to go long distances only to not have the door answered ect... I have never had a problem making an appointment that there was a deposit given. And it probably had to do with the fact that my deposit requirements are so little in comparison to the overall total. Also, I do use Paypal and have been doing so for a few years now without any problems with the company ( probably because I am verified with my REAL name and a REAL business). This is a personal choice. For the provider and the client who accepts it. BUT, if you are weary, do your research. If you are a member of this board, you should be able to send a message to the reviewers who have reviewed the lady you are interested in. This and many other boards are here to benefit the hobbyist. If you use it right and are a serious consumer, it can be very beneficial and you will enjoy yourself without the stress and influence of some people who really shouldn't be voicing their opinions at all.
Take care and Happy Hobbying!

Kym xoxoxo

Kym I respect your position on this as I find you to be a very intelligent person.

Reviews for no shows are not allowed, therefore, if someone has made a deposit and the lady in question didn't show, it would be nearly impossible to search for and find this info.

As far as living in Long Island, I don't understand why anyone would want to. LOL, I'm a CT country boy and have done my share of time on the LIE  and the parkways, The closest I like to get to that area is White Plains. I did have to go into LIC the other day, to meet a client, his office was next to a restaurant on 44th Dr., On The River or On The Waterfront or something like that. It looked interesting, I may have to check it out sometime.

-- Modified on 5/19/2003 4:59:54 AM

Kym Regal9346 reads

LOL!!! Yes, Long Island can be a real pain in the a** traffic wise, but the summer is coming ( isn't it? ), the beaches will be open and for that short amount of time, this area will be heavenly. But I did want to clarify my post above, because I think I may have not been too clear on what I meant by using the reviews as a way of checking out a lady. What I meant was, if a lady piques your interest and she has a review, you could email the reviewer(s) about their experience regarding sending a deposit, her reliability ect... of course you have to be a paid member to send private messages, but I think it would be worth it.

Like I said, it is a personal choice between the providers who ask for them ( or not) and the person who accepts the requirement. Neither one is right or wrong, it's how you feel and your comfort level. But I don't think anyone should be ridiculed or be made to feel bad whatever their position is. Do your research, if you have had a bad experience, post it. Yes, name and all, but don't just say that you were ripped off and leave it at that. Much too vague and just my opinion, but questionable as well.  This is suppose to be a board to help you. I don't know about anyone else here, but if I had money stolen from me, you would here me roar LOL!!!

I hope this made sense.

Kym xoxoxo

I'm already pulling my hair out thinking about the LIE and any Parkwy in the next few months from Fri thru Mon. morning.....YUCK!!!

The beaches will be nice but I prefer Maine, Old Orchard Beach, that rocky coastline is so romantic.

Yes, I have tried backchanneling with not much luck. The people I have tried to contact either aren't VIP or never look at their mail.

I still have a problem with deposits no matter how well reviewed someone is. The papertrail is the number 1 reason and the chance of a no show still remains. You're right, the ridicule isn't neccesary, and if I came across that way, I'm sorry.

Kym, I would love to hear you roar, not about getting ripped off though ;^)

You make perfect sense to me.

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