New York

Re: pls bear w me, this is a subway gripe...
OneEyedKing 2877 reads

It really says a lot about the management (or should I say ownership cause that's what it really is) of this city that it rains for an hour and that's enough to cause chaos.  This old and weak infrastructure has been a concern for years but nothing has been done.  The only sollution presented by the Mayor is to lower taxes for his Wall Street buddies.   It's widely known the NYC sewers can't handle heavy rain so we get water flooding everywhere including the subways.  This is the same dirty stinky, obviously overcrowded subway system he wants all us peasants riding in so he and his buddies have a quicker time riding about the city in their limos.

The wealthiest city in the world can't handle an hour of steady rain and the Mayor's reaction at a press conference is to consider ourselves "lucky nobody was hurt."
Or in other words,  shut the fuck up peasants!

TO all the native newyorkers, what is up w the subway lately? i kno they r supposedly upgradin but come on: how can a run-of-the-mill rainstorm -- did we have another Katrina and i missed it?--shut down most of the system? on top of it, trains particularly on the west side have been following erratic schedules: often sitting b/w stations for minutes supposedly for the train in front of them, so then why are waits for trains so long?...

Mercedes Ladies2142 reads

The bastards on the subway could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon they stink so bad.

OneEyedKing2878 reads

It really says a lot about the management (or should I say ownership cause that's what it really is) of this city that it rains for an hour and that's enough to cause chaos.  This old and weak infrastructure has been a concern for years but nothing has been done.  The only sollution presented by the Mayor is to lower taxes for his Wall Street buddies.   It's widely known the NYC sewers can't handle heavy rain so we get water flooding everywhere including the subways.  This is the same dirty stinky, obviously overcrowded subway system he wants all us peasants riding in so he and his buddies have a quicker time riding about the city in their limos.

The wealthiest city in the world can't handle an hour of steady rain and the Mayor's reaction at a press conference is to consider ourselves "lucky nobody was hurt."
Or in other words,  shut the fuck up peasants!

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