New York

Re: Ok everyone, lets get a grip....
mickluva 26 Reviews 138 reads

Not looking for a pity party. Conversation and genuine curiosity.

I am a black man who has been in the "hobby" since my military days. I have learned more and more about this hobby over the years and have adjusted myself accordingly. Before I am with a provider, I try to make sure I am clean and I try to tip appropriately. I am not especially large for a black man and I love when a provider enjoys me as much as I her. I see a lot of ads which often say "no black man" or no "African American." What is it about black men that providers don't like? We are all as different from each other as an Italian is to an Irish man but I often see that we are not desired as clients. We have money just like anyone else and can be as generous or as cheap. There are those who are considered "Thugs" but this is not all who we are. It is sad that people see the few and the majority. Is it that my black skin is not desired or do we have undesirable features in general. I accept all responses without judgement. I just want information and understanding.

I truly don't understand how some ladies discriminate solely on race. I have never had any issues with the black men I see.  

Unfortunately, there are unfortunate stereotypes in the media that seep into the world of providing, causing providers to believe that all black men are cheap, rough, "thuggish", etc. while men of any other race can be all these as well.  

I will not judge you based on how you look, but instead on how courteous, pleasant, clean, and respectful you are. I hope my fellow providers will put aside their prejudices and do the same.

That they won't see providers who see black men. I didn't ask why.

Posted By: mickluva
I am a black man who has been in the "hobby" since my military days. I have learned more and more about this hobby over the years and have adjusted myself accordingly. Before I am with a provider, I try to make sure I am clean and I try to tip appropriately. I am not especially large for a black man and I love when a provider enjoys me as much as I her. I see a lot of ads which often say "no black man" or no "African American." What is it about black men that providers don't like? We are all as different from each other as an Italian is to an Irish man but I often see that we are not desired as clients. We have money just like anyone else and can be as generous or as cheap. There are those who are considered "Thugs" but this is not all who we are. It is sad that people see the few and the majority. Is it that my black skin is not desired or do we have undesirable features in general. I accept all responses without judgement. I just want information and understanding.

So let's be honest. There is a number of women with a NBA policy that are just racists. I don't know who would doubt that. But what about the AA women with an NBA policy? That's a bit more complicated, right?

Women, like us men, should have the right to fuck whoever they wish for whatever reason they wish. We can discriminate based on age, race, hair color, body type, heritage, etc so why can't the women?

In addition, there are women who have been raped/molested by AA men and that is why they don't see them. Two women told me this over the years and they were quite believable, but I can not vouch for the accuracy of their statements.  

Yes, of course I would acknowledge that this is very, very few women, but we know it happens nonetheless, and of course it happens reversing the races.  

If I were you, I wouldn't be satisfied with these answers as you sound like a good dude but that is how I see it. It sucks but what can you do?

Spend time with the gals who see you as as equal, who want to spend time in your presence and who are color blind and try to be thankful for them.

The world is changing, slowly on some things faster on others. My guess is that a higher percentage of white women will have sex for money with AA men today than they would have 30 or 40 years ago.

You may not take much solace in that, as I am not sure I would if I were in your shoes, but that is all I got.

Sorry you are being treated this way. It must totally suck and anger or hurt you and those feelings would be totally justified, imo.

I've experienced racism here and there throughout my life and it doesn't hold me back. If you work hard, the benefits come your way. I understand there are racist providers but I have even seen dark skinned African, Dominican, Puertorican etc women who don't date black men. Most likely based on the the thuggish few.

I don't give it more thought anymore of the 'why not' than just like when I see particular ISO's that basically say 'no black chicks' or literally state that.  
At this really shouldn't care. Spend your energy, thoughts, time and money on those who don't discriminate on race. Those are the ones who should really matter to you. Good luck.

-- Modified on 4/24/2016 10:29:58 PM

of days this happens...but it does.

Me personally...I have no issues with any race. As long as you treat me with kindness, over all gentleman then please feel free to come and visit with me.

I would love the chance to get to know you when I visit soon.

Makenzie Ra

I just recently had an experience with a lovely Russian lady who had never been with a black man. She was very nervous but very excited. We spent 30 minute talking before anything occurred. This is not to say I don't Love being with black women. I am just intrigued by why, other than racism, we are not desired?

A lot of those ads are written by a pimp. Pimps don't want "their" women seeing black guys. They are insecure, and their world is very small.

Just to add to this
I want to say that you have asked an excellent question in a very intelligent and respectful way.
Perhaps some providers might have had a bad experience with and AA. But I am sure, not from fact, that some or more than some providers have had bad experiences with white men. I truly believe that if providers that state no AA, are most likely either racists or prejudiced. Some people are what I believe to be prejudiced based on nothing more than how they were brought up and just have unjustified fears. Basically a lack of education in the sense of real world not schooling.
I mean look we have a AA for a president. Not saying I am for or against a AA for president it just that options take time to change and education is key.  
Great that you brought this up
I commend you

Also, she may have left her pimp, but continues doing business this way, because that's what she knows. If she doesn't do any verification (which is common in the lower end of the market), she won't know that you are an upscale, professional client. She might be afraid that a black man is just another pimp coming along to take over her life... that's what her old pimp was afraid of. When you think about it, it's hard to blame a lady if that's all she knows. Again, her world is small. One can only hope that her life experiences open her mind.

Like Me!  

I can't get enough!  I love, love, love the cultural diversity of NYC. Having grown up in the most white, rural places in the country this big city adventure is glorious.  I love seeing the different shades of Mocha, Caramel, Dark Chocolate, and Ebony hides... those colors look so great against my light skin.

her reason for doing so was because that was how it was when she was brought up, but she had many black friends now so it definitely wasn't racist/prejudice...all of our eyes rolled so damn hard. I wish I could find the thread now...She doesn't say it on her site either.  

I'm not sure what other reason you might be looking for besides racism and/or irrational fears.

Porn/sex work/sex/attraction are still areas where racial prejudices are somewhat "okay", institutionalized, and rationalized. Have a peep at the link below, it's one of a few articles detailing porn's relationship with race

I myself am AA and fully against discrimination. From my knowledge this "no AA men" movement begin on BP. A lot of the AA guys there were viewing providers as "hoes"- a chick that's going to suck my dick for $20. Were very rude and disrespectful. Argue with you over your rates, etc. A complete turn off and so not worth the headache. (Apologies for the foul language)

Overall, everyone has there preferences. Just stick with those who will enjoy you. I'm sure that there are plenty ;-)

And unfortunate that in 2016 we are still up against the issue.  
Still at the end of the day people have their preferences. You can't force anyone to love you they way we all should.

Hello Mickluva,

We accept all clients no matter their skin color as long as they are kind, respectful towards the girls  and as long as you can provide reputable references or screening verification

I do agree with you not every person can be judged by a few bad eggs, every race has them.  

We gladly welcome you with open arms

I usually don't even know till at my door...

same color money...Ha Ha ha....who cares.....its all in fun....

Yes I understand, I am a Black male myself.  I have seen 100 dollar hoes and overnights with porn stars for 9,000 in vegas. I have many reviews taken down with very select women because they don't provide anymore but if you saw then previously then you would know whom I am talking about.   But this poor racial stuff has got to stop.  Yes I don't like it when I see those kinds of ads but hey in the 90s when I started hobbying there were no such ads to warn me and I would get left standing at the door with a woman on the other side yelling "I don't see Black men".  This happened at least ten times.   Man, let this roll of your back.  Blacks need to start having a bit of racial pride and if some crack head does not want to see you then let it go. Stop publicly (in my opinion) put this wanna be affirmative action stuff on a public board-go to a steak house with your other boyz in your circle and talk about it then.  I refuse to let some woman that I make more in one week then she makes in a year ruin my life (I am not saying this is happening to you).  Stop showing your hand (knowledge is power).  Just keep a stiff upper lip and move on.
If anyone feels differently I welcome your input and then please go jump in a lake.

It's racism pure and simple. Either the provider has it in her mind that she "doesn't like" black men in general (which is absurd because people are unique and different regardless of specific aesthetics,) or she thinks one's skin tone dictates the way one acts (tipping, being "cheap" etc,) or she thinks skin tone/ethnicity determines dick size (trust me, it don't.) I could go on but it all boils down to racism. Anthropologists don't believe in "race" as we know it. There is more genetic variation within a defined racial group then there are between the "races." It's a social construct with very real and meaningful consequences.  
I do not prejudice based on the way a client looks. Not on age, size, race, religion, gender expression, or anything else. Everyone deserves pleasure. If this were any other business would I say "No Black Men?" Bitches be crazy.

I think you can state your preferences without being rude about it.

I personally see men whatever their race, as long as they follow my procedures and write me a nice email introducing themselves. I find, as long as I am interested in someone, I can find them attractive.  

If we find a certain group of people unattractive, for whatever reason, then we have every right to say, thank you but no thank you. For me it's the people who write to me in bloody text speak, or spouting acronyms like I am a performing seal that pours cold water on my hot spots. For someone else, whether we like it or not, it maybe someone’s race that just does not do it for us.

Would you want me to see you, knowing I was not going to enjoy myself? I hope not because there really is not much pleasure to be found there. There are so many ladies out there. Just find one who enjoys who you are, and leave the rest to it !  


I have seen a variety of black people and the only similarities between some is skin color. There are different shades of black people, different shaped faces, noses, etc. If you are not attracted to a color of skin, I find it very difficult to not see that as racism.

Perhaps it is due to having lived abroad for more than three years during those formative times when prejudice could have been wired into me.  On a recent trip to Ohio to visit family, a ginormous 4x4 with two confederate flags ( the size that fly over buildings? ) trailing after it.  I mutter to my grandmother the type of reception that would receive in Detroit.  Her response was, "What?  That noisy exhaust?  They ticket for noise up there?!"  I love her, but I had to shake my head.  Ingrained, generations of systemic -isms bias is almost impossible to overcome.  

Sometimes, an event or action creates a bias also. Early in my time in the hobby, a young black man, one in retrospect that would be defined as one of the "Thugs" though he was by no means archetypical of the thug lifestyle, attempted to rob me.  He was a stick-up man.  He produced a chrome 38. Special, double action with the hammer back, pointed it into my gut and forced me to my knees.  He grabbed my bait bag...but ended up leaving empty handed, pistol in hand, though minus his coat.  There was a small tear in the sleeve where the hammer caught as I relieved him of it's cumbersome burden, but I'm an avid cosplayer and sewing is my thing.  I still have it. I wear it daily.

Do I dislike black men because of the racism my family, through generations of seclusion and lack of exposure to diverse peoples and cultures, exhibited around me?  Do I dislike black men because one tried to take my earnings without earning them himself?  

No to both.

No to all of it.   I don't dislike or trust black men, or any man.  I can't classify a People by their ethnicity, religion, or driving habits.  What I can do is be wary of people and situations. So, I no longer work past a certain hour.  I always voice verify.  And now, I use ID checks  to truly verify.  

Fact of the matter is, if you're a gentleman, I'm receptive to entertain your company. Rude and crass men need not apply. :)


Posted By: mickluva
I am a black man who has been in the "hobby" since my military days. I have learned more and more about this hobby over the years and have adjusted myself accordingly. Before I am with a provider, I try to make sure I am clean and I try to tip appropriately. I am not especially large for a black man and I love when a provider enjoys me as much as I her. I see a lot of ads which often say "no black man" or no "African American." What is it about black men that providers don't like? We are all as different from each other as an Italian is to an Irish man but I often see that we are not desired as clients. We have money just like anyone else and can be as generous or as cheap. There are those who are considered "Thugs" but this is not all who we are. It is sad that people see the few and the majority. Is it that my black skin is not desired or do we have undesirable features in general. I accept all responses without judgement. I just want information and understanding.

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