New York

Re: Never mentioned her timing problems before
JustinDavid 52 Reviews 1890 reads
1 / 18

I would like to let you know that Giana Morrison is horrible with time management. She can frequently be several hours late for appointments. I thought it might make a difference if I asked a couple of days in advance if I needed a specific day and time. She said that would help. So, I made an appointment with her 3 days ahead of time. She approved the appointment but only hours before our scheduled appointment did she finally cancel on me. She has no regard for anybody's time. So much for her being ranked one of Top in NYC

Ipdailey 1153 reads
2 / 18

How did you go from writing a great review to throwing here under the bus on the board?? You review states you have seen her 4 times.

JustinDavid 52 Reviews 1056 reads
3 / 18

My reviews were based on her looks and her performance. The latenesses and most recently the short notice cancellations got to be a little too much so I finally had to mention it.

thomson666 4 Reviews 973 reads
4 / 18

after you meet her by delaying her time and your schedule. she gives you pay back time
she will do what ever all others wont do and can keep you for double the time and even more

tozer 72 Reviews 522 reads
5 / 18
STPhomer 176 Reviews 716 reads
7 / 18

I always thought she was one of NYC superstars.
I mention this because in my experience many top tier ladies tend to be fashionably or even nortorously late to outcall appts.
My memory of Savannah is she was always at least 10-15 minutes early.

Too bad about Giana.  Habitual lateness is one thing. And it sounds like you were even willing to put up with it. But last minute cancellation ? That's inexcusable.

Actually she probably has an excuse. But hard to be credible  when you have a history of disregarding commitments.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 672 reads
8 / 18

And now you have taken her to task publicly for being less than perfect.  I would bet that she won't be seeing you again.

batmanbegins 820 reads
9 / 18

Too many guys with the shilling is the problem and quick to turn on the guy so you are right. The only mistake the OP made was giving her a solid score because it looks like he got backstabbed royally  by her unless something so bad happened.

Can't tell if this was intentionally done  since no one else was there but it would not be a surprise as certain low class girls get off on lying, delaying, canceling abruptly, or cryptic responses. For them that's a bigger orgasm.  It counts as performance when they treat a guy with disrespect. Whether a girl is top of the line or not, there is no excuse.  

TER may have to create a new system so guys can change reviews if a girl becomes bad

Gianamorrison See my TER Reviews 906 reads
10 / 18

What the problem here is, since this post regards me, is once in a while I'm dealt an emotionally unstable, immature and disgruntled client that can't handle every day adult situations. I have a normal life outside of this and unfortunately things do happen to interfere but, that makes me Giana Morrison. JustinDavid is an interesting author of this post because I've met with him 4 times and had the upmost respect for him, until now. Any  smart person would realize false online banter out of unnecessary frustration will not get you the 5th appointment. And most importantly. It's just not cool to do this.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 550 reads
11 / 18

The best thing he could have done was to have expressed his disappointment to you privately, after seeing you four times, and building a growing good relationship with you.  I would bet you have been apologetic, and made it up to him.  Instead, he throws you under the bus, and blew up any chance of further contact.   As you said, not cool.

Ipdailey 534 reads
12 / 18

Glad you expressed yourself on this thread. I've known you for awhile now and you have never disappointed me :

GaGambler 564 reads
13 / 18

Maybe he is upset enough that he no longer desires a fifth appointment.

I have no idea who to believe here, but it looks from the tone of his OP that he doesn't consider the "business relationship" worth saving, and if she really does disrespect his time that way, I don't blame him.  

Please notice I said "if" she actually disrespected his time the way he claims. I wasn't there and have no way of knowing who is telling the truth here, but I wouldn't just dismiss his claim out of hand. I know some great providers, or at least great when and if they ever show up, and I too have had to kick a few of them to the curb because they were too flaky to waste any more time with.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 509 reads
14 / 18

That tells me that he should have developed a level of communication with her whereby he should have been comfortable to have handled this problem with her privately, before taking this public.  But I agree...we don't don't know the full story..

JustinDavid 52 Reviews 503 reads
15 / 18

People, I totally acknowledge how I was in the wrong here. My profile says that I've been a member since 2011 so I guess that means I've been in this hobby a good 4-5 years. However, I swear with God as my witness that this is the first time anything like this has ever between me and a provider. After everything that happened Giana still gave me a nice referral to another wonderful provider who is just about where Giana is in NYC's top 100. However, even though now I can just keep going to THAT provider instead from now on I feel that Giana is still my ATF. I really have no idea what her personal life is like but to me, the mere idea that she would still give me that referral after what I did to her proves what a remarkably kind and empathetic human being she must be in general. Whether or not she will forgive me in time as up to her. I really apologize. Sorry guys and thanks. It was a lesson learned.

JustinDavid 52 Reviews 382 reads
16 / 18

So have I successfully set the record straight? Giana says she's been taking a lot of heat for what I did.

cb7915 15 Reviews 231 reads
17 / 18

I had an appointment once on a very cold evening in Manhattan with a lady with rave reviews for appearance and performance. She and I had gone over the appointment date/time thoroughly. All was set. So at street level, I was buzzing her apartment at the appointed time and no response at all. Tried several times and gave up after 30 minutes or so. Sent her emails and left her a voice message. About 40 minutes after the rendezvous time, I got a very apologetic email from her that she was in a certain Midwest city and her return flight to LaGuardia had been cancelled. She sent me screen shots of her cancelled flight and it was utterly clear that has she made her scheduled flight she would have been at least 2 hours late for our rendezvous, factoring in the taxi ride from the airport.

She said she was available the next evening and asked if I wanted to see her then. I agreed to do so because I really wanted to see her and I had invested in a multi-hour date. An extra day's hotel expense in metro NYC was entailed. The date went very well but I found her attention span lacking. After I took a shower prior to saying our goodbyes, she was very caught up in texting or emailing on her cellular. To the point where I was largely ignored. Her hourly fee? Four figures. Those last few minutes together truly set the tone for whether repeat visits might be in order.

JustinDavid 52 Reviews 175 reads
18 / 18

Giana Morrison and I made peace and had a session again but soon after that something else happened. A couple of weeks ago I asked her for another session. She told me to come to the back of her building. I went there and to this day she hasn't gotten back to me. She's perfectly okay considering that she logged on to her Prederred 411 just a couple of days ago so it's not like some tragedy happened to her or anything. She could have said at least something by now

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