New York

Re: My observation: There are some bigger problems here
gurgeh01 659 reads


1. I'm not reviewing, I'm complaining.  I've used BDJ in the past.  I'll surely use them in the future.  They have no idea who I am, ultimately...

2. This seems to suggest you don't go anywhere outside of NY.  Seriously, go to Montreal or something.  You'll be singing a different tune.  

3. Yes, that's true.

4. It was implicit in their initial reply that they weren't going to reply anymore.

5. You've never been busy at work and had to juggle people?  If they can't handle it, someone else should do it.  I really don't feel entitled to meet women, I feel privileged.  I have no problem with the money they request.  All I wanted was a little respect and consideration, which is free.  

6. I've been here for years.  I really don't care to share my personal information, and all reviews sound the same to me, so what's the point?  A lot of girls are actually more embarrassed by the reviews than appreciative of them.

7. No.

-- Modified on 9/4/2015 2:37:18 PM

gurgeh011120 reads

I tried to post a review about the crap customer service at BDJ, but apparently The Erotic Review didn't like it.  I'm PAYING you to post these things, TER!  Do your job!  

If they post this, I'll go back and tell you what I wanted to tell you a few hours ago...

She was the girl you carped about in your thread immediately below this thread.  TER doesn't permit reviews unless you've actually seen the lady...failed attempts can only be posted in this forum.

gurgeh01949 reads

Well, no.  She's not going to be in town for a couple of days.  I was complaining about the agency.  Should I not be expected to be treated with even a basic level of professionalism when I contact an agency?   It's not like I was pestering them with questions.  I spent years working in customer service positions and the questions I was asked by people could be stupid, boring, repetitive, whatever -- but you still have to have enough interpersonal skills to be able to handle this.  If she was busy, she could have simply said that.  I don't think I was doing anything unreasonable.

I'm actually at work right now, so I can't elaborate, but I can get into it later.

You have to meet someone and have a session. Otherwise, what's to stop a guy who was turned away, a crazy ex boyfriend, random people on the internet trying to get VIP days, etc  from trying to get "revenge" or something weird like that? Sucks when she's a NCNS, but otherwise it's one of the few guidelines TER has in place to make sure there's any accuracy to the profiles.  

I don't believe you can review an actual agency on here, just the ladies. And because of that, I really don't think it's fair of you to leave a review on a woman's profile because you're upset with her agency. She doesn't have any control over what they do, and you would only be hurting her for the sake of doing it to someone. And having been with an agency and gotten emails about ways they messed up (sometimes years later, lol), it doesn't exactly look good on you either to hold it against her when she wasn't even involved.  

I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience with them. Dont let them ruin the mood ;-)

gurgeh01658 reads

Hey, man, I just want to make it clear that I'm NOT posting a negative review about Lexi.  She's absolutely gorgeous, based on her photos, and I would love to meet her.  I certainly don't want to sabotage her before she's even gotten to NY.  My comments were based on my poor interaction with her agency and not her.

GaGambler515 reads

You can't review HER, because you never saw her. You can't review THEM because there is no such thing as an agency review. What you can do is express your dissatisfaction right here, just like you have done.

The only other thing you can do is to remind people about your bad experience with this agency whenever they come up in conversation, just try not to look obsessed with them by going too far out of your way to slam them.

Posted By: OhCharlie
I don't believe you can review an actual agency on here, just the ladies.
If you go to Reviews, Site Reviews, Reviews by Service Type, Escort Agencies, [City] you get a list of Agencies and their Votes, ratings and reviews OF THE AGENCY.  

But to OP, I have to say to please slow down.  I read the other thread, too.  PROBABLY, BDJ should have ACKNOWLEDGED you and said something like, "We will clarify the situation and get back to you as soon as we hear from Lexi.  Thank you."  Lexi might have been on a multi-hour date or at a movie and not be able to reply in 25 minutes or even two hours.  

The inconsistent schedule info could be from BDJ and sloppy management.  If Lexi changed her mind about her schedule and notified them, BDJ should have updated EVERY listing not just some of them.  But the person on the phone can SEE the mistake but just can't know the answer to your Q without moving it up the chain and she might not be able to get answers for several hours.  

You definitely should have been acknowledged with a "Thank you for your inquiry.  We will reply to you as soon as we have resolved the discrepancy.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE."

(I used BDJ years ago, but they went through some disappearing and reappearing.  I haven't used them lately.

gurgeh01619 reads

Thanks, impposter.  I think I'm going to reply to this post and the next one and let the whole thing drop.  I want to point out again that I have NO problem with Lexi & my irritation was a lack of respect from her agency.  I've been dealing with the general public for over 25 years and I know good and bad customer service.  Can an agent not text you back, "I'm really busy right now, can I get back to you in a few hours?" or, "Can I call you back later?"  I mean, what's the BFD?  Doing booking for the ladies IS THEIR JOB!  Seriously, they have a no question policy or something?  I do have a problem with the fact that they are making money off of the ladies that they're representing and they don't seem like they actually want to do any work.  Like I mentioned in another post -- they don't even reference check.  They get some random text that says, "Hey!  Is so-and-so available tomorrow at 7:00.  I'd like to see her for an hour."  And a minute later you get a text back, "Sure, she's at the Hilton Doubletree.  Text me tomorrow for her room number."  Boom, done!  Reference check?  Forget about it...

Posted By: gurgeh01
let the whole thing drop.
Drop? Not me!
Can an agent not text you back, "I'm really busy right now, can I get back to you in a few hours?" or, "Can I call you back later?"
And THAT is THE key thing.  If the BDJ phone girl had said or texted something like that, this entire situation would be moot.  

Next time, ... well, if BDJ is reading this, maybe they'll do a little "customer service" training and there won't be a next time.  But don't bet your hobby money on it.

Have a good time with Lexi AND POST A REVIEW

Posted By: gurgeh01
Like I mentioned in another post -- they don't even reference check.  They get some random text that says, "Hey!  Is so-and-so available tomorrow at 7:00.  I'd like to see her for an hour."  And a minute later you get a text back, "Sure, she's at the Hilton Doubletree.  Text me tomorrow for her room number."  Boom, done!  Reference check?  Forget about it...
I forgot to mention that some places, agencies AND inde-I_dont_keep_your_info-pendents, have numbers stored in their phones and they can be flagged as being OK or bad news.  You did say they you have used BDJ before so I think that could explain the easy approval ... unless, of course, that was your first ever meeting setup.  There are some places that I've used many times and where I have an easy time when I call even though I know the FIRST time required more screening.

(The NYC AMPs are known to share number lists, even if it's unofficial sharing, like when the phone girls move from AMP to AMP and take the contact lists with them!)  

I hope that Lexi can take and keep your mind off of all of this

TheresOnlyOneRocco789 reads


1. The process of complaining on the Board is fine, but reviewing an agency is not fine.

2. You're complaining about New York? And you're from where? If you think service is better anywhere else, stay there.

3. There are many options here besides an agency that didn't get back to you in 25 minutes. I mean, give that a rest.

4. Since you don't want to see the lady requested for a couple of weeks, why does BDJ have to get back to you in 25 minutes? For all they know, you're going to cancel or not even stay in touch with them.

5. Agency time is important just like your time is important. And since you seem to feel entitled because you throw some money around, you may find the going a little more difficult in future endeavors.

6. No reviews or WhiteLists. You are new here so your starting with a pissed off attitude?

7. Do have something against this agency that you are not revealing?


-- Modified on 9/4/2015 5:33:36 AM

gurgeh01660 reads


1. I'm not reviewing, I'm complaining.  I've used BDJ in the past.  I'll surely use them in the future.  They have no idea who I am, ultimately...

2. This seems to suggest you don't go anywhere outside of NY.  Seriously, go to Montreal or something.  You'll be singing a different tune.  

3. Yes, that's true.

4. It was implicit in their initial reply that they weren't going to reply anymore.

5. You've never been busy at work and had to juggle people?  If they can't handle it, someone else should do it.  I really don't feel entitled to meet women, I feel privileged.  I have no problem with the money they request.  All I wanted was a little respect and consideration, which is free.  

6. I've been here for years.  I really don't care to share my personal information, and all reviews sound the same to me, so what's the point?  A lot of girls are actually more embarrassed by the reviews than appreciative of them.

7. No.

-- Modified on 9/4/2015 2:37:18 PM

Posted By: TheresOnlyOneRocco
4. Since you don't want to see the lady requested for a couple of weeks, why does BDJ have to get back to you in 25 minutes? For all they know, you're going to cancel or not even stay in touch with them.
I disagree with this point because you are almost justifying that they can treat a customer like a piece of shit because they MIGHT turn out to be a piece of shit.  Remember the adage "The customer is always right."?  (Yeah, the customer is often wrong.)  

As mentioned above, the phone girl should have realized that she'd need some time to answer the Q and she should have given the customer SOME kind of acknowledgement.  "I'll try to find out and get back to you as soon as I am able.

Andthenshesaid590 reads

I would strongly suggest that you at the very least remove the accusation that they don't screen, or delete these threads altogether. You are putting everyone at risk including the so called ladies you love from BDJ when you post stuff like that on a public board. I'm not BDJ's friend but you act as if they shot your dog when all they did was not respond to your text. For the others that are commenting on this thread, this client may not be welcome back to the agency and THAT's why they haven't responded, they may have gotten sidetracked, etc etc. You don't know what the story is. When I am going through a multitude of texts on top of doing a million other things there are sometimes I forget to respond to emails or texts.  

Very childish to write two silly ass threads for something that could have been handled backchannel. You texted them "On bdjgirls, she's listed as working until 9/15, but on the main site it says 9/28.  I was just wondering about that.  A later date would work better for me.  Also, it doesn't mention if she's working only M-F or on the weekends as well.  Thank you."  

If I'm reading that correctly you are looking for a date LATER than 9/28 and you are crying cause they won't respond to you now ?? Big deal. If you complain this much about not getting a response in 25 minutes I can only imagine how you are in a session and I honestly wouldn't want you as a client. I definitely don't after reading this thread.

Happy hobbying

gurgeh01581 reads

Posted By: Andthenshesaid
I would strongly suggest that you at the very least remove the accusation that they don't screen, or delete these threads altogether. You are putting everyone at risk including the so called ladies you love from BDJ when you post stuff like that on a public board. I'm not BDJ's friend but you act as if they shot your dog when all they did was not respond to your text. For the others that are commenting on this thread, this client may not be welcome back to the agency and THAT's why they haven't responded, they may have gotten sidetracked, etc etc. You don't know what the story is. When I am going through a multitude of texts on top of doing a million other things there are sometimes I forget to respond to emails or texts.  
 Very childish to write two silly ass threads for something that could have been handled backchannel. You texted them "On bdjgirls, she's listed as working until 9/15, but on the main site it says 9/28.  I was just wondering about that.  A later date would work better for me.  Also, it doesn't mention if she's working only M-F or on the weekends as well.  Thank you."  
 If I'm reading that correctly you are looking for a date LATER than 9/28 and you are crying cause they won't respond to you now ?? Big deal. If you complain this much about not getting a response in 25 minutes I can only imagine how you are in a session and I honestly wouldn't want you as a client. I definitely don't after reading this thread.  
 Happy hobbying!    

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