New York

Re: Just a reminder to some of you guys, to show how pathetic some of you are
JAYSAN1131 221 Reviews 770 reads

fully agree with this, how much one must have paid for it 300-400 per hour, no one in anyother Profession gets paid that kind of rate, even if you slogg your ASS , so guys stand up whats appropriate and exercise due diligence

citysinner1807 reads


WTF!?!?!  I mean seriously, WTF?!?!?!?!?!?

I saw a "girl" recently that has a high number of reviews and not one of them mentions that she's a post op transgender individual!  are you guys just being "politically correct" or "nice" and not mentioning it in the review?  or do you really don't have a clue?  I find it next to impossible that nobody has reviewed her gender accurately...  Not only that, this is a second girl on TER that I know of that is a post op tranny and is actively posing as a genetic girl...  and yes, I know with 100% certainty that both girls were not born female.

Anyway... this brings up the question...  what should I do?  let the cat out of the bag?  or let it be?   I'm sure they don't want to be outed but at the same time people should not be duped.  There is a category in the review form that lets you pick the gender, can this be overwritten by the provider?  

BTW - I don't have anything against anyone - you can be transexual/bisexual/straight/male/female/both/neither/white/black/brown/purple -  just don't pose as something you are not!  at least not to your client...




-- Modified on 3/22/2015 8:31:41 PM

This discussion has come up before. Gender has nothing to do with surgery, is your identity, yes it can be deceiving, but she made the choice to become a woman. She doesn't owe anyone an explanation she is a woman now and is pointless to bring the post op/preop issue. In fact, some of them go above and beyond in order to look amazing and are more feminine than most of us.

Gender does have something to do with surgery or should I say body parts...Part of being a woman/man is your genetic makeup not just how you feel.  It is her business but it becomes his when he sees her/him and he has a right to know...

Beyond the reasons mentioned about taste, wetness, feel....  

I don't see why it matters at all. Society is very harsh on people that are in a position like that. If she has great surgery, is nice to you... then let it be. I could understand if she was pre-op, wouldn't want to find a surprise!

She is a female now, she deserves the right to be considered female and not have her put out by being outed. She doesn't need some BSC guys purposely booking her in order to take their hate out on her and that is pretty much how that door will open if you out her. Always some shitheads that are looking to be hateful, don't give them an opportunity to find a victim. I couldn't even imagine her situation and am glad I don't got to worry about that sort of stuff.

If you had fun, then see her again. If not, then find another gal that you enjoy. Review her if you want.

Posted By: palomamontecarlo
This discussion has come up before. Gender has nothing to do with surgery, is your identity, yes it can be deceiving, but she made the choice to become a woman. She doesn't owe anyone an explanation she is a woman now and is pointless to bring the post op/preop issue. In fact, some of them go above and beyond in order to look amazing and are more feminine than most of us.

Posted By: palomamontecarlo
This discussion has come up before. Gender has nothing to do with surgery
It sure has a lot to do with chromosomes, and there's no surgery around that's going to change XY to XX...

MakingMeGrow940 reads

I agree. I think that people should be transparent on both sides of the hobby although we know that doesn't always exist. Bottom line is that I don't think "she" would get nearly as much business if she was transparent. I'm fairly certain I know whom you are referring to. She has many, many reviews. I saw her some time ago and thought this was a pretty easy call. I chose not to review her or out her as I just don't want to be hurtful to her, wreck her business or destroy the perceptions of the hobbyists who have seen or continue to see her. I personally feel that there is not a lot of good that would come from making it public. Just my $.02.

If men want to be see a post-op good for them, but not when its a "trap"

Just like you report in to make sure all girls here are legit and not LEO, men have a right to make sure the lady he is seeing is also legit.

Considering it most men are basically giving blood almost just to even schedule a appointment, I think its fair that any possible deception on the gender should be posted.

Feel free to PM me her name or be man enough to post the person in question as a caution in case other men might fall for the "trap"

And what happens if a unsuspecting guy finds out she is really a he during the session, you think she will be nice enough to give his donation back?
She should worry about her own deception, as that may cause her own personal safety.   Honesty is a two way strea

Considering some men refuse to stand up for themselves,  not be honest with reviews, and let the ladies run all over them.  

So far no one is willing to even admit who this person is even when they are using a alias

You guys are really pathetic sometimes, I hope these ladies show you the same respect, but pretty much you are just losers in their eyes, if you only knew what they say behind your back.

bigguy301045 reads

Some people in this hobby are crazy and should be exposed for their deception!

Or run out of the room screaming

What an interesting thread!

It seems like in this business with reviews what they are, the only thing to do is to be forthcoming about everything. It's going to come out in reviews, anyways.  If it hasn't previously been mentioned that she's a postop transgender, that's very surprising, actually. It seems like everything comes out in reviews, eventually.

But, seeing the reaction of some of the people here that are somewhat archaic in their thinking, I can certainly see why she'd be afraid to be honest.

Just when it seems like humanity is making forward strides in acceptance and open-mindedness, someone comes along and makes it quite obvious that we are not there yet.

bigguy301057 reads

The fact that this person is deceiving some people for business is not cool.

So most men like myself are only into a real woman!

If a provider has to hide or be dishonest about them self.

Then maybe it's time to find a new line of work.

We get everybody is different but don't deceive people about it!  

Posted By: Freya Fantasia
What an interesting thread!  
 It seems like in this business with reviews what they are, the only thing to do is to be forthcoming about everything. It's going to come out in reviews, anyways.  If it hasn't previously been mentioned that she's a postop transgender, that's very surprising, actually. It seems like everything comes out in reviews, eventually.  
 But, seeing the reaction of some of the people here that are somewhat archaic in their thinking, I can certainly see why she'd be afraid to be honest.  
 Just when it seems like humanity is making forward strides in acceptance and open-mindedness, someone comes along and makes it quite obvious that we are not there yet.
-- Modified on 3/23/2015 10:37:26 AM

bigguy30691 reads

You keep talking about this person being fearful.

Well this person is not being honest with the product he is selling.

Then keeping the money on false advertisement?

So any business would be sued in the real world.

Just stop with fear talk it's deception!

Posted By: Freya Fantasia

There is a STRONG undercurrent of homophobia and prejudice here on this discussion.  It is not merely a discussion about non-disclosure.

Apparently the lady has 150 reviews and everyone likes her?  Nobody else has felt the need to post about her surgery?

This thread is filled with hateful, hurtful comments and I can certainly understand why she would hesitate to be honest about this.  I'm sure she's well-aware of how ignorant people can be about this.  She is living it with it, after all

Exactly, then why doesn't she/he disclose this so people that WANT to see that can and people that don't can avoid.  Then there is no fear.  The only fear is when some guy thinks it is a girl and finds otherwise and gets a little aggressive.  Having a preference to want a woman and not suck dick is NOT homophobia.  Please don't try the shame game here.  If she/he wants to be a post op then go right ahead but don't have sex with men that may find this repulsive then worry about what may happen to you if these men found out.  If she/he were honest from the beginning then only guys who want that would see her/him and there would be no problem!!!!!!!

I don't know why bigTard is now polluting the NY board since he's not remotely from here. But if you've followed his posts on the General Discussion Board and the P&R Board you would know he's one of the most ignorant and illiterate posters here.  He is a laughingstock.  He's also a homophobe, as I know personally.  He didn't like that I was flaming him and so he checked my reviews and saw I'd done a couple of MFMs.  Being too stupid to understand that MFM (as opposed to MMF or FMM) means there was no "sword crossing" he decided to continually flame me as being gay.
So don't take anything he says seriously.  He's an ignorant, worthless clown who can barely write a coherent sentence.  Trash.

You ordered a male hooker ?
You should see this he she  

Sounds right up your alley

bigguy30532 reads

You are a clown and running from broad to broad looking for help is weak.

If you can't take the heat then don't start the trouble yourself on here!


Posted By: inicky46
I don't know why bigTard is now polluting the NY board since he's not remotely from here. But if you've followed his posts on the General Discussion Board and the P&R Board you would know he's one of the most ignorant and illiterate posters here.  He is a laughingstock.  He's also a homophobe, as I know personally.  He didn't like that I was flaming him and so he checked my reviews and saw I'd done a couple of MFMs.  Being too stupid to understand that MFM (as opposed to MMF or FMM) means there was no "sword crossing" he decided to continually flame me as being gay.  
 So don't take anything he says seriously.  He's an ignorant, worthless clown who can barely write a coherent sentence.  Trash.

and this is my local board.  You are the clown who's come here to post from across the country.  And don't flatter yourself.  You don't bring any heat, let alone any light to any discussion.  Just ignorance. But keep on making a fool of yourself.  It's the one thing you're expert at.

bigguy30905 reads

I was talking about what the guy was into and fighting against his true feelings.

So that does sound a lot like you.

Just keep it up and you are really the old clown on here. Lol

Posted By: inicky46
and this is my local board.  You are the clown who's come here to post from across the country.  And don't flatter yourself.  You don't bring any heat, let alone any light to any discussion.  Just ignorance. But keep on making a fool of yourself.  It's the one thing you're expert at.

bigguy30557 reads

So you use words like fear, hate and homophobia.

I use words like decpection, dangerous and lying.

If a business lies to it's customers that's good business according to you?

The customers have the right to know the truth.

Just like providers have the right to expect honest screening information from hobbyist!


Posted By: Freya Fantasia
There is a STRONG undercurrent of homophobia and prejudice here on this discussion.  It is not merely a discussion about non-disclosure.  
 Apparently the lady has 150 reviews and everyone likes her?  Nobody else has felt the need to post about her surgery?  
 This thread is filled with hateful, hurtful comments and I can certainly understand why she would hesitate to be honest about this.  I'm sure she's well-aware of how ignorant people can be about this.  She is living it with it, after all.  

Wow I can't believe you are referring to a TS person as a HE are you from 1940 ? Well I was born with a vagina but I would be turned off by someone who is a close minded homophobe ... And turn you around

I believe the person they at speaking of has well over 150 reviews and it has not come out in reviews yet. What confuses me is the OP feeling it was so obvious . A lot of people do not mind or they would have left. Possibly some did. Maybe it is more accepted than you may think. Or they were just super curious. Seems to me many people liked her. Pollie

MakingMeGrow1001 reads

This is comical. If a woman buys a shoe thinking she just bought Christian Louboutin, wears it around and loves it everything is fine. Once the label falls off and it reads Payless she is pissed off and feels cheated. This is a fraud. How could I pay $$$$$$$$$$$ for this shoe and it actually is a $$ Payless shoe. Of course she loved the shoe when it felt wonderful and looked beautiful but when she found out she felt cheated, deceived.  

It appears that's how someone feels now. So regardless of the homophobic comments out there, you still saw a woman, just not the kind of woman you thought. Feel cheated, deceived.  

Now you have options. The shoe has been worn so you can't return for a refund. What those options amount to here looks like throwing the shoe through the window and possibly hurting the innocent customers in the shop with shattered glass.  Feels good to fix the situation but you hurt possibly many others in the process. Or maybe you just say I will never buy from that shoe store again.  

Everyone can have their general feelings about this and certainly all sides seem to be noted here. As I said, there really doesn't seem to be a great resolution without hurting potentially many. My opinion - let it go and do not patronize "her" services again.  

Whatever you choose after reading everything here, just be careful. The damage could be more far ranging than you think by letting out your own frustration or alerting everyone to your discovery.  

Good luck

I am a provider. I did not see either of these people .Pollie

horneyhotmess657 reads

The men had to know --- but no one said anything because they do not want to out her  

by looking at the situation I think I have an idea who they are talking about but I am not sure as pictures look good ... lol  

guys when you see a girl naked --- I would assume you could tell a manly figure and feature

Men are born with XY chromosomes, women with XX chromosomes. Just because some man "feels" like a woman, or dresses like a woman, or has an operation to cosmetically represent a woman, does NOT turn him into a woman. Seriously now, this Politically Correct nonsense about "gender" being whatever you want it to be is getting quite ludicrous...

Even hiding behind a alias, some men are that worthless that they won't warn other men to potential trouble.

Some of you guys should be ashamed of yourself, whats the point of have a review system when its run by the ladies or masquerading ladies

citysinner845 reads

This is the general discussion section and this "dumb" thread fits well within this category...

Take a quick look over at other threads...

Many of these wonderful ladies have no problem screaming BLACKLIST ... BLACKLIST HIM at the whim, baseless or not baseless.

Just a look over these couple weeks past thread, all these ladies first word to guys they don't like is BL BL BL BLACKLIST him... blah blah blah

Yet some of you guys would find it better to protect horrible secrets then to be honest about it...  Looks like ladies 100 guys 0

You should be ashamed of yourself at how pathetic you become, even under a alias you can't tell the truth.

MakingMeGrow649 reads

What would be hysterical is if you found out that you saw the "lady" in question. Saw her had a great time and then found out later on that your date that showed you a great time had a sex change and was now a woman. You had a great time, she gave you an amazing BBBJ and DFKisses that you loved so much MAC and now what?  What do you do with this info big boy?  You saw her and didn't recognize it yourself like many others didn't. Feel like a complete idiot?  What do you do now that changes what happened?  Nothing. Wait let me see if you reviewed her already. Lol. Your hysterical MAC.

fully agree with this, how much one must have paid for it 300-400 per hour, no one in anyother Profession gets paid that kind of rate, even if you slogg your ASS , so guys stand up whats appropriate and exercise due diligence

300-400 per hour, try 500-600 per hour here in NYC.  Even more reason why this he/she needs to be outed....

Andthenshesaid1087 reads

That gets people killed !! Yes the "female" has a right to privacy in the general public but when she is selling "her" body and presenting herself as 100 percent women, it is NOT okay for reasons like this. There are plenty of men that fancy a post op tranny, she needs to market herself as such. I would definitely out them.

citysinner1152 reads

Hey everyone...  

Thanks for all your feed-backs, suggestions and replies!

I figured out the "situation" half way into the date, somewhere after BBBJ and at the start of DATY.  I don't think I'm open minded enough to enjoy DATY with a post up, it just doesn't work for me in any shape or form.  It was a huge turn off and after some lame excuses I left somewhat disgusted.  I admit that I wish I was evolved enough to continue the date and not let gender change bother me, but it did.  Later I felt a little angry at the deception, and of course the fact that I lost a chunk of change on this adventure.  I think I was still a little upset when I started this thread...  

anyway, after taking some time to think about it, I think the right thing to NOT out the person, and to NOT review the person, instead just report the gender discrepancy to TER.  This was suggested to me via email and I think it's good advice (thanks, you know who you are)..

"open minded enough"..  You in some sense just gave a guy a BJ and you should not be mad about it.  I would of went berserk....How could this he/she let a guy go down there knowing what they are and not say something.   THAT IS CRAZY......  Being evolved and open minded does not mean you have to give a guy a BJ. I am open minded but I don't suck dick either.... Look, I don't care who marries who but something like this PERSONAL, come on now.....Now I know some people will say but it was not a dick but just the thought drives me out of my mind.   No one should feel the least bit guilty for paying a "chunk of change" and then have to go through this situation...

bigguy30700 reads

Why come on here post a comment like this and not post the provider information?

It seems like you are struggling with really liking it but now fighting feelings of shame within yourself.

If you want to warn people then post the provider information.

So the people not into this like me will make sure to avoid this person.

Just talking about it and not exposing the provider that deceived you.

Well maybe you were not deceived after all!


Posted By: citysinner
Hey everyone...    
 Thanks for all your feed-backs, suggestions and replies!  
 I figured out the "situation" half way into the date, somewhere after BBBJ and at the start of DATY.  I don't think I'm open minded enough to enjoy DATY with a post up, it just doesn't work for me in any shape or form.  It was a huge turn off and after some lame excuses I left somewhat disgusted.  I admit that I wish I was evolved enough to continue the date and not let gender change bother me, but it did.  Later I felt a little angry at the deception, and of course the fact that I lost a chunk of change on this adventure.  I think I was still a little upset when I started this thread...    
 anyway, after taking some time to think about it, I think the right thing to NOT out the person, and to NOT review the person, instead just report the gender discrepancy to TER.  This was suggested to me via email and I think it's good advice (thanks, you know who you are)...  
-- Modified on 3/23/2015 8:48:48 PM

I think the OP found out some things about himself that he did not like.  Then rambles on about being open minded-which has nothing to do with wanting to have sex with another man/woman.  I am open minded but everyone can have their limits.  This guy (original poster) is a total waste of time....

You could also submit a review of your personal experience, minus the announcement about your gender suspicion.  For instance:

"When I went down to DATY it looked like she had some reconstructive surgery/scarring/whatever.  It was a huge turn off and I left."

Many reviewers have made similar comments about breast implant scarring...or bad acne...or any other visual thing that is a turn off.  (How many vehement complaints have been made about unexpected new hairstyles?!)  The hot button here is the "accusation" of being transgender.  Just skip it.

bigguy30600 reads

It's funny how hobbyist have to provide all of the honest screening information.

Then some providers on here are coving up the deception by this particular provider for fear?

Just seems like a double standard to me.

You expect us to be honest when screening hobbyist.

We as hobbyist expect the same in return on a date with a provider!

Posted By: MiMi
You could also submit a review of your personal experience, minus the announcement about your gender suspicion.  For instance:  
 "When I went down to DATY it looked like she had some reconstructive surgery/scarring/whatever.  It was a huge turn off and I left."  
 Many reviewers have made similar comments about breast implant scarring...or bad acne...or any other visual thing that is a turn off.  (How many vehement complaints have been made about unexpected new hairstyles?!)  The hot button here is the "accusation" of being transgender.  Just skip it.
-- Modified on 3/23/2015 9:54:33 PM

citysinner973 reads

Hey Mimi...  you had a great suggestion, but I don't think I want to be the one to do that.  Who knows, maybe someone else will.  Think about how harsh those comments would be if you're in her spot.  If it was her services that were the issue, I would have no problem commenting on the bad performance, but this is different.  This can potentially damage a person.  It just seems like it would hit too hard.  

-- Modified on 3/24/2015 8:50:59 PM

Am I supposed to take it "harshly" when someone says my tattoos (or my small tits...or my age) are a turn-off?  Really - how personally can I take it when someone isn't aroused by some body part of mine?  These things are just facts of me that some people will like and some people won't.   What WOULD "hit me hard" is if someone was turned off by my service - which is something I can actually control, and that I put effort in to.

Listen.  There's no need to be a douchebag here.  You obviously have good communication skills, easily able to handle something along the lines of "She was super-fun to be around and had mindblowing skills, but I'm a visual guy and I just couldn't get past the scarring when I went downtown."  If that kind of review hits a lady hard...well, she's in the wrong business.

Lol I don't get it ... You started a post with an angry , pissed wtf attitude and then actually supported her side ?? So what's the reason of making a post anyway apparently it doesn't bother you .... Some of the posts here are cruel though , I mean seriously only think she can't offer you is to get pregnant which Id think you don't want to happen .... But anyway I feel like this is a BS post cause you contradict yourself ;)

Looks like he started a thread and instead of doing the right thing just coward out like most of the men here.

Not that I ever wish anyone would be raped, however if he every has a daughter and she was raped I hoped her reply isn't the "I deserved it"

Cause that basically sum up citysinner and many of the men here, victims who end up blaming themselves, and his final statement basically admitted such.  Instead of holding the other person responsible for the deception, he chose to blame himself as being responsible...  I mean be a man not even a man but a normal functioning human being, you were con'ed and instead of hold the con artist responsible, he just said it was his fault.   I wish more crime victims are like you, that way we have more criminals running down the street instead of jail because you blame yourself for being the victim and not the person who is doing the victimization.  

Some people have fetish for post-op/gay/ts but for people that have no such fetish, that is basically low down scam.

Thanks citysinner and the rest of the pussies her for making TER a place to get fair and objective reviews of ladies.   Once a doormat always a doormat, its no wonder women walk all over your sorry ass.

This is why no women in real life will every respect you and no women that you pay will ever respect you, cause your not even a MAN.  So this is your life, not even "hobbying"  but a "lifer" for life cause you will never have a normal relationship outside of this, this is the only place where anyone will "pretend" to respect you, and they do it with a pretend smile.  You are the saddest of all humans, and you will be paying for companionship for life never knowing what a true companionship is.  

If I was a lady I would walk all over your sorry asses too :) , its no wonder even a jellyfish have a backbone stiffer then some of you..

wet-n-slurpy1115 reads

I have anything against being gay or TS. However, it was deceptive advertising on the part of the lady in question.
By changing her TER profile to TS there should be no issues in future. And I think some more guys will come out of the woodwork when they realize the person they saw was a guy.

There isn't a reason for hatred and most guys' posts are showing hatred.

She is a female now. If you got a problem with your sexuality or mind, that is something you need to deal with. It is not her fault. From what I hear, she looks more amazing than the regular gals.

What people do not get is that even if her profile is PC and shows Post-op... she will still get guys booking that mean her harm. I blame any guy who outs her for anything that happens to her. I mean, shit, supposedly her reviews haven't mentioned it.... so she looks well done after surgery. Likely looks better than most women, if done right.

If you don't like a gal, then don't make an appt... simple as that. If you had a good time but than realized in the mist of it all, than shut your damn mouth and either enjoy or leave. She isn't lying to you. She is NOW a female. If you got personal problems, it isn't her fault.

She has a right to be what she now is and I can't even imagine what she'd go through if asses outed her. That is what guys don't get, if she is outed.... it is not like other crap girls.... the haters will book with her to teach her a lesson.

I for one have never been with a TS gal (pre or post) but would be open to it if I found someone that was amazing in my area. Seriously sex is sex and it does not define you as a man if you sleep with her, it does NOT make you gay. That is what almost all of you have projected. If I butt fuck you, it does not make you gay by any means.

What asses. That includes any hater gals who encourage outing her. Got to look out for #1 right? Seriously where have all the good people gone??????

I cannot believe the bullshit.  Why even start off this way.  Just from the beginning post yourself as a post-op and then guys that want that would go see you.  SHE/HE created the problem.  Lets please don't get into the sanctimonious crap, please.  She/he does have the right to be what she wants but your right to swing your elbow STOPS at my nose. You honestly cannot take a serious look at that and not an emotional look at this. Her/his actions affect other people no matter how you feel or what happened in high school-you cannot just say "fuck it" I am going to do what I want and I know there are people out there that want no pat of this but I'll do it anyway to fell better about myself after watching an episode of Oprah.  You bring up gay to marginalize other people's opinions.  Like calling someone RACIST when they don't see a certain person because of their race (I've been through that many times)-Remember other people have opinions too.  Come on, lets grow up.  I say the same thing-where have all the good people gone.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
There isn't a reason for hatred and most guys' posts are showing hatred.  
 She is a female now. If you got a problem with your sexuality or mind, that is something you need to deal with. It is not her fault. From what I hear, she looks more amazing than the regular gals.  
 What people do not get is that even if her profile is PC and shows Post-op... she will still get guys booking that mean her harm. I blame any guy who outs her for anything that happens to her. I mean, shit, supposedly her reviews haven't mentioned it.... so she looks well done after surgery. Likely looks better than most women, if done right.  
 If you don't like a gal, then don't make an appt... simple as that. If you had a good time but than realized in the mist of it all, than shut your damn mouth and either enjoy or leave. She isn't lying to you. She is NOW a female. If you got personal problems, it isn't her fault.  
 She has a right to be what she now is and I can't even imagine what she'd go through if asses outed her. That is what guys don't get, if she is outed.... it is not like other crap girls.... the haters will book with her to teach her a lesson.  
 I for one have never been with a TS gal (pre or post) but would be open to it if I found someone that was amazing in my area. Seriously sex is sex and it does not define you as a man if you sleep with her, it does NOT make you gay. That is what almost all of you have projected. If I butt fuck you, it does not make you gay by any means.  
 What asses. That includes any hater gals who encourage outing her. Got to look out for #1 right? Seriously where have all the good people gone??????

we are not going to out this person...I see some girls/guys that I thought -  gee, she looks like she has a fake ass and the face even though blurred looks kind of hard but we will never get a straight (pun intended) answer from anyone

bigguy30632 reads

I don't like liars or cowards myself.

It's another poster on here who is defending himself against me but acts just like citysinner.

These types of people just need to be honest with themselves.

Also clown if you act like a fool.

I will return the favor and stop running on different broads for help.

Since he is so sensitive I won't mention his handle.

He already did that himself earlier in this thread. Lol

Posted By: MidAgedCEO
Looks like he started a thread and instead of doing the right thing just coward out like most of the men here.  
 Not that I ever wish anyone would be raped, however if he every has a daughter and she was raped I hoped her reply isn't the "I deserved it"  
 Cause that basically sum up citysinner and many of the men here, victims who end up blaming themselves, and his final statement basically admitted such.  Instead of holding the other person responsible for the deception, he chose to blame himself as being responsible...  I mean be a man not even a man but a normal functioning human being, you were con'ed and instead of hold the con artist responsible, he just said it was his fault.   I wish more crime victims are like you, that way we have more criminals running down the street instead of jail because you blame yourself for being the victim and not the person who is doing the victimization.  
 Some people have fetish for post-op/gay/ts but for people that have no such fetish, that is basically low down scam.  
 Thanks citysinner and the rest of the pussies her for making TER a place to get fair and objective reviews of ladies.   Once a doormat always a doormat, its no wonder women walk all over your sorry ass.  
 This is why no women in real life will every respect you and no women that you pay will ever respect you, cause your not even a MAN.  So this is your life, not even "hobbying"  but a "lifer" for life cause you will never have a normal relationship outside of this, this is the only place where anyone will "pretend" to respect you, and they do it with a pretend smile.  You are the saddest of all humans, and you will be paying for companionship for life never knowing what a true companionship is.    
 If I was a lady I would walk all over your sorry asses too :) , its no wonder even a jellyfish have a backbone stiffer then some of you..  
-- Modified on 3/25/2015 5:29:09 AM

citysinner827 reads acting like a child because you didn't get your way, throwing out insults and judgements, being joined by other members of similar intellect and character was more than I could stand, I will now out the person in question!!! because god forbid this internet-brave posse calls me a coward again, or even worse, you and your little friend throw a real temper tantrum by rolling around on the floor yelling and screaming demanding a lollypop LOL

..."pathetic" is right, thanks for the definition by example ;

When I first joined TER, it was to ask about an ad for a wicked HOT HOT girl and a Profile that was no longer available.  (I wanted to read the reviews before following up.)  

I posted the name and link and asked what "Profile not available" meant and stuff like that.  My posts were pulled very quickly, every time I mentioned the name or ad or anything close.

Through more subtle posts, I slowly gathered that the ad was for a post-op (HOT post-op!) who advertised as a real female and that the Profile was removed for continued 'deceptive' advertising.  

Speaking personally, I want to KNOW ahead of time so my brain doesn't explode or melt when I show up.  I should add that there have been stories in the news about guys who act very badly when they find out AFTER the fact.  I think there's a US soldier in the Phillipines currently facing murder charges for killing a transexual during a surprise encounter.  

Tell us up front and let us decide.  It can still be a good time and it avoids the really bad times

citysinner670 reads

I think you just made the perfect argument for not outing this transgendered individual - what if MAC decided to go after this person?  would you want that on your conscience?  MAC certainly proved himself to be a huge homophobe, I don't know if this person is stable or not, he certainly seems a little stupid to me, who knows, maybe he's stupid enuf to want to hurt someone...

just saying....


Posted By: impposter
When I first joined TER, it was to ask about an ad for a wicked HOT HOT girl and a Profile that was no longer available.  (I wanted to read the reviews before following up.)  
 I posted the name and link and asked what "Profile not available" meant and stuff like that.  My posts were pulled very quickly, every time I mentioned the name or ad or anything close.  
 Through more subtle posts, I slowly gathered that the ad was for a post-op (HOT post-op!) who advertised as a real female and that the Profile was removed for continued 'deceptive' advertising.    
 Speaking personally, I want to KNOW ahead of time so my brain doesn't explode or melt when I show up.  I should add that there have been stories in the news about guys who act very badly when they find out AFTER the fact.  I think there's a US soldier in the Phillipines currently facing murder charges for killing a transexual during a surprise encounter.  
 Tell us up front and let us decide.  It can still be a good time and it avoids the really bad times.  

I joined TER to do my homework as best I can. I think I guessed who the post op providers are - I never visited - but in reading reviews I felt something was not being said - generally the providers were described as south-east Asians (clue, I guess) and provided anal (another clue since that seems to be rare for Koreans, Asian females and considered 'extra' when offered) and while the provideres in question had lots of good reviews I recall one of their first reviews - so you had to read a lot of them from 2 to 3 years back - mentioned in a vague way the provider was post op (mentioned he checked down there).  

The other clue for me was that the post op providers in the descriptions/reviews provided anal readily and at below the rates that genetic girls in NYC charge that provided anal with a few reviewers stating that the provider opted for anal rather than vaginal (clue!).  

Being new I assumed that in this hobby the post op providers are considered to be female and treated as such so that is why they were not described as such so I just made sure I did my homework to avoid them. But a post op/pre op identifier would be best for all involved, IMHO. I can't say if this would hurt business for them or not (I am not that experienced) but who knows? The post op provider may see even more business than usual by curious guys.

All of a sudden men who have no wish to see non-females are labeled a homophobes?  

Really?  Do you call out ladies who aren't into doing duos ( since women just aren't their thing ) as homophobes too?

What about providers who refuse, ignore or flat out state they don't see BLACK people..

The worst thing about someone pushing their agendas is when they are a hypocrite themselves...

Do you see poor men or men of less financial status?  I guess you're bias against poor people...

Somewhere along the lines when did women who sell themselves become the voice of morality telling men what they should or shouldn't want ..... LOL   Let the flaming begin :D

-- Modified on 3/25/2015 9:48:43 PM

You are seriously too arrogant lol... Let's leave homophobic comments alone ... But if you think any of us providers are turned on by arrogance and too much self confidence you are not on this planet.  and It's so funny how you sarcastically refer to "women who sell themselves" like you don't buy sex from those women every week lol

The argument as to whether to out this provider as a POT or not has merits on both sides of the argument.  It's up to the OP and he made up his mind. But...

The most important sex organ is between your ears, not your legs.  We do this for enjoyment.  I totally get why a guy would not want to be with a POT and would freak out if he found he was with one, especially after the fact. Thats not enjoyment, thats deception and all the negative feelings that go along with it.  Not to mention the shame, embarrassment and self loathing that may come up.   I think full disclosure is a key factor in the hobby.  It's our money and hopefully it leads to mutual enjoyment with a partner you choose based on truth, not somebody else's experiment in self awareness.

hobbypapa613 reads

It's not a question that the guy is stupid or anything of that sort.  The gentleman saw a pretty female he like to see and was caught off guard.  He either got to enjoy himself or was phychologically affected..  It seems the second phase fits the description in this thread and the  
fact he was disappointed.  Next time, he'll put his glasses on and ask her to remove her panties  
before giving her the money.

Posted By: citysinner
 WTF!?!?!  I mean seriously, WTF?!?!?!?!?!?  
 I saw a "girl" recently that has a high number of reviews and not one of them mentions that she's a post op transgender individual!  are you guys just being "politically correct" or "nice" and not mentioning it in the review?  or do you really don't have a clue?  I find it next to impossible that nobody has reviewed her gender accurately...  Not only that, this is a second girl on TER that I know of that is a post op tranny and is actively posing as a genetic girl...  and yes, I know with 100% certainty that both girls were not born female.  
 Anyway... this brings up the question...  what should I do?  let the cat out of the bag?  or let it be?   I'm sure they don't want to be outed but at the same time people should not be duped.  There is a category in the review form that lets you pick the gender, can this be overwritten by the provider?    
 BTW - I don't have anything against anyone - you can be transexual/bisexual/straight/male/female/both/neither/white/black/brown/purple -  just don't pose as something you are not!  at least not to your client...  

-- Modified on 3/22/2015 8:31:41 PM

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-- Modified on 3/27/2015 5:56:46 PM

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