New York

Re: I never once had a girl demand my handle on any fk board..
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1119 reads

God no, 95% of my clients don't use TER, and I actually prefer to keep my reviews to a minimum. I don't "demand" anything. There's a section on my screening form where I ask for site handles/IDs (TER, P411, etc) and I've never had an issue with someone filling that in when applicable.  

That's not really my point, though. I was saying that intentionally falsifying or omitting that info is sketchy. Let's just use my screening protocol as an example again: if you were to come across the aforementioned section on my form, would you just put in your P411 (or whatever) handle and leave out your TER handle (or just type in your non-reviewer handle)? If you belong to a review site and you write reviews, that's something many of us want to know. Personally, when I'm considering seeing a reviewer, I want to know two things: a. his likes/dislikes and b. how graphic/crass his writing is. It's strictly an issue of privacy and compatibility.  

I get that there are chicks who pull some bullshit for better scores, and I think that sucks. It makes it harder for everyone else (on both sides of the transaction) and I just think it's generally lame. When a provider does that shit, she should be put on blast. What I'm saying is that you don't HAVE to review, but if you choose to, that's totally fine. Just keep in mind that if you're going to write things that can be seen publicly, you shouldn't be surprised when you're scrutinized for it. If you decide to be secretive about the fact that the chick you're seeing is eventually going to have some very private shit (good or bad) posted on the internet for the world to see, that's cowardly and creepy. If you don't want your TER presence to influence whether or not a chick is willing to see you, then you can either not have a TER presence OR only see the ones who don't ask about it. But being all shady about it just isn't cool. If someone doesn't want to see you based on reviews you've written, why would you want to see them anyway? Not wanting to be bullied about scores is perfectly reasonable, but making an effort to deceive someone by withholding/falsifying information that could influence whether they'd want to see you is just fucked up.  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Do you "demand" it in order to see you Tobi? Do guys have to write reviews in order to see you? If thats the case, good for you.  
 Every gal I ever met gave me options on verification. I, as many guys do, choose the path of least resistance. This is really the first time hearing this? Honest?  
 You've never been pressured and harrassed by a lady about giving her a 7/7 to change a score, huh? Try it one time. It's REAL fun.  
 And if you gals weren't so obsessed with ratings we all could use are handles here more often. It's actually the women, not the men, as to the reason guys don't offer more info than the minimum.

You.know we read your reviews and use them to decide whether to book a date or not.

Do you read them to decide if you want to see us, or even to see what we like?

For example, if a guy has mentioned something specific in a multiple reviews like a certain fetish he's into, we can see if we'd be able to accommodate it or if it's not something we're able to do and have to turn down.

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 9:05:40 PM

JackDunphy1790 reads

Especially if it is someone you REALLY want so see. You know how a lot of guys say a woman never returned their email?


I try to write fair and honest reviews, and have never had someone tell me they did not want to see me because of my reviews.  It's also very rare for me not to get a reply from an inquiry.  If there was a provider who didn't want to see me because of my reviews, I would think we probably are not a good match and my money would be better spent on someone else.  I have also had some providers who took the time to read my reviews actually take noticeable steps to cater to some of my likes or preferences...  It does work both ways, and can further speed the screening process too!

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 6:54:57 PM

Your common sense is such a turn on!!

JackDunphy1282 reads

I guess the family is gone? lol

Sparky will be contacting you soon, I'm sure. Do me a favor? If you decide not to see him, DONT tell him its b/c of his reviews.  

It will break his little, good boy, hobbyist's heart to know the truth! :D

JackDunphy1481 reads

YOU'RE the customer. YOU should decide if the "product/service" is right for you, not the other way around.  

Do you check with your pasta if it wants to be eaten by you? Do you ask your doctor to do a scrot check on you b4 you go see him?

You say it's "rare" for you not to get a reply but that means it does happen on occasion right? And don't you wonder why?  

In this thread, ladies are TELLING you they screen guys OUT based on THEIR needs/wants. At least they are being open and honest about it.  

What if you have a change in your sexual desires/appetite/menu items? You don't think guys go thru changes with what they want over time? You don't?

Say you wanted to see a curvy milf type and you have a history of seeing/reviewing spinners/younger gals. The milf may look at that and say "he'll think I'm fat" and be worried you'll gig her on the review and not respond to your request to see her and you'll never know why.

My way, you get to see anyone you wish and leave your options open.  

And you have many others ways for the ladies to screen you fast w/o giving up your handle and showing her your cards. No need dog

Yes, some ladies are screening guys out based on their review history.  And absolutely, a guys preferences and tastes do change, including mine.

That said, I am still sticking to the more open approach based on my past experiences.  Have I had a couple of providers not respond to me over the years.  Yes.  Do I have any idea why, no I don't.  I suspect they were just busy and didn't get back to me, but maybe I did get screened out for some reason based on my reviews.  Here are a couple of other examples though where it resulted in some more back and forth but ultimately worked out for the better.

In one instance, a provider I was interested in and went trough the screening process, and she  got back to me that she thought we would not be a match.  Based on my reviews and p411 okays, she got the impression that I was mainly attracted to large breasted blonde Barbie types and she was smaller breasted.  After I explained that I am actually more a variety guy who doesn't really have a specific type, we ended up meeting and having a great date with considerable OTC time too.  I think the dialogue it prompted allowed us to get more comfortable with each other quicker and that helped.

In another instance, I was intrigued by a certain provider based more on her ads and writing though it was hard to tell her looks based on the pics.  I Emailed the provider and got no response.  A few days later, I emailed again and no response.  Somewhat surprised, as this was the first time I never got a response, a I tried one more time also asking if there was anything I had done or said to cause the lack of response.  A few hours later I got a very nice and unbelievably honest response that went something like this.  "Hi Spartan, thanks for your interest.  I went back and looked at my earlier emails and realize why i did not respond.  I had looked at your reviews and saw that you have seen several really beautiful providers.  I am not everyone's type, and you might not find me that attractive."  As I said, I was blown away by this providers response, and honesty.  So in this instance, yes, I realize I did initially get screened out based on my review history.  It worked out for the best though.

So in the future, if I am feeling like I am getting blown off more, I might consider refraining from sharing my handle.  In the meantime, i think I am better off being more open.

To each their own.
Spartan (but you can call me Sparky)

-- Modified on 4/22/2014 12:50:24 AM

JackDunphy1312 reads

Knowledge about how this game really works is king, however, and now you have rock solid evidence from the likes of Luna and Rayen and others about the downside of using your TER handle.  

Info can be very valuable for an unsuspecting gent. I know there were a number of guys that learned a lot from this thread about how some women weed us out in their process and now that they armed with the truth, can change their gameplan when they approach a lady.

Remember guys, you don't OWE any of these ladies your review history, It's YOUR choice. YOU'RE the client. Some women forget that.

The response the provider sent you was probably more of an insight into her true being than many men have received from women they have visited six, seven times. All the "personal history" and the OTC chat clients so cherish seldom return such honesty of a woman allowing you to gaze on her naked soul like that. You are truly fortunate.

Posted By: Spartan8474
Yes, some ladies are screening guys out based on their review history.  And absolutely, a guys preferences and tastes do change, including mine.  
 That said, I am still sticking to the more open approach based on my past experiences.  Have I had a couple of providers not respond to me over the years.  Yes.  Do I have any idea why, no I don't.  I suspect they were just busy and didn't get back to me, but maybe I did get screened out for some reason based on my reviews.  Here are a couple of other examples though where it resulted in some more back and forth but ultimately worked out for the better.  
 In one instance, a provider I was interested in and went trough the screening process, and she  got back to me that she thought we would not be a match.  Based on my reviews and p411 okays, she got the impression that I was mainly attracted to large breasted blonde Barbie types and she was smaller breasted.  After I explained that I am actually more a variety guy who doesn't really have a specific type, we ended up meeting and having a great date with considerable OTC time too.  I think the dialogue it prompted allowed us to get more comfortable with each other quicker and that helped.  
 In another instance, I was intrigued by a certain provider based more on her ads and writing though it was hard to tell her looks based on the pics.  I Emailed the provider and got no response.  A few days later, I emailed again and no response.  Somewhat surprised, as this was the first time I never got a response, a I tried one more time also asking if there was anything I had done or said to cause the lack of response.  A few hours later I got a very nice and unbelievably honest response that went something like this.  "Hi Spartan, thanks for your interest.  I went back and looked at my earlier emails and realize why i did not respond.  I had looked at your reviews and saw that you have seen several really beautiful providers.  I am not everyone's type, and you might not find me that attractive."  As I said, I was blown away by this providers response, and honesty.  So in this instance, yes, I realize I did initially get screened out based on my review history.  It worked out for the best though.  
 So in the future, if I am feeling like I am getting blown off more, I might consider refraining from sharing my handle.  In the meantime, i think I am better off being more open.  
 To each their own.  
 Spartan (but you can call me Sparky)

-- Modified on 4/22/2014 12:50:24 AM

AnotherDonJohn1792 reads

Which almost never happens. But feel free to court her here. Lol.  

Posted By: Spartan8474
I try to write fair and honest reviews, and have never had someone tell me they did not want to see me because of my reviews.  It's also very rare for me not to get a reply from an inquiry.  If there was a provider who didn't want to see me because of my reviews, I would think we probably are not a good match and my money would be better spent on someone else.  I have also had some providers who took the time to read my reviews actually take noticeable steps to cater to some of my likes or preferences...  It does work both ways, and can further speed the screening process too!

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 6:54:57 PM

If a girl is so pretentious that she won't see you because you give low scores.. Zzzzz... Boring. That's not what I'm taking about.

What I'm talking about is.. If all of your reviews talk about Greek.. Or pse... Or things that I simply do not offer.. I will write and say, "thanks for messaging me.. I noticed that you tend to go for a more freaky style than I offer.. I offer more of a relaxed GFE.. Perfect for men who miss the feeling of being important. So long as this is what you are looking for.. Lets continue. I just don't want you to show up and be disappointed."

I could give a crap less about what my scores are. I do not do this for my self esteem issues. I do this because I do not want a boyfriend (jim dumbcrap already annoys me and I have only known about him for 20 hours).. I love the freedom of dating when I like.. Traveling where I want to.. Buying stuff that only I will use.. I make enough money that I don't care if someone gives me an 8 or a 9. Or a 7. Whatever. The rating score is one of the faulty things when it comes to TER...

I prefer to see people who are going to enjoy our time together. If I feel that I can't offer you what you want... Why waste your time?

Some guys love calling ladies bitch, whore, slut, etc.. It turns then on. It turns on some girls too. It doesn't turn me on. So.. If a guy uses that terminology in his reviews.. Wouldn't it make more sense to tell them that perhaps we wouldn't be a good fit? Or it's better for him to show up.. Try to talk like that.. Me ask him to stop... Then, "she asked me to not call her a whore. Did she not read any of my other reviews?"

Some guys love to shower together. I love to shower together. What if the lady in question doesn't offer that? You may not know that from reading her reviews.. So if all of his reviews say, "we started off with my favorite activity - showering together!" .. Would you rather her let you show up and say, "here sorry, a baby wipe is all I have?" Or would you rather her say, "I know you love to shower together.. But I do not offer that."

Or if you mention that you like the air on, I can have that done before you get there.
That you like to have music on.
No perfume.
Etc, etc.. Making any sense yet??

JackDunphy1435 reads

This is actually making sense what you are saying but you're not hung up on scores, like Rayen, and many others.

I understand why a girl would want to read the reviews, but for reasons I laid out to Sparky, it doesnt benefit the guy for her to do so for she may end up shit canning his initial contact.

If all girls were like you, it wouldn't be a problem for a girl to read the guys reviews AM, but all girls are not like you.  

You can see for yourself some pretentious responses from the ladies here, hence my advice not to use a TER handle for verification.

Keep the ice just where it's at. I prefer to not be a part of any childish negative group on TER.  
If I wanted that, well.. I would go find a boyfriend.

JackDunphy1340 reads

Nice male bashing though. I pine for your next "mature" and "positve" post.  

I don't think you can "find" a BF, btw. It's b/c he's hiding from you. Most guys don't like men haters. We're weird that way.

One post trying to retract being a jerk to a stranger.. She's not in to it.. You're back on your original game plan.
I have four brothers.. You're not unique.

Just chill out. Don't take life so seriously.. It's really not that bad.

I don't hate men. I love men. I can't stand anyone who just constantly whines. It doesn't matter if they are male or female. I don't not want a boyfriend because I hate men. You always twist everyone's words. Or at least you have in the past 24 hours since you have entered my life. I'm more of a cat person. I love my independence. I love my freedom. I love being able to just ignore childish behavior.

I don't reply to some of the other guys on here because of that ignore button.. You're boring and repetitive. It took me a day to lose interest.. Just another one added to the ignore list.

JackDunphy1218 reads

"I prefer to not be a part of any childish negative group on TER. If I wanted that, well.. I would go find a boyfriend."

Sorry dear, you can't run from your words

Cosette1657 reads

If a woman wishes not to see a guy, are there any wrong reasons? Does there need to be a legitimate reason why she won't see him? It's an intimate act, if the writing turns her off, who cares, it's her choice, better that than someone who sees anyone who contacts her, no?

Surely, you don't think there's anything wrong with women who say they won't see men of a certain age or race or income level, it's just preferences, so why should not seeing someone based on their reviews be any different?

JackDunphy1434 reads

If you didn't b/c of the overwhelming volume, lol, let me give you the cliff notes version:  

As several women here made my point for me, they screen out guys based on reviews. So knowing that, it  doesnt really behoove a guy to use his TER handle for verification purposes, if he has other methods to get verified.  

You disagree with that, looking at it from a guys perspective?

Cosette1248 reads

On the other hand, if he does have reviews written and he doesn't mention his handle, and I find out afterwards then I think he's trying to hide something you know? Just be up front with anything you've got. The worst that happens is that she doesn't see you. If you hide it however, and she does see you, it's kind of a mind fuck, why didn't you just say you were so and so?

If she doesn't ask for a TER handle, fine, but are you suggesting that if a chick asks for it as part of her screening process that you either deny having one or give her your "alternate" handle? If so, that's fucked up. Here's an example of something I once read in a review by a potential client that made me go "oh hell no": "I stuck my finger in her ass and she acted like she didn't like it but I think she did so I just kept doing it." There's no way I'd see someone with that sort of disgusting attitude, and that's my right. By withholding that information, you're essentially taking that choice away. If I don't want to see someone who writes vile shit or clearly wants things that are not part of what I offer, that should be my prerogative. If you're going to write certain things on a public forum, you should expect to stand by them. Otherwise, you're behaving in a cowardly, shady way and it's just weak. The fact that there are guys out there who make conscious efforts to circumvent our screening really gives me the creeps. Don't be that guy.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Especially if it is someone you REALLY want so see. You know how a lot of guys say a woman never returned their email?  

JackDunphy1334 reads

Do you "demand" it in order to see you Tobi? Do guys have to write reviews in order to see you? If thats the case, good for you.  

Every gal I ever met gave me options on verification. I, as many guys do, choose the path of least resistance. This is really the first time hearing this? Honest?

You've never been pressured and harrassed by a lady about giving her a 7/7 to change a score, huh? Try it one time. It's REAL fun.

And if you gals weren't so obsessed with ratings we all could use are handles here more often. It's actually the women, not the men, as to the reason guys don't offer more info than the minimum.

God no, 95% of my clients don't use TER, and I actually prefer to keep my reviews to a minimum. I don't "demand" anything. There's a section on my screening form where I ask for site handles/IDs (TER, P411, etc) and I've never had an issue with someone filling that in when applicable.  

That's not really my point, though. I was saying that intentionally falsifying or omitting that info is sketchy. Let's just use my screening protocol as an example again: if you were to come across the aforementioned section on my form, would you just put in your P411 (or whatever) handle and leave out your TER handle (or just type in your non-reviewer handle)? If you belong to a review site and you write reviews, that's something many of us want to know. Personally, when I'm considering seeing a reviewer, I want to know two things: a. his likes/dislikes and b. how graphic/crass his writing is. It's strictly an issue of privacy and compatibility.  

I get that there are chicks who pull some bullshit for better scores, and I think that sucks. It makes it harder for everyone else (on both sides of the transaction) and I just think it's generally lame. When a provider does that shit, she should be put on blast. What I'm saying is that you don't HAVE to review, but if you choose to, that's totally fine. Just keep in mind that if you're going to write things that can be seen publicly, you shouldn't be surprised when you're scrutinized for it. If you decide to be secretive about the fact that the chick you're seeing is eventually going to have some very private shit (good or bad) posted on the internet for the world to see, that's cowardly and creepy. If you don't want your TER presence to influence whether or not a chick is willing to see you, then you can either not have a TER presence OR only see the ones who don't ask about it. But being all shady about it just isn't cool. If someone doesn't want to see you based on reviews you've written, why would you want to see them anyway? Not wanting to be bullied about scores is perfectly reasonable, but making an effort to deceive someone by withholding/falsifying information that could influence whether they'd want to see you is just fucked up.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Do you "demand" it in order to see you Tobi? Do guys have to write reviews in order to see you? If thats the case, good for you.  
 Every gal I ever met gave me options on verification. I, as many guys do, choose the path of least resistance. This is really the first time hearing this? Honest?  
 You've never been pressured and harrassed by a lady about giving her a 7/7 to change a score, huh? Try it one time. It's REAL fun.  
 And if you gals weren't so obsessed with ratings we all could use are handles here more often. It's actually the women, not the men, as to the reason guys don't offer more info than the minimum.

JackDunphy1373 reads

Someone like that should be outed, in addition to you placing him on your DNS list, so we agree there.  

But "falsifying" and "omitting" are two very different animals.

If I were a provider, I would want as much info I could get on ANY guy I risked my life with being bcd. As a hobbyist, I want to give up the least info I can, and not be considered a threat by the girl.

Early on, a girl wouldnt reply to me b/c I saw some S&M type girls. She didn't engage in that type of play and didn't think we would be a good match when I sent a follow up email asking if she didn't get the first one.

But I like GFE, PSE at times, S&M stuff ocassionally. I like to mix it up, as many guys do. But since the first few girls I saw were more "hard core" S&M types, the GFE girl put me on her DNS list, even though my refs were impeccable.

I also had an issue that I mentioned before about a girl badgering the shit out of me for the 7/7 review. Her average was like 8/8 so it wasn't like I was killing the girls rep.

Those two experiences taught me to keep my review/posting history private. I haven't had a problem since.

I'm not talking about just casually failing to mention that you write reviews. I'm talking about either denying it outright or giving the lady your secondary handle in order to get around her being able to make a choice based on that factor.  

As far as the GFE chick not wanting to see you due to some S&M shit, that's her right and she should be allowed to make that choice based on whatever criteria she wants. My issue with this whole debate centers upon two things: honesty and freedom of choice. Allow me to present a hypothetical: "XYZ" is a reviewer and doesn't disclose that info to me for fear of being rejected based on the content of his reviews. He either denies using TER OR gives me his alternate handle under which he has written no reviews. He also exchanges emails with me using an email address that is not connected to his reviewer handle. Thinking that he's either a TER lurker (or not a member at all, depending upon his tactics), I see him. Several days later, a brand new, 10/10 review pops up for me under XYZ's reviewer handle. I would be fucking LIVID (despite the 10/10) that he lied in order to get his foot in the door with me. By being deceptive during screening, he took away my ability to choose who I want/don't want to see. It's the deception that I take issue with. Whether you're a provider or a client, being deliberately deceived is violating and shitty.  

Shit, I have a fake 9/10 review that I've tried relentlessly to have removed because I never saw the dude! It's fucked up that there's a very graphic public record of an encounter that never took place (I wouldn't have anyway because of shit he's posted on the boards, plus his extremely graphic reviewing style). It's not fair to me and it's not fair to my potential clients who could end up expecting the kind of date described in that review only to be disappointed. I am staunchly anti-bullshit when it comes to this. No matter what side of the transaction you're on, if you pull deliberately deceptive bullshit (whether it's inaccurate photos, lying during screening, bullying dudes for certain scores, or writing bullshit reviews), then you're a twat. That's all I'm saying.

Never to make a decision not to see, per se.  

If I am right that guys like to enjoy a QUALITY experience, both sexual and nonsexual, reading the old reviews won't do anything. TOP NOTCH QUALITY will be provided, so even if they had some previous bad experiences, it will change once they spend time with Carmina.

Just my .02

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 4:12:24 PM

I read them sometimes but part of this hobby is excitement so i kinda like to be surprised although there are sometimes that you wish you would have glanced i prefer when a gentlemen is straight forward and lets me know what he or she likes.


SaraBentley1351 reads

I always read reviews! Partially out of curiosity, partially in preparation. Fo sho I have declined to see someone based on insights gleaned from his past reviews, but more often it's the case I get in touch because I liked them :)  

I was the type that always studied for the big exam

maybe you are a low scorer, maybe you like a specific type of lady, maybe there is something that makes us shy away from you.  There are many variables on both sides that determine interest.

GaGambler1504 reads

Yes, don't expect to get a date with anyone on the "top" list if you tend to give out 8's when other guys are browbeaten into giving 10's

I think Rayen just made Jack's point in spades.

JackDunphy1492 reads

Another major red flag for Rayen was "it is essential to so see how you review." Wtf? ESSENTIAL????

Fk dude, how shit has changed. Remember the OLD says when all any gal thought was "essential" was the fat envelope and verification?

What's next in NY or this hobby in general? Are washed up, angry, old BSC hookers going to start asking for a photo b4 we stick them in the wiskers? Nah...I'm blowing this WAY out of proportion, I'm sure.

LOL.  Yes, you are getting your old stained undies in a twist.  Things do change.  Not worried about what an old man hiding behind a new name thinks about me.  Ha.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Another major red flag for Rayen was "it is essential to so see how you review." Wtf? ESSENTIAL????  
 Fk dude, how shit has changed. Remember the OLD says when all any gal thought was "essential" was the fat envelope and verification?  
 What's next in NY or this hobby in general? Are washed up, angry, old BSC hookers going to start asking for a photo b4 we stick them in the wiskers? Nah...I'm blowing this WAY out of proportion, I'm sure.

But realistically what girl in her right mind is going to see a guy who's given multiple and consecutive low scores (anything under 5)?  

Posted By: GaGambler
Yes, don't expect to get a date with anyone on the "top" list if you tend to give out 8's when other guys are browbeaten into giving 10's

I think Rayen just made Jack's point in spades.

JackDunphy1695 reads

Nope you couldn't be, you're fairly new.

Your inbox will now be filled by whoever is on call from that esteemed group to brow beat you to bring that "5" up to at least a "9".

Prepare yourself to hear from the full membership soon.

Wouldnt want to be you in the next few days. :D

Perhaps you're the one without a full membership. I might not have been on here for decades like yourself but my reviews are excellent and my scores are great too.

And you couldn't handle being me, so no need for you to worry.


Posted By: JackDunphy
Nope you couldn't be, you're fairly new.  
 Your inbox will now be filled by whoever is on call from that esteemed group to brow beat you to bring that "5" up to at least a "9".  
 Prepare yourself to hear from the full membership soon.  
 Wouldnt want to be you in the next few days. :D

Oh, come on dude.  I am only talking about guys who see all sorts of gorgeous women and always give low scores.   There are those bitter men who hate that they have to pay for it and punish us accordingly, just as there are women who do equally bad things.  You have to admit there are men who never seem to be happy.

Posted By: GaGambler
Yes, don't expect to get a date with anyone on the "top" list if you tend to give out 8's when other guys are browbeaten into giving 10's

I think Rayen just made Jack's point in spades.

GaGambler1304 reads

and when scores like 7/7 or 8/8 are considered "insulting" there is a lot more grade inflation than guys giving low scores. I would argue that the low scores are actually the only honest ones in a system where 10/10's are given out like candy.

I will admit that there are guys who hate the fact that they have to pay for it, and those same guys are rarely happy, but they still hand out 9/9's to women who by any honest scale would only rate a 7/7 at most. Due to grade inflation any women who averages 7's is almost always butt ugly, and nowhere near "attractive" which is what a 7 is "supposed to be.

AnotherDonJohn1188 reads

Love it when people argue for grade inflation. Lol.

Posted By: GaGambler
Yes, don't expect to get a date with anyone on the "top" list if you tend to give out 8's when other guys are browbeaten into giving 10's

I think Rayen just made Jack's point in spades.

Always the dickhead.  Let me enter you as exhibit "A for asshole".  We do our homework as well.  What, you guys think you can just flash cash???!!!  LOL.  Get real

JackDunphy1653 reads

With your testimonial, I'll have a shot though, so thank you in advance. LOL

But I did make the "Asshole" designation in record time, so you're a little late to that party.

And no, it's not always about the cash. Many girls take my TER Platinum Card, too.  

A little known benefit of that card is that it provides me insurance in case I am sued by over the hill hookers and...Aldo. :D

All publicity is good.  Thanks:)

Posted By: JackDunphy
With your testimonial, I'll have a shot though, so thank you in advance. LOL  
 But I did make the "Asshole" designation in record time, so you're a little late to that party.  
 And no, it's not always about the cash. Many girls take my TER Platinum Card, too.  
 A little known benefit of that card is that it provides me insurance in case I am sued by over the hill hookers and...Aldo. :D

JackDunphy1282 reads

"All publicity is good." The rallying cry of every hooker as she hits BSC status!  

You won't remember this thread when you wake up tomorrow're welcome anyway!

Ah, always glad to give an old serial hobbyist his due.  As long as you are happy since it obviously doesn't come between the sheets anymore....LOL>

JackDunphy1319 reads

And after seeing your pics, a lot thinner too.  

And I see you use Aldo??? Sheez...he must have had an off day. Sorry about that. LOL

No worries, as even Picasso didn't produce a gem every time.  

Go see him again and tell him to place the Photoshop Shrinking Option on "full power" and you should be fine. I hope. :D

I'm always interested why hobbyists are so angry (albeit passive aggressive most times) that any provider older than 35 makes a FABULOUS living??!!  Is it because you are stuck in an office at the mercy of some loser boss?  What is it exactly?  My amused mind is curious?  I make a great living even though I am supposedly "old and over the hill".  Yeah, well, in any civvy situation I look marvelous:)  

So sad you can't realize there is a market for all.  ALL.  Not just your sad standards.  

Anyway, sad dude, hope your evening ends with something other than pathetic posts on this board.


I always read the reviews to see the way the gent talks about the lady. This gives me a good impression of the gentlemens personality. If he seems like an asshole I may not see him. But I also use his reviews to get an idea of what he likes to get an idea of what will make him happy! ;)

..... it just like how guys say board posts are a glimpse into personality well reviews are about the same for me.  His scores don't particularly bother me as much as how he writes (nit-picky and mean, douche-y, narcissistic OR fair, sweet, romantic, shy etc). I screen for safety and compatibility and reviews are a part of that if he's written any and also if I get a review well I want to know exactly who it's coming from.

-- Modified on 4/22/2014 3:12:31 AM

... Luna did have a point when she said something like a lady in their right mind won't exactly jump hoops over someone always giving bad scores (under 5 or 6). Before flat out turning a guy down I will ask him about his history and why he's scored that way .... aside from how he's written those reviews well his response/reaction is also important. Some guys do not like being questioned about it  ... I have some few not so stellar reviews I have no problem explaining the circumstances (retaliatory, fake, off day for both possibly etc) and it should be the same way as well. Him having all or mostly crappy scores might not stop me from seeing him ... it all depends. I'm fair.

0603450onThe1330 reads

use this place to screen nor book and I really have no interest in his previous engagements. But I will look at how he posts, if he is a poster on this forum. That will make a big difference whether I will see him or not.

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