New York

Re: I actually read (well, skimmed) this whole thing...
thatmgdude 10 Reviews 310 reads

I cant get PM's so if you can't ask here I could create a throwaway hotmail

The following is purely a work of fiction, and any coincidences between actual events and real people is purely coincidental.

So I'm long time hobbyist, playing the game for almost 20 years, I should have known better than to let this happen, but hopefully this post will be a wakeup call for someone else. The events described here happened over a period of 7 years.

I got friendly with someone who was working for one of the smaller well known agencies here on Long Island. She approached me about a side deal for a significant discount, I knew it was the wrong thing to do, but she was really good, and I really liked her, so I went for it. Apparently I wasn't the only one, she got into a huge fight with the owner of the agency, the cops got involved, the agency disolved (and was later reborn), some of which was discussed on this board.

After her legal issues blew over, she kept seeing me, and from what I gather, a few others on the side. I became aware she had a substance abuse problem, and I was probably an enabler as she would often have me drive her someplace before playtime. It was a dick move, but it made playtime much more interesting, and often brought things from the "no" list to the "ok for another $50 list", which to be honest was all I cared about.

Her substance abuse problem was a huge dynamic in our relationship. During the 7 years we were involved she went to rehab at least half a dozen times. It was something she was never able to get under control, she would usually start up 2-3 weeks after she got out. Her problem also made her hugely unreliable, at her worst I would schedule appointments with her and she would only show up 40% of the time. I gathered this was a problem for the other people she was seeing as well, most of whom got tired of her drama and moved onto more reliable providers. Eventually I figured out how to use this to my advantage, if I spread my appointments out, she would get more desperate for cash, which I used to negotiate special favors. Yeah I was dick for doing it, but damn I have some great stories as a result.

Over the years I got really emotionally attached to her, which was a huge mistake. I may have been getting some special activities that I mentioned above, but I thought I was in love with her (which was never true for her). She was the most accomplished liar I have ever met. She was often sitting next to me in the passenger seat of my car on the phone, telling things I knew were a lie, but if I was on the other end of the call I absolutely would have believed her story, she was that good, and did a really good job of playing the sympathetic victim. It was really hard not to feel sorry for her. She used this to her advantage, over the years I estimate I paid a little over $50K for services and gifts for her. Sure I was taking advantage of the situation but so was she.

For about the last two years, I'm reasonably certain I was the only person from her past she was still seeing. Yes I was paying, but I would have classified this as more of a mistress type of arrangement. I wasn't  under the illusion that that we were ever going to run away to Fiji open a vegan restaurant on the beach and rescue injured sea turtles, but I did think we were friends, despite our business arrangement.

Around the end of last year, she started asking for advances more frequently, and was back to missing appointments again, I had been down this road and knew it meant her substance problem resurfaced. I told her I wasn't going to give her an advance, that she would have to show up for our appointments. She told me she needed the money to get clothes for a job interview, which I suspected was a lie. She kept coming up with other excuses why she needed the money, she even said she would come to my house to get it, wisely I recognized this was a red flag and said no. Eventually she agreed to meet.

When I picked her up, it was someplace new I had never picked her up before, this made me wary but wasn't a deal breaker. She told me to pull over when I was driving around the block, she then told me unless I gave her $1000 she was going to tell my wife about our history, and tell the police I had raped her. I was shocked and really couldn't believe what she was saying. When I realized she was serious I told her no, she became increasingly angry started making threats saying her boyfriend was going to beat it out of me. I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice a man walking up to my car, until he tried to open my door, which thankfully was still locked. I realized I was in real danger and drove off, nearly running him over. As I'm trying to make a getaway, she calls him from the car telling him which way I went. He catches up starts yelling out his window and tries to cut me off. Thankfully I've got more money and can afford a car with more horsepower and better braking than him. After a really dangerous chase weaving in and out of traffic on a main street, I let him maneuver in front of me, hit the brakes and execute a sharp turn onto a side street. Because he's on a main street he can't back up, I drive much faster than I should weaving in and out of side streets trying to break his visual contact with me. She has him on speaker phone at this point, he's yelling and screaming how he's going to break my legs, she's trying to yell out street names to him. I increase speed to make it harder for her to see street names, and increase the distance between us. I slow down pull out my phone and start to record everything that's being said she freaks out tells him to wait and she's going to handle this.

After 20 minutes I negotiate with her if I give her $300 I'll never hear from her again, and she won't try to blackmail me (I don't believe her at all). We agree we'll stop at a 7-11, I'll go to the cash machine, she'll watch me to make sure I'm not calling the cops, and this will all be over. We pull into 7-11 get out, and I lock the doors. I go over to the cash machine, she goes over to the cash register and starts asking the guy who works there what's the address. As soon as I realize she's not paying attention to me, I yell out "SHE'S GOT A GUN, AND SHE'S TRYING TO ROB YOU" and break for the door. Everyone else in the store stops what they are doing, and looks at her. I make it out the door, use my keyfob to only unlock the drivers door, start my car and speed off. I get home in complete panic mode, blocking her of Facebook, logging into my wife's account blocking her there, blocking every telephone number I have for her on every phone I have. It's been nearly 6 months, and I haven't heard a peep from her, so I think I'm in the clear, but those first few weeks after the event were a pretty scary time.

If she had planned this a little better, she could have engineered a situation that would have put me at a complete disadvantage. If she had waited till we got to the hotel, and let her boyfriend in while I was taking a shower, a naked me with no keys, wallet, cash, or phone would have been up shits creek without a paddle.

This whole experience gave me huge trust issues, it was two months before I tried to see another provider. Every time I saw someone I was terrified someone is going to pop into the room and try and rob me at knifepoint, it pretty much ruined my ability to see new providers going forward. I stopped seeing the few other providers I knew, again it's just really hard for me to trust anyone. The only person I still see is a dominatrix, who strangely enough does actually tie me up, but she's a lot more professional in how she handles things.

If I had it to do over again I wouldn't have gotten too friendly or to emotionally attached to anyone. I would be really strict about keeping my private information private, using a fake name the entire time least he knows what a paragraph is, not that it matters.

Neko_Atsume515 reads

Posted By: thatmgdude
The following is purely a work of fiction, and any coincidences between actual events and real people is purely coincidental.  
 So I'm long time hobbyist, playing the game for almost 20 years, I should have known better than to let this happen, but hopefully this post will be a wakeup call for someone else. The events described here happened over a period of 7 years.  
 I got friendly with someone who was working for one of the smaller well known agencies here on Long Island. She approached me about a side deal for a significant discount, I knew it was the wrong thing to do, but she was really good, and I really liked her, so I went for it. Apparently I wasn't the only one, she got into a huge fight with the owner of the agency, the cops got involved, the agency disolved (and was later reborn), some of which was discussed on this board.  
 After her legal issues blew over, she kept seeing me, and from what I gather, a few others on the side. I became aware she had a substance abuse problem, and I was probably an enabler as she would often have me drive her someplace before playtime. It was a dick move, but it made playtime much more interesting, and often brought things from the "no" list to the "ok for another $50 list", which to be honest was all I cared about.  
 Her substance abuse problem was a huge dynamic in our relationship. During the 7 years we were involved she went to rehab at least half a dozen times. It was something she was never able to get under control, she would usually start up 2-3 weeks after she got out. Her problem also made her hugely unreliable, at her worst I would schedule appointments with her and she would only show up 40% of the time. I gathered this was a problem for the other people she was seeing as well, most of whom got tired of her drama and moved onto more reliable providers. Eventually I figured out how to use this to my advantage, if I spread my appointments out, she would get more desperate for cash, which I used to negotiate special favors. Yeah I was dick for doing it, but damn I have some great stories as a result.  
 Over the years I got really emotionally attached to her, which was a huge mistake. I may have been getting some special activities that I mentioned above, but I thought I was in love with her (which was never true for her). She was the most accomplished liar I have ever met. She was often sitting next to me in the passenger seat of my car on the phone, telling things I knew were a lie, but if I was on the other end of the call I absolutely would have believed her story, she was that good, and did a really good job of playing the sympathetic victim. It was really hard not to feel sorry for her. She used this to her advantage, over the years I estimate I paid a little over $50K for services and gifts for her. Sure I was taking advantage of the situation but so was she.  
 For about the last two years, I'm reasonably certain I was the only person from her past she was still seeing. Yes I was paying, but I would have classified this as more of a mistress type of arrangement. I wasn't  under the illusion that that we were ever going to run away to Fiji open a vegan restaurant on the beach and rescue injured sea turtles, but I did think we were friends, despite our business arrangement.  
 Around the end of last year, she started asking for advances more frequently, and was back to missing appointments again, I had been down this road and knew it meant her substance problem resurfaced. I told her I wasn't going to give her an advance, that she would have to show up for our appointments. She told me she needed the money to get clothes for a job interview, which I suspected was a lie. She kept coming up with other excuses why she needed the money, she even said she would come to my house to get it, wisely I recognized this was a red flag and said no. Eventually she agreed to meet.  
 When I picked her up, it was someplace new I had never picked her up before, this made me wary but wasn't a deal breaker. She told me to pull over when I was driving around the block, she then told me unless I gave her $1000 she was going to tell my wife about our history, and tell the police I had raped her. I was shocked and really couldn't believe what she was saying. When I realized she was serious I told her no, she became increasingly angry started making threats saying her boyfriend was going to beat it out of me. I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice a man walking up to my car, until he tried to open my door, which thankfully was still locked. I realized I was in real danger and drove off, nearly running him over. As I'm trying to make a getaway, she calls him from the car telling him which way I went. He catches up starts yelling out his window and tries to cut me off. Thankfully I've got more money and can afford a car with more horsepower and better braking than him. After a really dangerous chase weaving in and out of traffic on a main street, I let him maneuver in front of me, hit the brakes and execute a sharp turn onto a side street. Because he's on a main street he can't back up, I drive much faster than I should weaving in and out of side streets trying to break his visual contact with me. She has him on speaker phone at this point, he's yelling and screaming how he's going to break my legs, she's trying to yell out street names to him. I increase speed to make it harder for her to see street names, and increase the distance between us. I slow down pull out my phone and start to record everything that's being said she freaks out tells him to wait and she's going to handle this.  
 After 20 minutes I negotiate with her if I give her $300 I'll never hear from her again, and she won't try to blackmail me (I don't believe her at all). We agree we'll stop at a 7-11, I'll go to the cash machine, she'll watch me to make sure I'm not calling the cops, and this will all be over. We pull into 7-11 get out, and I lock the doors. I go over to the cash machine, she goes over to the cash register and starts asking the guy who works there what's the address. As soon as I realize she's not paying attention to me, I yell out "SHE'S GOT A GUN, AND SHE'S TRYING TO ROB YOU" and break for the door. Everyone else in the store stops what they are doing, and looks at her. I make it out the door, use my keyfob to only unlock the drivers door, start my car and speed off. I get home in complete panic mode, blocking her of Facebook, logging into my wife's account blocking her there, blocking every telephone number I have for her on every phone I have. It's been nearly 6 months, and I haven't heard a peep from her, so I think I'm in the clear, but those first few weeks after the event were a pretty scary time.  
 If she had planned this a little better, she could have engineered a situation that would have put me at a complete disadvantage. If she had waited till we got to the hotel, and let her boyfriend in while I was taking a shower, a naked me with no keys, wallet, cash, or phone would have been up shits creek without a paddle.  
 This whole experience gave me huge trust issues, it was two months before I tried to see another provider. Every time I saw someone I was terrified someone is going to pop into the room and try and rob me at knifepoint, it pretty much ruined my ability to see new providers going forward. I stopped seeing the few other providers I knew, again it's just really hard for me to trust anyone. The only person I still see is a dominatrix, who strangely enough does actually tie me up, but she's a lot more professional in how she handles things.  
 If I had it to do over again I wouldn't have gotten too friendly or to emotionally attached to anyone. I would be really strict about keeping my private information private, using a fake name the entire time.  

HallasanHiker536 reads

But you have to admit, the part about the boyfriend and the French Connection chase scene is pretty outlandish. And the guy was willing to risk felony assault charges for only $1000??? Was he a "crip" or "blood" or something like that? As you stated, if they really wanted to "jack" you, they would have struck in the room when you were without clothes.

Meth is crazy drug, and makes you do stupid things.

The detective minded folk would notice my reviews stopped about 7 years ago, that's an awfully long time to wait for a work of fiction.

If you have been involved in the hobby at least 7 years look back through my reviews and see if you see one from someone who was well reviewed who "retired" but suddenly got back in the business.

If you've been around that you probably heard about the agency that got busted, supposedly one of the girls got "fired" for seeing clients on the side, and decided to turn her former boss over to the cops as a bit of revenge.

or maybe I just forgot to take my meds today, whichever makes you happier

I haven't paid for a membership in years, so if you send me a PM I won't be able to respond

I did send you one - b/c I thought I had some info you might find interesting ........

Not sure how to get in touch with you then :/

HallasanHiker306 reads

Never said it was impossible, just seemed a bit extreme.
I have to ask though, since you made some very strong hints here.
This girl you saw...did her working name start with an "A"?
And did her real name start with a "C"?
And was she originally from the south/west part of the country?
Just curious because you describe a girl who sounds like someone I may have known.
And she did solicit me to be a private client while she was with the agency.
If this is the same person, boy am I glad I declined!

HallasanHiker244 reads

Alright, I took your other not so subtle hint & checked your reviews.
I can see that it was not the same girl of whom I was thinking.
Sad though, how many druggies are in this business

JackinNYC249 reads

Your reviews are from 2011 which, according to my math, was five years ago.

You fell in love with a crack head so what more did you expect? Not only were you enabling her you put your life in danger as well as the life of your family. No amount of SEX is worth any of that.  

Guess you haven't heard the phrase "Some hoes can't be saved" and as the Captain of that ship you almost drowned right along with her.

True story or not, it was very interesting, sad, scary, and funny.

JackinNYC304 reads

My thoughts exactly as I read the post. Not too bright...

That would be shorter than reading your book.

VOO-doo321 reads

There were so many red flags, you could have built an awning over Central Park.  

This isn't so much about a provider problem, as it is about her being an addict and basically an untrustworthy person... Many people would bail out at the first sign of drug addiction (or even use), but this is what you said you did: 'It made playtime much more interesting, and often brought things from the "no" list to the "ok for another $50 list", which to be honest was all I cared about.'  

What you were doing (I'm not even going to say I feel about that comment on a personal level) was the equivalent of getting an adrenaline high from driving a brand-new Porsche into the worst neighborhood of a crime-ridden city, and leaving it there unlocked every night. Now you are saying that you are afraid to park a Toyota in a Tribeca parking garage, because of the experience of your car being stolen every day.  

You said you continue to see another provider who runs her business more professionally... there are a lot out there, especially in NYC.

Just as an aside, I doubt that this girl is the direct reason for the agency in question being taken down, although she very well may have called the cops. (Although I'm not sure if I have the right agency in mind... there was one discussed on these boards, but it wasn't small.) I mean, they operated in the open for years... From what I remember, it was an international wire transfer that got the feds involved...

-- Modified on 7/7/2016 4:50:20 AM

Posted By: VOO-doo
There were so many red flags, you could have built an awning over Central Park.  
 Just as an aside, I doubt that this girl is the direct reason for the agency in question being taken down, although she very well may have called the cops. (Although I'm not sure if I have the right agency in mind... there was one discussed on these boards, but it wasn't small.) I mean, they operated in the open for years... From what I remember, it was an international wire transfer that got the feds involved...
I *think* it's a different agency, which is why I'd sent the OP a PM ...

I cant get PM's so if you can't ask here I could create a throwaway hotmail

Posted By: thatmgdude
I cant get PM's so if you can't ask here I could create a throwaway hotmail

Yeah - can you do that? That would be great.

I'd prefer to not ask here, for a variety of reasons.

Or, you could just file a problem report - that gets you 2 days VIP (and access to your mailbox).....

This wasn't the one that was shut down for wire transfers.

It was a small Long Island Boutique agency, with a handful of ladies, that ran for years. It was a thing on here when it happened as the owner had a well established clientele.

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