New York

Re: Her first review just posted

Anyone see Jennifer Loves. She is posting in the NY section ads.

Back_In_Black1261 reads

Claire ....;).... perfect titties .... just sayin .............! always have a back up plan ............

Posted By: needitbad2020
Anyone see Jennifer Loves. She is posting in the NY section ads.

Floatingaround1481 reads

They are everywhere and makes me sick with the transparency of their motives.
Are they looking for discounts or is it about freebies?

Back_In_Black848 reads

more than fair rates ? your welcome ...! oh and a lot of guys here are slow so if they want go to the ad board and look at claires they can  lo lol lol ad they can see for themselves ..lo l lol lololololo ..oh lighten up .... lifes to short lol  

Posted By: Floatingaround
They are everywhere and makes me sick with the transparency of their motives.  
 Are they looking for discounts or is it about freebies?

The Invisible Man853 reads

the rest of us don't care to see your "flirting" by commenting on all the ads.

Back_In_Black813 reads

mentioned a new girl and I did too so that's wrong ? and "all the ads " no 3 ..! and whos "we" is there a club here that I didn't get an invite to ? lol ... I like your posts I really do but wtf who cares...and if you don't like what I post don't read it , it really is that simple ..also any guy can read whomevers reviews , contact reviewers and make their own decision .. however ive had guys get back to me with a big thank you for mentioning girls that I do know as they feel safe .. so whats the problem and if I meet new friend by doing what im doing its none of anyones you gave me your opinion , thanks but I really don't give a shit ... no I don't ..  

have a nice day ...!  

Posted By: The Invisible Man
the rest of us don't care to see your "flirting" by commenting on all the ads.  

Back_In_Black955 reads

I could fuck that day and night ....;)...  

oh u can talk 2 the girls 2 , they don't bite unless u want them 2 and personally I like it ...have a nice day lol lol  

Posted By: The Invisible Man
the rest of us don't care to see your "flirting" by commenting on all the ads.  

Back_In_Black600 reads

bro I do like your posts but I think you just agreed with me ... hey do you think u can handle PAIGE MARIE .....;)  I mean that's a woman....;) ... bet youd cum as soon as you saw her in person lying on the on the other hand id savor that hot body like a fine meal...... ;)... nice n easy ..! then when im finally ready LIKE A LOCOMOTIVE ..FULL STEAM WITH MY 'HEAD"

hey your point is noted (not that im going to listen but no hard feeling ) ... have a nice day ..reall

Back_In_Black660 reads

by the man crush you have on me but your not my type ...;)...I have an idea ( lightbulb just lit up ) instead of worrying what I do go to the ad board and compliment a pretty girl and her may just hit it off and who knows maybe youll get lucky lol lol  

have a nice day... ;)..

oh was that 2013 or so far in 2014 ? thanks .. how many I have in 2015

Back_In_Black739 reads

I don't know the OP but your wrong in this instance , that girl is hot and a lot of guys were curious and guess what we know no that shes not a bargain .. the OP has reviews and just wanted info and know he has it ....  

have a nice day .... oh and you need a little joy so I recommend TAYLOR SKY ,SMOKIN HOT BABE AND SWEET AS HONEY .....yup she does it for me too.....what can I say I LOVE THE HOTT ONES .. LOL LOL LOL  

Posted By: Floatingaround
They are everywhere and makes me sick with the transparency of their motives.  
 Are they looking for discounts or is it about freebies?

Rate seems kinda high for an unreviewed newbie, dont you think, although she looks HOT?!!!!
She should offer an introductory rate.

and it has no reviews, so this guy makes up an account or another account and says look someone else posted a real bad review about this girl

if there is anyone working the moderation desk please spend an hour or two and get control of your board
the shills have taken over

its ok I am going on vacation to monger paradise enjoy the hot sticky summer in the city  
middle aged ceo!!!!!
I found my new girl
and my old girl just came back

karma bitches
thank you for all the young girls that keep this old man feeling young
the fountain of youth is in a college girls pants!!

I saw her two weeks ago.  Hot girl. Very sexy and friendly. All available except Greek. Little pricy but I didn't mind. More than worth the experience. I'll definately be repeating. She's high roller material.

She has two reviews now. One review is bad and one is someone who reads like a shill. Even if the reviews were fantastic and read honest 840 for a CBJ is a lot unless you're a porn star.

but that's a months mongering for me.....

Back_In_Black698 reads

consider the girls I like , and who catch my eye see I know women and I know whos good in bed and I HAVE NO MOTIVE except for the men here to get the BEST "BANG" FOR THEIR "BUCK"..;) just as I appreciate it when a friend turns me on to someone they know ..see this isn't very hard..and to the guy who wasted his money to give us that lousy review ... bro drinks on my friend above who thinks we shouldn't have these threads and discussions ... he realizes now im right ..  

see some of us DONT SHILL we inform and an informed cock is a happy cock ...! ..;).

I think he got mad because I said he was too old if you read my website it clearly says I am not some desperate girl I dont take every opportunity I get.

I am a hot young girl on an adventure
If you are my dads age I just cant do it
if you are in your 30s or 40s and look good I can
would ter administrator please ask that loser for some proof that he saw me
he cannot provide it I didnt see anyone in chelsea......
how can this guy get away with this bs?
will one of the guys that saw me please review me

Back_In_Black798 reads

you got great tits and a cute ass .. but I think the rates r a bit high ...well good luck with your career and who knows maybe some day well FUCK ... XOOX  

Posted By: Jenniferloves
I think he got mad because I said he was too old if you read my website it clearly says I am not some desperate girl I dont take every opportunity I get.  
 I am a hot young girl on an adventure  
 If you are my dads age I just cant do it  
 if you are in your 30s or 40s and look good I can  
 would ter administrator please ask that loser for some proof that he saw me  
 he cannot provide it I didnt see anyone in chelsea......  
 how can this guy get away with this bs?  
 will one of the guys that saw me please review me?  

Panthera12782 reads

I guess I am also SOL. Not that I want to hit a short stay and get my pole assaulted. You will be my go to guy B_I_B. Save me from the BP hookers and hook me up in July bro. You got all the good ones stashed someplace.

Back_In_Black1196 reads

she is quite hmmmm unique to say the least and interesting young lady so far who did get a lot of attention .. im curious how this will play out in time and I like her bold posts lol lol ... but if either of us do end up with her id say outcall safer bet or is it  
and let me know about july oh maybe taylor will be around she does love you lol lol that would be quite the session ....

l8r panthera and best always bro  

Posted By: Panthera12
I guess I am also SOL. Not that I want to hit a short stay and get my pole assaulted. You will be my go to guy B_I_B. Save me from the BP hookers and hook me up in July bro. You got all the good ones stashed someplace.

If you don't see people above a certain age make sure you reiterate that in an email or text or on the phone. Guys aren't going to necessarily read every word on a website. Or will assume it doesn't apply to them.

But hot young guys aren't usually looking to pay. Neither your ad or your website says you don't see a guy beyond a particular age. If you show up and you tell a guy he is too old or too ugly he is going to write that you are a waste of time. It is a legitimate review if he did meet you. Maybe you should be asking for photos up front before you meet if you are going to be picky like that. You are very hot, so guys might jump through your hoops.

She is at an age that she can pick and choose who she wants to see. She is adorable with a perfect spinner body and she will take control of her own affairs.. You go girl

Pair of killer heels and a nice manicure will have them drooling even more (LOL)

Posted By: needitbad2020
Anyone see Jennifer Loves. She is posting in the NY section ads.

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