New York

Pedro's actions
ritchie 9889 reads

While I dont agree with the whole head hunting thing that BOTH Pedro and Roger do I really dont have a problem with what Pedro did to Zimmerman. Zimmerman went towards him and in my opinion if an old fart has the balls to challenge a younger and stronger person the old fart deserves what he gets. I get aggrevated when old people are ballsy because their way of thinking is he wont do anything to me because I am old. That theory doesnt work for me. Sometimes old people have to be put in their place and reminded that their time has passed and they should be content with just still being alive. I know alot of them are just cranky because they are old and they have to adjust their way of living but that is no ones fault. I know a lot of you will get on me for this but it wont change my attitude and I make no apologies for what I believe in.

Let's hope the game lives up to the hype!

Pedro against the Rocket! Priceless!


BTW...Let's go Yanks!

Pedro is a pussy, he likes to beat up seniors.
A totally classless guy, I lost all respect for him today. He is a punk.

I almost forgot to mention Manny. He is another pussy. But unlike the punk Pedro is, he is blind and should get his eyes examine. How the hell was he threatned when he charged the mount holding a baseball bad. The pitch that Clemens threw was high and in the middle of the plate. I guess Manny felt that he needed a bat to beat up a 41 yr old. Redsox, the curse will remain with your team for another 100 years.

ritchie9523 reads

In reality Zimmerman charged at him first so if some old fart has the balls to challenge a young guy the old fart deserves what he gets. I am not a Bosox fan but I agree totally with what Pedro did. Sometimes old people have to be put in their place, like a coffin maybe.

danfrommass10890 reads

...pedo was a gentleman, he defused the situation by brushing off the raging lunatic zim. so zim is top heavy and fell over...get real...i agree with u on manny , but dont let your love of the yankees keep you blind to what happened.........btw.....not a sox, yankee or b-ball in general.

smoothjim10249 reads


Nelson is a bigger pussy.
He likes to sucker punch groundskeepers with six other "guys" when hidden from view in the bullpen.

Yankees suck and the whole world hates them.


adam4611164 reads

The pitchers showed themselvs for what they truly are
today. Roger is an all time great, a first ballot hall
of famer, and Pedro is a dirty street punk from the  
armpit of the Carribean.

Now bring on Kerry Wood and the Cubs!!! Time to send another
pack of losers back to the showers!!!

PaigeGirl9976 reads

      Cubs Win!!! Cubs Win!!!  get used to hearing that....

Pedro is a fuc%$$ing pussy maybe thats how they act from where he came from he should be sanctioned by the league as for that matter all the redxox are big crying pussyd i have been a yankees fan for 30 years and never seen this  behavior.

check out the boston board where i am from i have been r=tearing them a new asshole

go there and help me

-- Modified on 10/12/2003 5:33:06 AM

hey did u feel the same way when clemens HIT Piazza in the head??
i bet u didnt. i bet u thought , oh he didnt mean it. but ya know what, its the same thing. all u yankee fans cry when it happens to YOU BUT when the yankees pull that crap its ok, right??
BULL!!!!! clemens was worse cause he hit him in the HEAD, pedro hit the guy in the back. and what about clemens throwing bat at piazza, another chicken shit move by clemens.
if u know anything about pedro, he did the same thing when he was in montreal, even worse, hitting guys all the time, AND HE CAME TO THE PLATE. NOT like pussy clemens who most of the time sits out NL games. just be fair both ways, what pedro did was wrong but clemens was worse what he did to piazza, so please take off the yankee glasses and look at everything the same way.

From the armpit of the Caribbean? Not necessary- stupid comment- yes DR has it's troubles- but has many beautiful spots....

ritchie9890 reads

While I dont agree with the whole head hunting thing that BOTH Pedro and Roger do I really dont have a problem with what Pedro did to Zimmerman. Zimmerman went towards him and in my opinion if an old fart has the balls to challenge a younger and stronger person the old fart deserves what he gets. I get aggrevated when old people are ballsy because their way of thinking is he wont do anything to me because I am old. That theory doesnt work for me. Sometimes old people have to be put in their place and reminded that their time has passed and they should be content with just still being alive. I know alot of them are just cranky because they are old and they have to adjust their way of living but that is no ones fault. I know a lot of you will get on me for this but it wont change my attitude and I make no apologies for what I believe in.

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