New York

Once again, you prove how clueless you are...
HooktardGold 520 reads

You put "Personal Services" on your Business License, and report income made. Escorting is not illegal... tricking is. No one asked (including the state or the IRS) what "Personal Services" meant, and there is a reason they have that as an option on a business license, you brain dead moron. Uh, yah you just showed you have NO CLUE about the options on a business license, so I guess you've never had one? Check mate. :)  

Why the need to bring 'all the other hobbyists' into this? I am not addressing them... I am addressing ONE, idiot hobbyist, and that is you. I would assume they have more financial sense to know that having a business license for any operation and paying taxes is perfectly legit. Having an LLC for this? Ha, not so much lol.  

I was wondering how long it would take for the old, bitter hooker comments to surface, but a little boy with no money and no valid points to counter with, really can't do much else lol. 32 and RETIRED from this biz is actually quite perfect. I was not a child when I entered this gig or I would have vomited, because at that time fkin 50 and 60 year old men was the farthest thing from erotic to me. I entered this business after I had my first degree, and when I knew I could mentally deal with some of the idiots we have to encounter... like you.  

Well, that's not really true ha ha. I actually priced myself out of the 'idiot' market early on so honey, I am the farthest thing from bitter or old. I love the men I had the pleasure of meeting here, or I would not still pass by once and a while to chat with them and see how they are doing.  

Again, are you going to address ANYTHING I have posted? Again, thanks for playing but you're far too dumb to even try and debate with. The fact that someone mongering in NY (the capital of so called financial geniuses) can be this clueless about simple business, economics, and taxes is the funniest shit I have read all year. Good thing you did not claim to be a Finance guy, because you would have all of us pissing our pants, much like you're doing right about now.  

Bye bye now, cheap, clueless board boy. I actually do have a conference call with a REAL man... aka my boss for legit income.  


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 12:23:16 PM

As a verified and whitelisted client,  if they agreed to pay a cancellation fee after canceling last minute but then disappear,  what is a fair way to handle it? It infuriates me when emailing over the course of weeks and weeks over 1 90 minute appointment in booking a room only to accommodate that person almost an hour away that a "good client" does such a thing. Posting about them and blacklisting?   Of course us providers feel the need to do this but I would like the client POV.....Not only are WE graded on tardiness and reliability, and having a good reputation,  but we also incur the expense of providing an incall to accommodate..shouldn't this go both ways? Let's hear about it!

Back_In_Black731 reads

Them every opportunity them out ...!  

Posted By: SexyVeraMorena
As a verified and whitelisted client,  if they agreed to pay a cancellation fee after canceling last minute but then disappear,  what is a fair way to handle it? It infuriates me when emailing over the course of weeks and weeks over 1 90 minute appointment in booking a room only to accommodate that person almost an hour away that a "good client" does such a thing. Posting about them and blacklisting?   Of course us providers feel the need to do this but I would like the client POV.....Not only are WE graded on tardiness and reliability, and having a good reputation,  but we also incur the expense of providing an incall to accommodate..shouldn't this go both ways? Let's hear about it!

Probably more appropriate for the PO Board.  If there was an understanding up front that any last min cancellation would result in a fee to cover your incall/hotel expense, and he didn't pay you can BL or call him out on it.  I would give him every opportunity to make good though which could take a bit of time.  Sorry to hear about your losses and hope it all gets resolved appropriately.


Back_In_Black633 reads

Honestly if she is 100% in the right it would be better for her ....she can still say what she wants on the PO board .

Its been done before and the same goes for men if they have an issue , not a fight a discussion ..

Posted By: Spartan8474
Probably more appropriate for the PO Board.  If there was an understanding up front that any last min cancellation would result in a fee to cover your incall/hotel expense, and he didn't pay you can BL or call him out on it.  I would give him every opportunity to make good though which could take a bit of time.  Sorry to hear about your losses and hope it all gets resolved appropriately.  

It cost $500 for the room for two nights, but in obviously didn't ask for that much. Gents need to realize we can get stranded when this happens on a tour. Please don't schedule if you don't think for sure you will come, and if you cancel last minute, please be respectful. Some ladies don't see multiple guys in a day, and the costs can be pretty high.

Two nights out here is a little more expensive than Chicago, that's for sure. Wowwie! Lol.

As I have discovered over 51 years of life, it's not always black and white.  But then again, there's the appropriate way to handle things.  From a perspective as a client, I've had to cancel a few times for personal reasons.   There are three that come to mind over the past year:

Scenerio1:  I had a date with a provider scheduled for over a week in advance, but she had to cancel for personal reasons the day before.  So stuff happens, I fully understand.  I logon to TER, and find another provider who looks to be a great woman visiting from out of town.  After a bit of effort on both our parts to screen, we agreed to meet the next day around noon.  That next morning, I awake to find I have a cold.  I felt so bad, but also felt compelled not to spread my germs.  We agreed to a cancellation fee and paid it within 36 hours.  Not great for either of us, but nonetheless the right thing to do.

Scenerio2:  One of my favorite dates was visiting.  She used to be in NY, then visited NY from Florida, and most recently moved to Los Angeles.  After she moved to Los Angeles, I knew it was a difficult trip to NY, and was relying on me and a few of her other friends.  I had to cancel 2 days before.  As it was such a tough trip to make, I made full compensation to her within days.  On our next date, she and I had one of the best times ever.  

Scenerio3:  An absolutely fabulous woman who had to travel to NY, but not from too afar.  We had seen each other twice before and had some of the most wonderful dates you can imagine (lunch, wine, talk, sex).  I adored this woman.  I loved spending time with her (not in a weird sense) emotionally, intellectually, and physically.  She had to cancel on me several times, and I had to cancel on her twice - always with at least 36 or 48 hours notice by both of us.  She banned me from seeing her ever again.  I thought about responding and making an argument around how she cancelled more than I did, and even thought about the Sienfeld episode about how great make-up sex can be, I just didn't think it was appropriate in a client-provider relationship.  But that one still really hurts - OUCH!

Not sure this provides any grand answer to the original question, but we need to always look at different perspectives.


-- Modified on 3/26/2014 3:51:16 PM

quite the set of Scenarios I must say although I'm not sure what to say, except for that ok...perhaps you have my attention. It is nice seeing how a 'handsome gentleman' really feels when he usually only speaks a few words here or there. Interesting indeed.  

And yes, cancellations happen on both parts. I only ever cancel due to 3 'mother' related issues, mother nature, the other mother nature and the real mother nature interfering...all 3 respectively out of my control unfortunately. Now I can't speak for the gentleman when he cancels, only speculation can occur when it happens 'numerously' no matter how a good a time is had. But being the woman I am, I usually 'chalk' it up to, well perhaps it's not 'meant' to be. And that's ok, moving on. While that's not the point here, how to deal with the cancellation aspect when it's not the woman's fault, is a whole different can of worms, no?  

Your 'point' pertaining to one particular scenario did make me smile nonetheless, so thank you. I do hope you've been well and 'playing' well....always. Never hard feelings. Ever.  


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 2:02:25 PM

flirting with me are you? on here? of all places?  

I think perhaps you like my toughcookieness LOL like possibly a few other 'gents' here. That is, if I am to take a look at it from a different perspective... of course.  


That CXL fees aren't just to get money. Tours are tough, especially in bigger cities. They get it. I never have too many problems with it. I appreciate when a guy 'gets it.' We just have to get where they're coming from too. :)

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 12:53:45 AM

PhilAsheo589 reads

it's inconsiderate not to communicate a cancellation asap ... but life happens - work, family, illness, bad weather.  Ladies, have you ever cancelled a hair appt, nails, dog grooming, dentist, whatever?

I paid a cancellation fee once via Greendot because the provider threatened to Blacklist me if I didn't.  But guess what ... I would never see her in the future and guys on the ROB were informed and will think twice about seeing her too.  Or maybe not at all.

Get over the CXL fee thing and enjoy your tax free income. :

If she had to make threats to get you to pay a damn fee you knew existed BEFORE you made the appt. what makes you think she wants to see you 'in the future?' Hate to point out the obvious, but you're not here to make money... the provider is. If she cancels on you, you just SAVED the damn fee you were going to pay to get your rocks off. If you cancel on her, she loses her fee, the fee from another guy she told she was not available at the time she was supposed to see you, the hotel costs, etc.  

You never lose as much money as the provider, so don't act like you do. It's absurd. Also, for you to suggest that all providers don't pay taxes, is equally absurd, because you don't know what the fk they do. I don't know anyone who pays 100 percent, but most providers are not idiots. They know if they are depositing funds into an account and buying up expensive shit, that money has to be accounted for... maybe not the providers you see, but the smart ones.  

Do I think fees collected after the fact are a good idea? Nope, because I won't go through the trouble and it's a bit crazy to try and cover your ass after the damage is already done. I required deposits to cover my ass knowing most of you don't give two shits about our bills. If you can't make the fkin appt. don't book it! In six years I had to cancel less than five times... each time, the guy was offered money off or extra time, and I did that because I believe in treating guys who have been good to me with respect. Add to that, no guy has EVER had to book a hotel room on his dime, because I had incalls already prepaid and arranged, so they were not out shit.  

If you don't have the common courtesy to pay a fee when the shit is spelled out on a provider's website, then don't book with ANY provider who has this policy or show up for your damn appt. I have been charged 200 bucks for not showing up to a damn restaurant before that I booked for 6 people. Was I pissed? No, because I was told going in that if we could not make it, my card would be charged. You might look at these things we incur as the cost of doing business, but smart businesses have learned ways to minimize that cost and this is one of them. No one wants to see a guy who has no regard for their time or money. I mean seriously... if I had to blacklist a guy for being such a cheap d*ck, you concede that I would want to be in a room alone with him much less have sex? BWAHAHAHAHAAHAH.  

FYI, if she blacklisted you for not paying a fee that you agreed to pay simply by booking, she did not rob you... you robbed her. Get crucial. By booking with any provider you agree to the fee that is stated... if she did not make that clear, then that's on her, but if you know going in there is a fee required if you cancel and don't pay it, you deserve whatever you get. No one forced you to book with her... in fact, no one forced you to see a HOOKER in the first place lol.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 10:57:27 AM

PhilAsheo553 reads

Stop acting so offended.

First, you ask what makes you think she wants to see me in the future?  Answer: she will do just about anything for cash.  I could book with her today.

Second, stop acting like you have some legitimate business and whinning about your so-called expenses.  If you weren't making money you wouldn't be doing it.

Next, providers pay taxes ... hahahahaha!  I'm trying not to piss in my pants

I guess I will have to break it down by numbers as you did in such an elementary way...

1. I am NOT a provider so you can't possibly offend me. I would never waste time seeing someone as dumb as you, but I certainly feel sorry for the women who have no other choice. :)

2. The girl you are talking about is not EVERY girl, so I can't argue that the girl you speak of would do 'anything for cash.' That's the type of desperate, needy hooker YOU choose to see lol.
You seem to live under the delusion that ALL hookers see multiple guys a day and can just up and go down some list when one cancels... again, the providers YOU see might have to operate that way because they don't have another income, but that is not every provider because we see the asinine shit you have to put up with by doing that. If I saw one guy a week, that was more than enough for me.

3. I was a provider for six years, and paid quarterly taxes the entire time... I own a home, dumbass, so it would have been taken by the IRS if I had not reported income. I also had a REAL job the entire time, as I only saw about 2 or 3 guys a month. Gotta hate those part time hookers who can tell you to fk off, eh?  

4. This is a real business ( a real illegal one no less ) whether you want to concede to that or not, but not all providers are business oriented to run one and as you've so eloquently pointed out, you can't fix stupid. I can't really help the type of women you can attract or afford, but just about every provider I know personally had another income and at least a 4 year degree BEFORE coming here... that's called having a plan and an exit strategy in case you missed that simple concept in your undergrad classes. It makes it all that much easier to leave when you like, see whom you like, and not have to cater to bottom feeding board boys too, but I digress.  

5. I have never 'lost' money being a provider, because I did not market myself to cheap idiots who would gripe about a measly 200 bucks. My rate was 5 times that, I required a deposit, and I also required more than some board handle for a meeting. I used the same tactics that so called real businesses use everyday, to make sure my Marginal Costs and my Marginal Revenue were in balance... thanks.  

6. To wrap things up, all you did was use Ad Hominem vs. addressing a single point I introduced, but what was I expecting lol. A. Don't book with providers who want a fee if you can't pay it or can't show up. B. If you do book with such providers, pay the fee or stfu about it because you knew it was in place before you booked. C.  If you are that stupid to think you lose more than her money wise, think again. You are here for a nut, she is here for money... so simple.  

Thanks for playing.  






-- Modified on 3/27/2014 11:05:46 AM

PhilAsheo585 reads

who the fk are you kidding? You falsified your returns so you wouldn't go to the slammer and have your assets seized, hahahaha!  Can you say A/Companions!

To the hobbyists reading this blabber, you can see how bitter some ladies become in their old age.(e)

You put "Personal Services" on your Business License, and report income made. Escorting is not illegal... tricking is. No one asked (including the state or the IRS) what "Personal Services" meant, and there is a reason they have that as an option on a business license, you brain dead moron. Uh, yah you just showed you have NO CLUE about the options on a business license, so I guess you've never had one? Check mate. :)  

Why the need to bring 'all the other hobbyists' into this? I am not addressing them... I am addressing ONE, idiot hobbyist, and that is you. I would assume they have more financial sense to know that having a business license for any operation and paying taxes is perfectly legit. Having an LLC for this? Ha, not so much lol.  

I was wondering how long it would take for the old, bitter hooker comments to surface, but a little boy with no money and no valid points to counter with, really can't do much else lol. 32 and RETIRED from this biz is actually quite perfect. I was not a child when I entered this gig or I would have vomited, because at that time fkin 50 and 60 year old men was the farthest thing from erotic to me. I entered this business after I had my first degree, and when I knew I could mentally deal with some of the idiots we have to encounter... like you.  

Well, that's not really true ha ha. I actually priced myself out of the 'idiot' market early on so honey, I am the farthest thing from bitter or old. I love the men I had the pleasure of meeting here, or I would not still pass by once and a while to chat with them and see how they are doing.  

Again, are you going to address ANYTHING I have posted? Again, thanks for playing but you're far too dumb to even try and debate with. The fact that someone mongering in NY (the capital of so called financial geniuses) can be this clueless about simple business, economics, and taxes is the funniest shit I have read all year. Good thing you did not claim to be a Finance guy, because you would have all of us pissing our pants, much like you're doing right about now.  

Bye bye now, cheap, clueless board boy. I actually do have a conference call with a REAL man... aka my boss for legit income.  


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 12:23:16 PM

By some when they are understanding and sweet about it. That's the kind I like to see, and quite honestly will schedule w them again. Idk lol

Keep in mind we emailed for 2 weeks...including the night before....and the reason?? .....he was "up late" ....that screams out..."I just dont give a damn what you went through or spent to accommodate me but just I dont feel like it"

And, he agreed to pay a cancellation fee but then disappeared on you- that's extremely inconsiderate.

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