New York

NYC is a super safe place
MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 687 reads

This couldn't have happened in manhattan, since its so rare ..  

What part of the city were you in?

But NYC is still safe and such occurrences are rare especially in the daytim

Usually if i make a mistake or do something dumb like giving the client the wrong room number I blame it on having a blonde moment. But there is nothing funny what happened to me the other day.  I was robbed.
I was on my way to the bank i walked into a convenience store to grab a juice I reached into my bag and paid with a 20. I did not realize there was someone behind me who looked into my bad and saw that i had a fair amount of money on me.  

I walked out of the store walked for less than a minute when i was knocked down and my bag and all my money and Id was stolen. I was not hurt beyond being shaken up and a few kind New Yorkers did come to my aid. But i lost all my money. I am angry at myself for being oblivious of my surroundings head phones plugged into my ears and all.  

In the future i will never keep more than a hundred on me and if i need to go to the bank twice a day i will

Ladies be careful go to the bank everyday and don't walk around listening to your music not aware of your surroundings.  
I learned my lesson i just wish it did not cost so much

It's certainly a horrible experience to be robbed--(I've been robbed twice in my lifetime)---but the most important thing is you're OK!! You can always replace money---you can't replace your life!! And you have learned an INVALUABLE lesson you'll take with you from now on----ALWAYS know your surroundings and take EVERY PRECAUTION---you got criminals and sicko creeps in every city and you can NEVER be too careful!!

This couldn't have happened in manhattan, since its so rare ..  

What part of the city were you in?

But NYC is still safe and such occurrences are rare especially in the daytim

I'm happy you weren't hurt physically. Thank you for sharing your terrifying experience.  I am from London/Amsterdam and was thinking of visiting NYC soon on tour, and this has made me realize that I have to be more careful too.  Sometimes I get too friendly and careless :( Thank you

Oh my dear Holly, I am glad you are OK.  I'm sure that you realize this could have been much worse. After many years of treating victims of violence, I know how quickly things can become tragic.

Please remember that it's not your fault, but going forward you must learn some way to be more safe.  You are so petite and beautiful, you will always be noticed and can be a potential target.
If I could suggest some things to help:  Try to not carry /display valuables and cash unless you are in a private situation.  I know that women carry so much in their purses, but that is exactly what these bastards look for. If you must carry a lot of cash, try to put it somewhere else on your person, like a coat or pants pocket until you get somewhere safe.  

Travel with someone if possible.  Always be on the lookout for shady people and stay out of desolate areas.  
If it does happen, better to give up your stuff than your life.  Check with the local precinct about self defense and awareness tactics classes.

Be especially wary very late at night.  I just saw a video of a girl being robbed and beaten in Lower Manhattan at 4 AM - no one else was around.  Better to use a cab or car service door to door.

I hope you will be OK and I wish you well :)

That's terrible, I'm so glad you're ok!! I, too, am guilty of walking around listening to my ipod, but this has made me realize important it is to be fully aware of my surroundings, especially when carrying cash around. It's sad that we have to always be on-guard, but better safe than sorry!

Astor444 reads

Just a tip: I keep my money in my bra. It can get difficult when you're packing more than a few hundred, but it's still safer than a purse. You can't leave it lying around; you can't drop it; and it's very unlikely that a mugger is also going to be a sexual predator. Use the boobs, ladies! But I'm sorry for your experience, HollyPaige. The world has some shitty people in it.

could you believe how many housing projects and homeless shelters are in manhattan?

keep voting for liberal democrats and this city will turn back into the cesspool it was under dinkins.

the other day I was on w86 aand columbus and all of a sudden there were 40 very low class people drinking in the street  

and eating food with no teeth.  

there is a homeless shelter on w86 and columbus

the city is going to hell

what color was the savage animal that attacked you?  

is it a hate crime? have you ever heard blacks talk amongst themselves they all hate white people dont fool yourslef for one second you limousine liberals! that will call me racist for speaking the truth!

I see blacks attack whites and asians all the time

I saw a group of nlack pull an asian girl off a subway  
And do this no one intervened except for me.

bigguy30351 reads

We all know it's go and bad people in every race.

This clown chooses to race bait with black people.

So let's look at the other side of it!

bigguy30608 reads

You must really need attention or just a weak ass insecure white man.

So white people don't commit crimes or on food stamps themselves?

Just shut the fuck up and no one wants to hear your racists rants.


Posted By: Hardnight
could you believe how many housing projects and homeless shelters are in manhattan?  
 keep voting for liberal democrats and this city will turn back into the cesspool it was under dinkins.  
 the other day I was on w86 aand columbus and all of a sudden there were 40 very low class people drinking in the street  
 and eating food with no teeth.  
 there is a homeless shelter on w86 and columbus  
 the city is going to hell  
 what color was the savage animal that attacked you?  
 is it a hate crime? have you ever heard blacks talk amongst themselves they all hate white people dont fool yourslef for one second you limousine liberals! that will call me racist for speaking the truth!  
 I see blacks attack whites and asians all the time.  
-- Modified on 3/9/2015 12:36:30 PM

Fortunately you have good friends who helped you out afterwards….at least one anyway if you remember!

Ogh hun , feel so sorry for you , that worst thing , can you share location where is happened , or atleast area ?

Thankfully you weren't injured and have learned a valuable lesson. Thank you for sharing. I love NY and have met some of the most amazing people in the world in this city. However, anything can happen anywhere so awareness and observation are keys to keeping us safe.  

Maybe it's my southern upbringing or my mother being in the CIA and constantly bombarding me with messages to be aware of my surroundings but I notice, quite often, people who seem to be staring and waiting for an opportunity. Also, after watching several people walk into oncoming traffic, signs and there fellow pedestrians I have committed to not using my telephone while on the street. No text messages, emails or headphones. I truly appreciate you sharing your experience and reminding all of us to stay aware. I'm sending you loving, positive energy. Everything you lost will come back to you tenfold. Stay safe.

Caitlyn Spencer

P.S. If you don't already, look into accepting credit cards and/or paypal to avoid handling large quantities of cash.

Holly! I am glad you are OK. Without even knowing this happened to you I posted on the message board asking if providers accept credit card payments via Square Reader - I also hate carrying cash around - especially getting cash like that out of an ATM - I usually have no time to go to the bank during business hours.  

I know cash is always best but I find it limits me in the hobby (I have the funds - it's just not convenient).  

I hope this did not sour you on New York and something like this can happen anywhere. Anyway, I am glad you are OK and I hope to see you again in the Big Apple.

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