New York

Now that was funny....
tozer 72 Reviews 7240 reads
1 / 18
VonRyan 15 Reviews 7167 reads
2 / 18

or maybe... NY CONFI or some other provider/agency will have another "all in good fun"'s good for the agency... a bit of name recognition for them and so on and so forth...but there not in the game show/reality TV business.

IMO,your definitely making much ADO about nothing.
Time to they say.

howareya 10 Reviews 7460 reads
3 / 18

Tozer doth protest too much, methinks...  Someone else won.  Move on already!

I don't believe any shenanigans transpired, but let's SUPPOSE that what you're alleging took place actually occurred.
1)  Sedona selected the winner.  Your beef should be with her for not picking someone who followed the rules.
2)  How do you know that Panther wasn't just being a gracious winner?  Perhaps he has a legitimate reason for not claiming his prize, such as travel, etc.
3)  It's NY Confi's contest!  They can do whatever they please with regards to awarding prizes!  I think it's great that they're even running contests in the first place.  Would you rather that they take after other agencies and secretly give heavy discounts in exchange for positive reviews?

So you didn't win this time, but best of luck in the next contest!  Who knows, the prize might be better than in this one!

tozer 72 Reviews 6634 reads
4 / 18

NY Confidential, do me the courtesy of a response, please.

-- Modified on 2/21/2004 2:36:16 PM

tozer 72 Reviews 6733 reads
5 / 18

Nor is it about the fact that I didn't win.Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom... :)

RoDunn 166 Reviews 7933 reads
6 / 18

To waste time and energy trying to uncover a conspiracy is crazy.  If a free session is that important to someone, it's time to step back and rethink your participation in this hobby.  

NY Confidential is engaging in creative marketing.  I could care less if they are hand-picking winners, although I absolutely don't believe that's the case in this last instance.  Who cares if Panther didn't follow the "rules" exactly?  This is all in fun.  

I've never got around to entering one of their contests (which isn't to say I won't one day), because the hope of a free session is not why I see providers.

1way 5730 reads
7 / 18

To begin with, Panther has to be the nicest, most RESPECTABLE guys in this thing we call the Hobby. He really doesn't need a FREE session, he does very well for himself.

He decides to give up his free session because he doesn't want a "sour grapes" problem and then you post something along the lines of treating him like a suspect. The problem doesn't exist with Panther - it's with you. Seriously, back off. You're turning this fun contest into a f***'n duck shoot.

I can't believe that this is even an issue.

fortitude 8261 reads
8 / 18

He won because he was the ONLY entry that made me laugh.  And that was the point of the contest.  End of story.


tozer 72 Reviews 27931 reads
9 / 18

you're all so busy jumping on my chops you ignore the obvious: had there not been specific rules, I -- and anyone else -- would have, could have submitted a different type/form of entry... This is called, boys and girls, not fair...

-- Modified on 2/21/2004 10:00:33 PM

speaker1002 19 Reviews 7244 reads
10 / 18

I would like to point out my observations, and my motives.

I have some advanced training in people behavior, leadership, and psychological 'profiling' of personalities. I'm not a psychiatrist or psychologist, but to lead people, you need to play the role.

I was witnessing for the past several weeks and incessant whining, complaining, and general juvenile, and almost infintile protest over whomever won a NYConfidential contest. What I saw as contest that, if nurtured, would benefit everyone eventually-everyone would probably win. Do the math. 52 weeks, so many active posters and participants here, certainly less than 52 replies per contest. If you lasted, you would eventually have won.

I was expecting that these contests, given by an agency that has seemingly good stock ( I have not partaken as of yet), would eventually cease, due to the whining, complaining, crowd mentality.

When I won, I almost cringed, thinking, 'here it comes'. I knew my joke, and subject matter wasn't well-known. Every time I tell it, I catch many a newtimer-someone even had to do a google search to find it. I thought it would tickle a female-something this incessant crying isn't doing. (Maybe we need a prize called the 'you gave him the bigger ice cream cone' award. Might be a tough race, but some Jass Ack would win!)

Then it started. Rules. Google searches. Mine was better. Geez, get a life.

So, like a child, or an employee who is acting boorish or not accomplishing their goal, I thought what was required was a trip to the parental mirror. Like two siblings, I thought if you were denied twice, once for a lesser effort that you fail to recognize, and then a second time for annoyinbg the bejeezus out of me, you might learn.

By giving up my prize, I thought that maybe someone would see how they were annoying the agency-clearly I got it, the whiners should be fast on the uptake to see they are killing the golden goose with annoying complaints.They were annoying the agency. I saw it. It was annoying me.

So the agency comliments me for my keen observation, and makes it a double win, which invites more sour grapes, etc. Sigh, the juvenile mind is so fragile while it's developing.

I may never win anything, but I have an endless opportunity of great experiences in the hobby. I dont need a freebie to know how to be a gracious winner and loser, or a good hobbyist. I dont need to complain about a contest to get my quota of experiences.

I was hoping that lesson might be learned, but obviously one of the points you have is hidden by a tall hat.

Let that one be my closing riddle. And this is my last post to you.

I am a gent, but when I sense an idiot wanting to confront me, I tag him like Ali tagged Liston.

No more posts for you. As someone once said : " I shroud you. You are dead to me, no longer existant, and devoid of life, therefore, I can never respond to you again."

Buh bye.


PS I truly hope you hang in there for the next 52 weeks. Either you will win one day, or you will figure out it was Col. Mustard on the grassy knoll with a candlestick, along with Che Guevera, Gus Hall, the Pope, PolPot, the CIA, FBI, NSC, Nixon Administration,Ted Kennedy, and the sisters of the Red Cross all behind this conspiracy.

-- Modified on 2/21/2004 10:13:31 PM

tozer 72 Reviews 9217 reads
11 / 18

aquila non captat muscas

-- Modified on 2/21/2004 10:45:56 PM

gcinla 103 Reviews 7088 reads
12 / 18
VonRyan 15 Reviews 4463 reads
13 / 18

If he keeps it up...he'll be banished to his own TER

"Are you talking to me"?


VonRyan 15 Reviews 6911 reads
14 / 18

You mean my entry didn't garner 1/2 a laugh?

I want my MAYPO!


Dirk Bogard 5302 reads
15 / 18

Now,you go and steal my saying,Chap?

Are you sure your no relation to Jack Ruby?

BTW, Did you ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?

For those who don't get my drift,that was the infamous interrogation line from one of my American heroes, Popeye Doyle, in the French Connection.I must admit,lol,I once picked mine in Pickadilly. Speaking of which, the T man has turned this all into a bit of a circus.


-- Modified on 2/22/2004 6:42:10 AM

tozer 72 Reviews 6489 reads
16 / 18
fortitude 5760 reads
17 / 18
hueyfan 40 Reviews 6888 reads
18 / 18

for the record...Panther and I did not know each other!

I was as stunned as anyone when he awarded his prize to me.  I only found out when I got a phone call from a friend who saw it on the board.

With regards to the contest, they are nothing more than a good marketing idea.  They are to promote the agency, create some "buzz" and done with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

Certainly everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect tozer's right to have one.

This hobby is supposed to fun!!  Let's try and keep it that way.

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