New York

No Mr. Info , I enjoy Junior
BILL18356 3292 reads

he's actually a pretty funny guy and yeah I can see where he may irritate some people but to tell the truth I know him well enough to realize everything he says is in jest and the big dope wouldn't hurt a fly.

I don't think Junior creates a hostile anything and personally I think he adds more than he takes away. These boards have been dead and it sure as hell can't hurt to have a little humor around here.

As Miki noted above when you don't like someones posts just ignor them

Sometimes the "kibitzing" is cute and on occassion even funny.  But can't you guys pick your spots?  Junior, you seem to have a lot to add to the board but does every post by Bill have to lead to a "shot" back from you?  Almost every thread has a Bill post (usually informative) followed by a Junior Attack which often gives rise to a retort by Bill (probably don't blame him).

you dont have to read what you do not like...leave the boys alone ...everyone needs a hobby

Mr. Info3450 reads

which I guess counts for something.

At least he does the most of his trolling on this

I'm trying to shoo him away from the Newbie board
because I feel he creates a hostile environment
where newbies are less likely to ask questions.

BILL183563293 reads

he's actually a pretty funny guy and yeah I can see where he may irritate some people but to tell the truth I know him well enough to realize everything he says is in jest and the big dope wouldn't hurt a fly.

I don't think Junior creates a hostile anything and personally I think he adds more than he takes away. These boards have been dead and it sure as hell can't hurt to have a little humor around here.

As Miki noted above when you don't like someones posts just ignor them

BILL183563501 reads

I read his post on the Newbie board and it was funny.

he called the TS board the Teacher/Student board and you got all bent out of shape. Lighten up, people arent idiotic enoough to believe that was anything but a joke. Your reference to him as being hostile and stupid because of this tells me you're taking yourself far too seriously

Mr. Info5209 reads

nobody reads those long winded posts.  Concise
and to the point is much better.

BTW. thanks for the compliment.

-- Modified on 7/12/2005 9:49:11 AM

junior4573062 reads

based on the ivory pedestal you have placed yourself on....yes Hange vs. Hang is more than a typo there Mr. Wonderful. Sorry but I've gotchya!!

Plus it's no lower than saying all those mean things you did about me!! Mr. Meanie

BILL183563609 reads

I'm sorry Lawyer but to a certain extent this is my fault. I have been encouraging Junior to build his self esteem. You probably don't realize it but until recently poor Junior has been suffering from acute "Bill18356 Envy". Its a very rare disease and in fact he may be the first known case. The doctors have prescribed therapy that causes these ridiculous outbursts but they say it should diminish in time providing I go along with it. Anything I can do to help him in his time of need is the very least I can do. I hope you'll understand

junior4573469 reads

My first question for the jury is; Can anyone on this discussion board say that I have ever flamed or personally attacked them? (with the exception of Bill who seems to be my co-defendant on this discussion board trial)
Ladies and gentleman I would like to point out that although Lawyer started his post last has been viewed 140+ times the only one to support your post is Mr. Info. (I won't get into Mr. Info he is welcome to his opinions as you are and as I am, not everyone can see eye to eye)

In addition to the fact that there is no-one that I have ever flamed or harassed or intimidated (besides a post in which Carissa was being cyber stalked by a real creepy guy I did offer to meet him on a specific street corner and talk to Carissa the way he was on the board with me there....oh by the way do you remember that Carissa? You look lovely today I sound intelligent yet in this post..?? oh, sorry I got side tracked) would the discussion board reporter please read back from the record so the defendant can recall where he left off....thank you...I do not harass anyone and anytime I have sensed or felt that perhaps I crossed a line I am the first one to issue a retraction or apology for something that might have been taken the wrong way. I vehemently deny any attempt to paint me as "hostile".

I would go so far to say that most of my "sincere" posts have probably been the most sincere, and most deeply felt posts that have been posted on these boards...and with someone's help I will be glad to post them in a different thread for those to see what Junior is really all about.(Mr. Info I would graciously accept your assistance with that).

Now to Bill and I. If you were to ask me Bill and I are the epitome of what TER or any social environment hopes to produce. People with similar interests coming together and sharing information and sharing a bit of their selves.....whatever or whomever their selves may be. There are a million characters on this board however few seem to have the same dry, warped, or if you were to ask me brilliant sense of humor Bill and I do. We use this to try and create banter that judging from the response to this post and others on this page that go so far as to say we should have our own sitcom......this was also mentioned last week in a completely unrelated thread....I don't think as many people mind it as you seem to feel or indicate. As Miki so accurately said if you see a post by us...simply scroll by if you don't like it.

What I would if you would try to see the intent in which these posts are made. To be perfectly honest with you it is an attempt to bring a smile to the boards various faces each day....I have been tormented by a T/S who was convinced I was a T/S lover. Another well respected poster here....was trying to pay me a compliment on one of my threads and inadvertently wound up calling me a Big Fat Homo....hey all in a day on the TER discussion boards.(do I cry or call!) All we try to do here is add some may not get it you may not appreciate may look down on it and some of the topics we mock each other with each day....but you should respect it Lawyer....we are not hurting or attacking anyone besides our self.....and the rest of you should be so lucky you meet people in your life....any people that you get a long so good with (with out ever meeting keep in mind Bill and I have never met) you take time out of your day to jest with.......and embarrass yourself or poke fun at yourself for the hope of bringing a smile to others faces.

Humor makes the world go round and can make the hardest times in your life just a little bit honestly if I upset  or piss one Lawyer off for every 9 SS's, Bacca's, Smelly's, Korns..that seem to get it....I will continue to.

If at anytime I say or do anything that anyone here personally deems inappropriate or out of place...please let me I always say I mean no harm no foul to anyone (except you Bill).

The last and only thing I wish to say is please try to see the intent and enjoy the banter.......if not don't click your mouse on our post(s)..........stay well....and be well everyone.

Defendent rests...............

BILL183563794 reads

and I'm gonna get about 50 PMs from Junior of "why Doesn't Lawyer love me" sheeesh I'm gonna vomit

Junior, you big dope!! Lawyer is perfectly entitled to his opinion and at least its a new topic and has a little juice to it. I would encourage anyone to voice their opinions within their own alias and since they are only opinions wtf do I care. I think part of the trouble with these boards is too many take this stuff to heart and get discouraged from posting because of an off color remark or a critical reply to their own responses. I enjoy it all or I wouldn't be here and its all the different characters that make this place what it is. Some posts are nauseatingly redundant, self serving, idiotic, shilling, boring , interesting,informative and funny, it takes all kinds to make it work and what I'm here for is not necesssarily what someone else is looking for.

Its all good Lawyer so inspite of what Junior says , keep posting your thoughts and opinions, they are respected and appreciated

junior4573808 reads

It is all good lawyer I hope that nothing I wrote or say indicates anything other. Your thoughts as is everyones are respected and appreciated (I would just hope even mine!!)

be well and stay well everyone...............hey Bill how'd lawyers ass taste while you were down there kissing it????

(o.k. that might be a bit too much....sorry Bill)

Easy big fella!  As much as I respect Lawyer's opinions, I do not agree with him on this issue.  From what I have read on this thread, evidently most people don't either, except Mr. Info (I'm not going there).

You are one of the few posters here that gets me laughing out loud on a regular basis.  Those that do not appreciate the "schtick" that you and the lovely Bill have going need not read your witty repartee.

One thing that I wish you would stop doing is being so sensitive (help me out on this one Bill).  Not everyone is going to like you or what you say.  There's nothing that you can do about that and no matter how PC you try to be, for whatever reason, you won't be able to change that.  Stop worrying about it.  

It is obvious that a lot of people here like you, even though we haven't met you.  I know that if I spent any time in the Meat-packing district, I would have brought you a round more than once.  You have a great sense of humor and are pretty easygoing.  That being said, those that don't "get" you will remain and you don't need to apologize to them or try not to offend them.  Just be yourself and let those of us that do "get" you enjoy the ride (No pun or other actions implied :O)

junior4572636 reads

which one of us is the crazy one? You completely get my gander up on the Newbie board by calling me, stupid, scoundrel, hostile and finally a harraser of newbies.

Now you compliment Bacca's post in which he supports me and my postings and is trying to give me encouragement to keep it up. So which is Mr. Info do you detest me or love me. Or if you are old enough to remember Dallas am I like the other infamous Jr.(Ewing that is) that I am the one you love to hate...??

I will warn you I am little upset with Bill right now so you better be carefull........I may latch on to you. : )
( I know I may have to fight Smelly for ya, but I'm up to it)

Once again stay well Mr. Psycho Info.....and will you please be man enough to say you were off base with all the above mentioned insults.

Either way........everyone take care...........

BILL183562044 reads

now that you have Bacca and Info saying they love you, now you can dump me. I'm the one that had to reassure you all morning telling you how much you're loved. I'm the one that had to keep handing you hankies to to blow your nose, I'm the one that has your mascarra all over my suit and shirt.I'm the one that reassured you you didnt look fat in the speedo when everyone was pointing at you.  I'm the one that encouraged you to keep posting no matter what that mean ole Lawyer said.

So go ahead and let your emotions run wild, go ahead and be upset with me, go ahead and rip my heart out

Why don't you just run off with your mean old Satan friend and leave poor Junior alone to deal with his heartache!

BILL183563853 reads

He's such a cute lil Devil, I was smitten

Mr. Info2630 reads

First, the newbie board and the NY board are very
different boards.  Read each thread on each
board, start to finish, separately.

Second, if you read the posts in this thread you
will see that I have never attacked you.  This
board is a completely different animal than the
newbie board.

Bacca is correct in that, for a comedian, your
skin is not thick enough.

BILL183562508 reads

whats with the "Lovely Bill" remark

I'm trying to calm Junior down all morning. He's on the phone sobbing, blowing his nose, his eyes are all red and mascarra is running. He's a total mess over this, I can't handle women crying let alone this big dummy. oy oy oy thanks for helping out here :D

I just get all (what's the word?) verklempt (I'm sure I f'ed that up) when I imagine Jr's mascarra running.  Be careful, that image might get the T/S board all up in arms!

junior4572903 reads I wear mascarra but it's only to highlighten my eye's while I'm on stage....the two of you don't have to bring that up here do you?

The two of you know what I'm like around this time of month.....and with the hormone injections I'm taking.  Although I don't have breasts my nipple are just so dam sensitive and no matter how many times I tell the dry cleaner no starch in my shirts I'm ready to scratch my own nipples off.

On top of that I have Mr. Info following me around here like my friggin shadow.....hurling insults at me like I'm sitting in the front row of a Gallager show (remember the sledge-o-matic...ah nevermind).

You know all I want is Carissa to fall in love with me and run away forever..........but no.......I'm just stuck here in discussion board purgatory while my mentor oooh's and aaah's with satan. Good god Mr.666, Prince of Darkness, or My Ultimate Destiny just take me now and make my bloody nipple T/S pain end once and for all!!!

(I'm only kidding everyone!!)

I thought I was the only one that noticed.  I'm sooo sorry Junior.  There were so many times that I wanted to tell you . . . really, I did.  I just (sob) couldn't bring myself to being the one that brought the pain into your world (little did I know about your nipples).

Bill was just so open about it.  I mean he was almost as bad as that Jason fellow.  The innuendos that he threw at that P.O.D. was just so obvious.  I was hoping that you didn't see it.  I know now that noone could be so naive.  I'm so sorry for your pain Junior and to you Bill18356, For Shame!

BILL183562597 reads

nipple clamps until the swelling goes down

junior4573045 reads

drivel. I mean honestly does any of this add intellectually to the discussion of the hobby?

If you ask me your original post is rather hypocritical.

(just kidding Lawyer!!)

I tried to start discussion and look what happened.  My thread became "The Bill and Junior Show" Part 2.

The vote is in and The Bill and Junior Show pilot will be picked up for a full season - heaven help us (also just kidding Junior).

BILL183563699 reads

I tried my best to restrain Junior but he's a gorilla at times

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