New York

Miss your crytstal meth shipment today? Or...
TheresOnlyOneRocco 241 reads

was it the prison bukkake that wasn't so filling?

It's difficult to understand how such a fucking misogynistic tool like you can still be here. You actually sound like the American version of Der Fuhrer himself.

Why don't you just stand in front of a NJ Transit train. At least if it runs over you and derails, most New Jersey commuters won't be too upset when they have to wait 12 hours for another ride home. At least they'll know who it is because you'll be wearing your "SICK PRICK" T-shirt.

More strolling through the Twitter verse and the real feelings of the "ladies" have for you :)

I know many of you take it like the pathetic losers and saps you are, cause well you been neutered so bad by women, you can't even call yourself a man or a person anymore.  

However, I thought I share a MAN's view and someone who have respect for oneself and hopefully you have self-respect for yourself as well

So she charges 700 a HOUR  
Yet she can't cure cancer
Nor can she perform complicated surgery  
Nor can she legally win a case for you
Nor come up with something that is world changing
Nor can solve a complicated world issue

But simply asking her to put on a fancy lingerie, she would lash out with such a contemptuous comment, she has for a paying individual.  

LOL honey, we ain't asking you to perform complicated surgery or anything that actually really matters, if asking you to wear something nice is so hard on you, maybe you should find a better line of work where you don't need all that fancy dress up.. Like flipping burgers or being a Walmart greeter.  

Well you see it there, along with all the LIKES and ReTweets of how other ladies of the profession REAL feeling about you, you know the one who would pay 700/hr and a simple request of putting on something would draw such a contempt from them.

So guys ( you know the one who PAYS ) how does it feel to be put down constantly.. LOL

I don't have twitter, instagram or any other social network site, i find it attracts too many haters.

But clearly you need a sense of humour to know that the above was posted tongue in cheek, well that's how it comes across to me anyway.

I did however almost spit my tea out when i saw that you called yourself a MAN, now that's an insult if ever there was one :-)

Have you considered taking up a different hobby, one that you can afford, like knitting maybe?

Sits back and opens the popcorn.....

Apparently you like to follow me around like the "hater" you claim you stay away from.

Have you consider doing something better with your time, like maybe having a cock in your mouth, or something in between your legs, or maybe giving a HJ so you won't have so much time spent following someone online and typing responses?  

Find something to keep your hands busy instead of cyber stalking and typing worthless responses ... :D  

Hahaha i'm not hating on you.

But you should clearly take your own advice ;-)

It might cost more than some fine lingerie, especially if she had it hand drawn.

TheresOnlyOneRocco242 reads

was it the prison bukkake that wasn't so filling?

It's difficult to understand how such a fucking misogynistic tool like you can still be here. You actually sound like the American version of Der Fuhrer himself.

Why don't you just stand in front of a NJ Transit train. At least if it runs over you and derails, most New Jersey commuters won't be too upset when they have to wait 12 hours for another ride home. At least they'll know who it is because you'll be wearing your "SICK PRICK" T-shirt.

In fact, I just let it roll off my back and move on with my life. There are people in this world who hate me, and there are people in this world who love me. I choose to spend time with the people who love me and not waste any part of my life dealing with the people who hate me because life is too short for that kind of nonsense.

Having respect for one's self does not mean constantly showing hate back towards those who give you hate. Having respect for one's self means to hold your head up and not allow yourself to be dragged down to the mud when there is nothing on the line other than your ego.

I'm comfused here,  he's paying you 700 hr. And even though you probably claim to be low volumn, that's a whole other discussion, we won't touch that. But, you feel you shouldn't lingerie wishes?? I'm not tracker here.

OMG it is a total joke! She does not own this shirt and actually show up to appointments wearing it. I re-tweeted for the humor! Why on earth did you bring up her volume, and how would you know? Why is everyone so uptight and cranky a few people need to dislodge that spiky pole up their... Twitter is for fun and silly posts!

I thought it was funny. People need to stop taking things so seriously. No provider would insult or look down on their client base in a public setting such as twitter.  If anything, this probably increases the likelihood of requesting an appointment in the future.

I don't understand the issue. One girl charges 700 an hour the other charges 400 or 200 or one. There's always someone at any price. Why do you care if certain girls charge 700?

GaGambler237 reads

and he can't afford $700 hr. It's much easier to call "sour grapes" Or I suppose in this case maybe it's more like "smelly pussy" lol

There are trolls on virtually every TER board, some of them are funnier than others. As long as you don't take him seriously CEO can be rather entertaining. If nothing else, whenever you are having a bad day you can always compare your life to his and feel much better about yourself. lol

I guess needing to tell someone they MUST leave or let her leave is pretty "gfe-y" of a 700 hr lady.  I mean who needs to say that unless someone really have contempt for you and they time they have to spend entertaining your sad self  

Well I know some of you guys are treated pretty much like shit by your wife anyways, so why would it matter if a pretend girl shows the same passive contempt for you.  After you been devalued as a person by everyone, all you can do is just let more people do it to you and just rationalize what's said to you as a joke, when the joke is actually on you


Let's try to frame this in a context that maybe you can understand. Two adults meet under agreeable terms.  Sounds like a business contract to me.  The motivations behind the meeting are irrevalent, but let's say you like spiteful, somewhat young, Russian ladies.  Someone else prefers smart, intelligent Asian women.  Each is looking for an 'experience' but that experience is highly subjective.  

Regardless of the reason, a business arrangement is made.  You may be unhappy with the 'experience' you had.  You don't have to tip her, or maybe you ask for a discount.  You might even write a review to alert your fellow mankind about the aweful experience.  However, her reputation and business prospects are at risk.  The provider has very little recourse if her terms of the contract were violated.  She can't sue for breach of contract, she can't seem payment for damages, or get compensated for her costs.  She can blacklist you, or if really pissed, out you, but that is career suicide for her.  She therefore has to inform or shame cheap, time infringing clients that her time is valuable as well.  

As another Lana said, Joel, go to school.  Go learn something.

I'm not sure why you keep trying to coral people over your barbed-wire fence. You never post anything positive. You are constantly trying to bring women and participants in the industry down. It is really sad and pathetic.

because you found "someone"

When in fact you were trying to drum up business and lo and behold in less then a couple months you started advertising again  
I guess that was short-lived and that "relationship" never really was anything but a dumb marketing ploy by you

Or maybe all you are cut out to be is a whore ? :D

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