New York

Maybe she in it for the MONEY LOL(eom)
butt-one 4408 reads


Roman Polanski4084 reads

I tried to book an appointment with a visiting young provider.  We set a time, then she asked me my age, which I told her was 50.  She then cancelled the appointment.

That's a first for me.  Perhaps I should have told her I am 8 inches!

-- Modified on 3/7/2005 3:40:00 AM

I love old guys.  I love wrinkles, scars, and fun bedtime stories while snuggling afterwards. I like interesting people.

I love 50 year old!  I do not however book with anyone under 30 and they do get pissed at me too.

she will relish the days of when she had men over 30 or 50 email her and will be wanting to see ONLY them one day.. we all live and learn ..

It is wonderful to spend time with an intelligent man... It is even more wonderful to spend time with a man that exudes wisdom as well

followme2399 reads

WOW nettie, candie and Caira you all make me feel good that I am 55, and that's a first. Cause performance wise this old grey stallion just ain't what he used too be.....gets out of the gate  too quick (if you know what i mean) these days.
but the gentle, warm, caring, cuddling, and hopfully intelligent, part is still there. And that can be great also when with a lady who sincerely gives and returns the same.

Thank You

That horse wouldn't get out of the gate till I say it can!  Its all in the technique 9 times out of 10!

followme3298 reads

I may be the owner but you are the i'll put it in your hands to speak.....Oh and that horse it is really more like a pony.
9 times out of 10 sounds good to me....would the odds be HEAD on
or more like 69:2
Thank You

Hi Sweetie!
I will be visiting NYC 14-18th of this month!
check out my group and e-mail me if you are interested!
I have over 20,000 pics on-line at
Love, Penny XXXOOO

I have never had a provider ask me my age.

I am curious to who she is. Care to share? :)

Babe4u4272 reads

Are we going to out every single provider who wants older or younger? Then that would probably eliminate 90% of those providers of TER lol Again, if it is her preference not to see someone older, then it's her loss: MORE for me ;)

Interesting. Thought most providers preferred us older guys...gentlemen, caring, respectful, mature, wise, more disposable income, etc. Think this escort more interested in her own satisfaction than providing it. One day she will need our business. Right now she should want it.

Megatha Christie5099 reads

as much as you didn't like that she wouldn't see you based on your age, aren't you glad she was upfront rather then having a bad date in turn wasting your time and money?  

I'm 30-something and do not accept dates with men under 30 and I've heard some grumble about it. But I know me best and the type that is most compatible with me is a gentleman my age or older.

they are all yummy as long as they are kind and respectful.  
I've learned that age is only a state of mind.  ;)

-- Modified on 3/7/2005 8:37:01 AM

followme2840 reads

I love to love a lady who loves to love a guy of my age.
And yes kind and respectful, Always, always, always, warn , gentle and cuddly too.....almost said cute....but i'll leave that up to you.

as far as it being a state of mind, Guess you could say it's mind over matter....if you don't mind it doesnt matter.

Thank You

Roman Polanski4181 reads

I saw you several weeks ago, and know it!

Babe4u2881 reads

I am like most women on this post, for I love older men! Infact, I refuse to see anyone under the age of 40. But that is my preference. But why is it that some men get upset when they find out that we women have preferences too? It is her loss for turning down the appt. but it is also within her right to do just that.

We ladies like to feel compatibility just like most of you men. If a woman knows upfront that she would not click with you, then suck it up and move on to someone better. Why gripe about it? It's not going to change how she feels. We ladies have to suck it up all the time, when we are passed on for someone that a man deems better. Right? For us to publicly groan about it on the board makes us look bad. I would say the reverse can be true.

To the original poster: She lost out on something good. Use your energy and find someone else who is going to rock your world 10 times better! :)

Babe4u3888 reads

He was only stating his opinion (which I feel is a great one, btw), just like everyone else. Just beause his view is different from the majority, does not make his opinion any less. The question you should ask your ownself (rather than worrying about others who may be getting nookie) is: who is going to do you..tonight?

SeenAnyPussy3656 reads

I've NEVER heard of a provider admit they'd seen Franki2003! Never Ever.

SeenAnyPussy3385 reads

has the small balls to berate others. But has NEVER been able to document his activity.  He has NO CREDIBILITY.

frankie2003a2469 reads

I have plenty of credibility.  I will not argue with an unknown
alias.  Be gone fool!!!!

While most of the comments about Frankie's post are sarcastic, there is one serious issue here.   While I agree with Frankie that providers get to choose whom they will have as clients, there is one difference between us and them--they are professionals and we are not.    Therefore, within limits, they should be willing to deal with everyone.   I would hate to have a provider say that she did not want to deal with me because I am old, short and fat; if I were looking for that kind of treatment I would go to a bar.   But the fact is that I never go to a bar, and I only deal with professionals because it is a lot easier that way for me.    And I am willing to pay for the privilege

Babe4u3484 reads

In a fantasy world, there would be no such thing as preferences (or some may say, discrimination), but in reality: sadly (to some cases/points) there is. We all have preferences, within his/her boundaries.

There is nothing written in my clause (or any other provider's that I know of. I forgot, we don't have one lol) where I am obligated to see everyone ( which my only concerns for me, includes those men who don't bathe, have rotten teeth, are just plain mean/rude to people. For some other ladies, it could be other issues not listed here), for my activity in this lifestyle would have been over years ago.

I feel preferences goes both ways. Whether we like them or not. They just exist. Whether they (men/women) are professionals in their field or not. I may moan, gripe, and be pissed off, because I was passed over for someone else, but nor can I change how that other person's feeling, either. I have learned to just suck it up, and say the word: NEXT! lol :)

-- Modified on 3/7/2005 2:02:11 PM

I agree with all the criteria you put up on your post.   After all, a professional should be treated like a professional, and the examples you gave are really of men who do not know how to deal with a professional.

But I would not expect a provider to say that she does not want to deal with me because I am 61, or because I am married, or because I am overweight.   That is where her professionalism comes into play.

lovely_one3816 reads

some can fake being comfortable with certain things. some can't.  those who can't fake it shold opt out rather than being greedy and taking money for a situation that they know they're not going to enjoy...

and the client probably won't enjoy either.  part of being a professional is knowing your limits.  what you're comfortable and not comfortable with, what you can do for someone and what you can't and taking care of yourself so you stay emotionally healthy.

Babe4u2862 reads

What some people fail to realize is that, not all are attracted to all. I know when I was in my 20's, the idea of being with an older man actually turned me off. I would only date someone in my age bracket. Now that I am older(mid-30's here and counting lol), mature, more sexually aware, the idea of me being with an older man is the highlight of my day! ;) Also, the idea of being with someone younger, is now the turnoff. But, men in general,  should not fault those ladies who prefer to be with someone younger, for that is how they feel. Would any man force a woman to be with him, knowing that she is not comfortable? No.Most men would accept their fate and move on to something better. Sadly, there are some who don't or won't, and that is where I feel they should use their negative energy and bring it to a positive energy, and seek someone who wants to be with them.

-- Modified on 3/7/2005 3:19:37 PM

Megatha Christie2223 reads

I can't be all things to all men and I would be disappointing those I agreed to meet who I felt were not compatible with me.  This in turn would lead them to having a less then perfect experience, possibly give me a bad review and no one would be happy.

frankie2003a3173 reads

Just look at what many of the providers replying to this thread
have to say.  They have a minimum age.  I see no difference when
a provider puts an upper age limit.

I would be thankful for her candor.  If she wasn't, the session
quality could suffer.  It's all about a comfort zone in which
the provider feels she can perform well in.

but it stills leave me somewhat cold if the limits of the provider's professionalism is, to use hyperbole, only good-looking 30 somethings.

Babe4u2577 reads

a woman can run her business any which way she wants. It doesn't mean that all is fair in love and war. But, again, it is her business, regardless.

-- Modified on 3/7/2005 8:25:24 PM

Its all about the personality, I dont care how old a person is, above 21 of course, but they need to be considerate and polite, I like to have fun and I enjoy having people please me. I know many hate the price structures of some of us. Its your choice to spend where you want. For me its all about attitude, I think that age limits indicate other issues,(although I dont want anyone to die on me) and while Im not here to judge anyone. I think you can see what I am saying.

hmmm did I confuse myself or was that all too deep ....

See ya

Love sky Andrews

lovely_one2827 reads

with hobbyists it seems to start around 50. unfortunately she might have read that as much older.

he treats me respectfully in the contact process. If a gent in his 20's does than I know it's going to be a great date and I will gladly see him. The same applies to someone in their 60's and everyone in between. If the reference is solid and I sense appreciation for me as a woman and a provider than I am excited to see him, no matter what his age or physical attributes. When I decline a date it is because the behavior in email or on the phone has been rude and disrespectful. I can't have a good time with someone like that and I'm not greedy. I'd rather he see someone else who doesn't mind dealing with a clod.

Does the good looking guy younger guy turn me on more? Not always. Sometimes, they carry an attitude of me, myself and I and we all know here that the BEST dates are when both parties care about the other and are willing to let go and let passion have it's full sway. I have been a provider two years now and one of the greatest suprises when I began was that MOST of my gents wanted to please me FIRST. I was amazed and delighted. When my date is into me, I am sooooooo into him. Do I see the gent who wants and/or needs to be more distant and less passionate? Yes, of course, again,as long as he's respectful. You gents approach this hobby with different needs and desires and I respect THAT. If you need to be less connected it's okay. But,I'm still gonna try to blow your socks off!

Smiles and Hot Kisses,

That this is my first foray onto the NYC board, having noticed Anneke previously and thought to myself, "What an absolutely fabulous woman!"

And here is this subject, one I have cautiously avoided until this point, for reasons that to some (who know me) are clear, and to others who don't, are not.

I will, without hesitation, agree that age and maturity are inextricably linked - that no matter how wise the youth, there is still experience they've never had, and so, some knowledge that is still denied them.  I have always been a fan of the saying that the truly wise man is aware of what he does not know..

And I suppose I should define maturity.  Anneke touched on that briefly when she said, "I have been a provider two years now and one of the greatest suprises when I began was that MOST of my gents wanted to please me FIRST."  This is a sign not only of sexual maturity, but of emotional maturity; I can say from experience that the young most often think of themselves when intimate.  Not always, but they've not yet learned that the greatest pleasure comes from giving it, because that's the only way to share it.

Not a very good definition, is it?

To those who limit their clientele based on age - be it a lower age limit or an upper age limit - I say, kudos to you for knowing what you want, for knowing your limits and caring enough for your clients to not want to provide them a less than stellar session. They, and you, deserve the best you can give, and you should feel no guilt for having your preference.

In some places I have read the following words: "Do not try to convince me of your maturity."  I cock my eyebrows at those words: By merely attempting to do so, the young man who attempts to convince you of his maturity has already failed, because he has already failed to understand your limits; And the young man who does not try, because he does have the wisdom to understand, is one you will never meet, but might love to - what strange irony is this?

I will only say that there are a few wonderful ladies whom I would be honored to meet, but alas will never have the opportunity to do so because I am 23.  

I will never say I am wise, because I don't know what that means; and I will never try to convince you I am mature, because the effort itself is childish.  I am who I am, and whatever I am to you, is up to you to judge.  I just want to understand the world, it's all I've ever wanted; I want to love life and understand why I love it, and then I want to share it.  I love who I am.  In many ways I will always be a child, because I'm audacious enough to believe in the beauty of my dreams; and young or old, hobbyist or provider, whether you'll see me or you won't, I just want you to know -

In the past month or so that I have visited this board, I have found myself overjoyed at the wealth of experience and knowledge contained here; I had begun to think it didn't exist, surrounded by a world that seems so shallow, so vapid, so hollow, a world where I care so deeply and everyone else seems to care so little..

Strange I should find what I was looking for in a place most of society would tell me I should never look.

For those providers who will see me, respect is but the beginning of what I promise you: all I can ever hope is to leave a little of me with you, as you will always leave a little of you, with me.

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