New York

let her know-
CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 3041 reads


QuikSqurt4209 reads

There is no way of saying this delicately, so I will just say it: I cum very easily.  I am sensitive down there, what can I say?  

So my question is how do I address that when I am with a provider.  Is it polite to tell/warn her?  Do women change theri technique to get men to last longer?  Does it even really matter?  

Please don't misunderstand, I do not view this as a problem, but I get the sense that the ladies I am with seem surprised as to how quickly I get-off.

Tips? Ideas? Suggestions?

I have tried to address this beofre, but the discussion was never able to get past the inevitable joking session.  So please, keep them to a minimum.


AnotherNYCProvider2555 reads

Just be honest, up front.  When a guy tells me this, i usually slow way down and tease the hell out of him so he doesnt come too quickly.  we just want you happy, so just be honest about it at the session.  Also, they sell condoms that have desensitizing lube in them so you prolong the session.  

-- Modified on 6/22/2005 5:58:30 AM

careful, there was a post on another board by a provider who was not pleased about getting desensitizing lube on her mouth and privates.

avoid those condoms they make your dick numb and dont help worth a damn for a BBBJ. also if you put it on and take it off your dick will still have the chemical on and it will make the girls mouth numb

Many guys are like you. If you feel embarassed or shy about telling a woman, just say "do you mind lots of foreplay first? I tend to cum quick when I'm with a woman like you". If she's an experienced provider, she will try to delay your orgasm.
Also, look into Viagra or Cialis. I do recommend that to guys who tend to ejaculate once and too quick. Somehow, these drugs also delays orgasms and works wonder for fast shooters.

TheAnswerMan2336 reads

Seriously try to train yourself not to focus too much on the act and think about something else like Junior in his blue suit and red shoes. This should certainly delay any impending orgasm !!

BILL183563087 reads

Junior at all would not only delay the orgasm, it would make me limp

Spanking the Chimp3715 reads

a Pharmaceutical company has a drug coming out next year (2006) that is supposed to be the 1st FDA approved treatment for this condition. (I work in the Pharma industry). Spank that monkey and you'll be better off until the drug comes out!

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