New York

It's a joke pussies ! Here's a $ - Fuck a Fatty & have fun
No Trans No Fats 4674 reads
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They fatties trampled the bakers & stole the sweets!  :-x

carpemoment 2949 reads
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Consistent w free speech, any TER member can post any joke or comment that insults fat women, provided he does NOT use an alias.

What's wrong with that?

Fear+Loathing 2770 reads
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No Trans No Fats 2720 reads
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Speaking of dough NUTS -- make sure to roll her in flour 1st - then look for the wet spots !  ;-)

SLB 10 Reviews 1542 reads
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when you're the one hiding behind an alias. If it's just a joke, then why don't you man-up and post under your real user name?

Another thing, you keep posting these "jokes" against big women, but I've never seen anyone actually agreeing with you that they're funny. I suggest you get some professional help to resolve whatever issues you have against big women.

nycad 20 Reviews 2808 reads
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carpemoment 2304 reads
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for standing up for their sense of humor.

None of the legitimate reasons for using an alias applies in this context.

Fear+Loathing 1686 reads
10 / 20

Only a few people even engage on these boards like this.  No one chimes in on these posts for a reason.

I'm sure we'll be told everyone sends private messages in agreement or in appreciation for the humor but that's a lame excuse and lie used by people who are just too foolish to understand how idiotic they make themselves look.

The Good Twin 2041 reads
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I can't remember the last time I used an alias? Since you chose not to expose yourself, I reserve the right to do the same. I don't want to get into a "Pissing Contest" here.

I completely understand that your post was made in jest, and I was half tempted to add another dig at the obesity of the lady depicted. Nobody hates " Political Correctness " more than I do.

However, after I thought about the hypocrisy of it, I changed my mind. I carry a little more weight that I'd like to,these days.

Did you stop to think that providers accept us as we are, and yet we expect them to have almost perfect bodies for the most part? Yes, I know we pay a lot of money for the privilege of their company, but did you ever stop to consider how physically unattractive some of us may be to some of them?

If you weighed 115 pounds, how would you like a 280 pound guy pounding the shit out of you in missionary for 20 minutes? I know what you're thinking! No, I am not a provider using this alias.

The "Fat Chick" pics were funny, but, let's keep thing in perspective! Just my 2 cents. Peace.

BROWNEYELOVER 40 Reviews 1784 reads
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and an out-and-out coward as well. I think you should go into POLITICS, as I'm sure you would do quite well there. Where do you get off calling someone else the board's "resident coward" for posting under an alias, when you're using an alias yourself!!!

Sir, you are a FRAUD and if you were going to make such a smug, self-righteous post, you should have had the balls to post without an alias, especially when you are castigating someone else for using an alias!

Shave and go home!


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Fear+Loathing 1895 reads
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First of all its "Ma'am" to anyone who doesn't know who owns this alias.

Secondly if you knew how providers felt marginalized and terrorized by the original poster's comments I assure you  you'd be less preoccupied with hypocrisy and more concerned with why it is that he is permitted to post in the manner that he does on virtually every board on TER under hundreds of aliases, often acting out vendettas for provider disagreement with his real life behavior towards us.

I use alias to avoid coloring my other persona because my thoughts and experience have nothing to do with my business or what I offer clients.  I use alias in the same vein as clients who share opinions without affecting their ability to arrange meetings with providers who they want to spend time with.

What I don't use alias for is attacking or insulting the opposite sex on TER for their appearance, their opinions, their disposition or manner.

Civility goes a long way and I'll be happy when TER gets over whatever the fuck reason they have for not further reigning in this real nastiness.

BROWNEYELOVER 40 Reviews 1783 reads
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avoid using all large-case letters; like you use with your handle. Then, maybe, just maybe, perceptive fellows like myself won't know its you...LMFAO!!!


BobbyTZ 1597 reads
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Providers kiss his ass at every opportunity.  Little wonder that he feels he can say and do what ever he wants.

SLB 10 Reviews 2186 reads
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The original poster has a history of attacking large women and transsexuals. This goes beyond just making a joke, he obviously has personal issues with the people he attacks.

To use an analogy, if someone makes an occasional black joke, I wouldn't necessarily call him a racist, especially if he makes jokes about everyone else as well. But when one person keeps making only black jokes under the pretext of "it's just a joke", then it's obvious that the person in question has issues with black people.

Fear+Loathing 3149 reads
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Only the ones receiving shills and praise or the ones who think that its in their best interest to do so.
Everyone here has their set of friends and I don't begrudge anyone for having fans in this business, be it provider or hobbyist.

But know that plenty of ladies don't in public or in private and plenty of ladies have a real issue with this war on us on TER.  Sounds severe because it is severe.  It's not about girls who don't know their place or don't understand the purpose of TER.  Its just about being civil and not being intentionally hurtful or manipulative.
If some of you could see behind the scenes you'd understand.

I'm not going to return to this thread.  
Its just gross and sad.

SouthernJezebel See my TER Reviews 2433 reads
20 / 20

apparently are at it again. Must suck to be so pathetic you have nothing better to do than trash others, under an alias no less.

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