New York

Is something wrong with my plumbing?regular_smile
xenopus 25 Reviews 3357 reads

...since I only deliver about half a fluid oz., one cup is probably more than I could handle in an overnight session!  (just trying to lighten this thread up!).

How do other providers (agencies/indies) feel about 2 cups per hour? Do many girls advertising in the net include this in a 1 hour session?
I think this is fine if the gentleman takes care of the lady, but an additional cup is not inclusive. I know there are certain places/agencies that offer this, but we are not one of them. Most of our regular clients are fair people. Many will tip for a 2nd. A few will not. I do not wish to ask someone if they can please take care of the girl. Nor do I wish to tip her myself. I also do not care for the girls asking for it. They arent comfortable doing so and they shouldnt have to.
We can not keep an incall rate of 300/hr if I am covering tips. It's only fair that the girl is taking care of if she is going above what is expected. The reason we have a 1.5/hr session is for those guys who enjoy a second cup.

As awkward as it maybe, I will now ask everyone who wants 2 cups to please TAKE CARE OF THE GIRL.

The Frog4588 reads

-- Modified on 5/20/2004 8:17:22 PM

The Frog4873 reads

I think tipping should entirely be up to the client.  Most of the providers I have used gladly provide as much enjoyment as the client desires within the time alloted.  I am dissapointed in your post and I am surprised that an upscale agency such as yours would make such a post.  It sounds like deperation to me.

We tip not for the no of cups but for a girls attude and the company she keeps with you after the sex.  One cup or two shouldn't matter.  I beleive Allysa had only her girls interest at heart.  She is a good person and I love her. I think perhaps she made an error in judgement and I'm sure we will hear more
from her about this.  Guy's don't be too hard on her she thought she was doing the right thing.

-- Modified on 5/21/2004 5:37:43 AM


-- Modified on 5/21/2004 7:40:33 AM

PJ26LINY4639 reads

Well, personally I will not make an app. if two cups are not included in the HR rate. My first two experiences were with agencies and I think the rate was $$ 1/2 for the HR. Girl worked me over and I only ended up with a 1/2 session though I am paying a 1 HR rate.
Even if the provider isn't trying to rush sometimes the first pop just ends up coming too fast. When that happens I like to know that I can try and go again.
I think at the rate of $$1/2 + an HR, two pops should be allowed without question. Obviously if the guy finishes in twenty mins for some reason and you are giving him one pop.... you aren't about to offer up a discount since his session wasn't even close to and hour!!!

per your own words: "...there are certain places/agencies that offer this, but we are not one of them."

You've just positioned yourself in a tier below those places/agencies. Yelling at us to take care of the girls is not a good way to build business. Instead of tipping her yourself or coming on here and all but demanding that we tip for a second round and making yourself look petty, why not just raise your rates $25-$50 and call the tip "included".

Statements like your post give the anti-agency/pro-independent advocates on this board good reasons for their point of view.

I, for one, don't tip based on the number of rounds per hour. I tip when a lady's attitude, attention to detail, and other intangibles culminate in an above average GFE.

And to answer your original question, there are many, many girls that limit you only to your own physical capabilities.

I think I just got a clear picture of what I had forgotten a long time ago....of what agency life was like. Frankly whatever playtime occurs within a reasonable time frame is fair game. If a guy or gal can pack more cups in a agreed time frame then more power to them! God forbid I should wake up one day and start freaking out over cups and time. We all live in a universe where time is only linear, and there is so much more to life than that.

BlindGuy4836 reads

From my viewpoint, the fee paid is for a provider's time -- if a hobbyist can manage 2 or more cups in an hour (a provider in LA said recently that a hobbyist had 3 cups in an hour) then he should be accommodated. Many GFE quality providers have this policy.

-- Modified on 5/20/2004 11:40:08 PM

ticket2ride5596 reads

I agree with BlindGuy. The way the business is set up is time based not cup based. Whatever a client can physically manage to do in the alloted time is fair game. Should we only be allowed one position in the hour or are multiple positions allowed? If the client cums in the first 15 minutes should the session be over even though he paid for an hour? How about if I cum in 15 minutes I only have to pay for 15 minutes? How can you possibly call it a GFE when the only criteria being used for success and conclusion is if the client cums? Your statements clearly remind us that the only thing we are paying for is the right to ejaculate.

-- Modified on 5/21/2004 7:43:51 AM

I am flawed... (my jaw is on the ground)  I have bben at this game for a while now.  I have used Alyssa's Service quite a few times & can't belive what was posted. Expecting the client to pay for a second cup in a one hour session... I can't belive you actually went there Alyssa.  

You offer 1/2 hour sessions, what are those for?  1/2 hour session = one cup, one hour session = 2 cups, 1 1/2 or more = 3 cups or more depending on time.  This is how I have always thought of it (mabye i'm wrong), but the quality providers I have seen seem to follow this guideline.

Your rates used to be a little higher than they are now, and the girls were always good, but there was something lacking that other less expensive providers had.  you than dropped your rates to where the competition was but the service dropped a bit also...  now comming here and letting us know your expectations of the client to tip for the 2nd cup is almost insulting (In my opinion).

I'm sorry I know it has been a little while since I have seen any of New York Jewels Ladies (Haven't been to excited about the stable of ladies latley) but I think you may have just closed the door for me anyway.

Be Well and Hobby Safely...


I was with a man once who actually had 5 cups in an hour... he was right there the whole time though.. it was not work at all.. it was magic.  I will serve as many cups in the agreed on time as we can have... mine certainly better bot be limited either GRRRRRRR. lol  BUT I will admit... I think riiiiiiiding the first one out til the end of the hour USUALLY creates a much more electric time for the entire reading.  When the number of pops is more important to a guy than the intensity of our time together... it is never as thrilling for ME.. I am a thrill junkie what can I say??..and it is ALLLLL about ME durnitall! LOL  I want it HOT the whole hour without a big chunk of recovery time in the middle!!! Now the men who can SLAM HARD and keep control and ride that edge while using me hard.... yummmmmmmmmmm yummmmm yummmmm!!


I feel that you are paying for time, not cups.  You have always been great to me and I love you but at this rate or a little higher all involved are doing well here.  At this rate a tip is not a pre-requisite!  My solution is that you should increase to $325-350 and continue to provide the top notch service you always have.  Then you wont feel bad, nor will the lady and the client will certainly be happy!!

You are right and that is exactly what I intend to do.

taylorofdallas4316 reads

has a great reputation for being phenomenal to her clients.
I have seen this personally on many occassions. Her girls are great and worth $350 per hour. That seems like the best solution.

PalmbeachSam4957 reads

I believe that is the single most damaging post I have ever seen self inflicted upon an agency. I think your own worst enemy has invaded your brain and made you type the post. I will be most interested in how you recover from the self inflicted damage you created to your agency. The fee is for time-the provider reviews are for performance-Your spoken need for "tipping" in order to accomodate the most standard need speaks volumes about your standard of business ethics.

I will let you know how we do. Nice Big Pic. I guess you'll be touring here soon. lol

PalmbeachSam6437 reads

Dear NewYorkJewels,
I just re-read my response and I'm sorry it sounded so harsh. I felt the questions should have been raised in a different manner so as to not offend your potential clients. As I re-read my response, my response would have angered me. It is a good thing neither of us work for the US Diplomatic Corp.

The Frog5327 reads

Palm beach sam you are right on the money.  How dare she be sacasic to you after what she said to destroy herself.

-- Modified on 5/21/2004 5:43:25 PM

IM PAYING HERE!5274 reads

If I don't see multiple "Two Pops" TER reviews, I simply will not book an hour.  Negotiating a second payment in the middle of a session is idiotic.  Either guarantee me two pops in an hour, or I have zero interest.

ChrissyStone5325 reads

And I don't expect any tips since I am paid a reasonable amount already.

Perhaps the agency could tell the customer at the time of booking that he should book 1.5 hours if he expects to have more than 1 cup.

If the girl waited until they met to tell him it's X dollars more for a 2nd cup, it would seem like upselling which is a big turn-off to most men.

Only on a rare occassion will I book anything less than 2 hours, however, I can guarantee you that I will not repeat with anyone who makes it clear the show's over after 1 cup.  As for tipping, I don't tip.  The "tip", in my mind, is my repeat business, respectful treatment and multi-hour appointments.

I appreciate everyone's insight and suggestions on this subject. I believe I may have come up with a solution to keep all parties happy. I will announce it on our website next week. Thankyou all for responding. Sincerely, Alyssa

It's up to the person running the agency to make the policy with the girls. You flat out tell them this is what the minimum expectation is from you. You have to spend the entire time limit, you have to at least offer a second cup. Anything short of that invites games, BS and hagglining about price mid sesion something no one should ever do. Especially an agency girl. I did it as an agency owner and I now do it myself as an Indie so it's not like I'm saying something that I wouldn't even do myself. It's up to you to lay down the law over there not the girls. Just my 2 cents.

I usually prefer two cups, and I prefer and seek those who offer it, without any questions.

I tip.

I rarely ever repeat a one cup experience, and if my repeat is downgraded by reasons of familiarity to one serving, then I move on.

No complaints, just not a match of provider services and client needs.

However, on those occasions where the panties and dress go on afterwards, without even asking if I might be able to sustain another, I don't tip. If you presume you're done, I'll presume you didn't expect a tip.

Now, there are very, very rare occasions to make exceptions to this, based upon time, energy, and other factors, such as hunger ( I once passed on a second cup so I could take Drew Dallas of Taylors Elite out for a nice meal).

But if I'm ready to go again, and you're ready to get dressed, it's not exactly a Hallmark moment for me.

Maybe good enough for others, and that may match where things align. However, to Alyssa's point, I do agree and think a tip is warranted for a two cup expereince, and I know so few gents do that.

Just my humble opinion,

Peace, Panther

Thankyou Panther I really appreciate your response. I knew many guys would tear me apart but I didnt think other providers would have such negative comments. Well, not all but one in particular. I appreciate the other comments and I will be taking some advice from both providers and hobbiests.  
Most providers Ive met do expect a tip for a extra service. Unless someone is quick, most providers do expect a tip when a second cup is provided.
Whenever a client is not 100% happy I offer a good discount.  Whenever a girl provides a second cup and does not get tipped, I take care of her. I can no longer afford to do so.
I try to be as fair as possible to both the girls and the clients. Is it really so bad that I post about this subject?

Well I cant take it back, so you can all hate me now.

Chockful of "Nuts" has the heavenly coffee...

heavenly coffee....

better cofee...millionaires money can't buy.

Sorry...havn't heard that jingle in a while...


...since I only deliver about half a fluid oz., one cup is probably more than I could handle in an overnight session!  (just trying to lighten this thread up!).

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