New York

I have no idea I had attracted that much attention lately in NY that my TER handle would be ...regular_smile
gcinla 103 Reviews 7859 reads

mentioned by a representative of an agency I have never contacted before.

Too bad I live in LA and don't have time to visit NYC in the near future.  Besides I don't drink and a threesome might be too much for me to handle. Lol.  Thanks for the offer though.

In addition, even though it is hard for me these days to hide my TER id because of my hobbying habits on the road, I still try hard to hide my TER handle from escorts I saw without promise of a review.  I personally felt that it would at least create the environment for a semblance of an average experience faced by other hobbyists instead of a much juiced up session just because I had posted so many reviews with details.

Wish you have a prosperous 2004.

REFORMED7746 reads

I did a little digging and realized that New York Confidential is recycling old independents and raising their rates. One of their girls "Scarlet" used to be known as "Sasha", she has been reviewed here a whopping 53 times!, all of them good. Gianna who they advertise as a new girl on has been an independent for a short time and her reviews here have disappeared mysteriously, Gianna is still listed as an independent on A word to the wise, don't try and scam us with girls that we could see and have already seen for half the price.

Captain Horny10285 reads

Good research.  Can you provide a link to the Gianna ad for NYConfidential that you refer to is on NY-Exotics.  I cannot find it.

I think some bait and switch is going on.  I would be very surprised if Sasha is actually working with this agency under a different name.  I think the agency lifted her pictures and if you book with "Scarlet" -- don't be surprised if someone else shows up.  Sasha has been one of the more successful independents in NYC.  I recently made an appointment to see her, but had to cancel because of the flu.  I hope to catch up with her in the not too distant future.  Regardless, I have real doubts about the legitimacy of this agency.

Captain Horny8735 reads

It's very common to see a provider looking for work through multiple agencies, and also to see independents essentially registered with some agencies.  It just helps them to keep busy.  Sometimes it helps the Indy in that it gives her access to an incall location.  It may not be as common up here as it is in Florida or other places, but alot of this does goe on.  How many gals have there been that worked for NY Jewels AND BDJ at the same time?  I know of at least 3, and one was also independent.

Not sure if her rates are the same through NY Confidential and on her site direct, but that could certainly be an issue.

Thanks man good catch. I guess some people follow the adage "there is one born every minute." LOL

*SASHA / SCARLET is one of the greatest courtesans of all time!

*New York Confidential pursues excellence & world class   experiences for its elite clientele.

*SASHA / SCARLET creates the LIFETIME best experience for over
95% of the people who see her!

We proudly recruited her, and after she had done some research on our agency she was gracious enough to join our team.  SASHA / SCARLET is a welcome addition to New York Confidential and we are proud to work with her.

*** Would anyone please book SCARLET & CHERRYL together ***
*** WE would LOVE to read the review!! ***

*** A bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label
   or Cristal to the lucky reviewer ***

(How about you gcinla?)

I have seen Sasha numerous times over the years, and she is as intelligent as she is attractive, especially if you enjoy Film and Fine Arts!
I have not seen Cherryl, but please do feel free to send her down to DC on a tour! The backchannel intel on her is just as good as Sasha's!
And I will pass on Johnnie Walker, thank you, but a short, extra hot Cafe Mocha from Starbucks would be awesome!
Happy New Year, and best of luck to you in 2004 in your new venture! :)


mentioned by a representative of an agency I have never contacted before.

Too bad I live in LA and don't have time to visit NYC in the near future.  Besides I don't drink and a threesome might be too much for me to handle. Lol.  Thanks for the offer though.

In addition, even though it is hard for me these days to hide my TER id because of my hobbying habits on the road, I still try hard to hide my TER handle from escorts I saw without promise of a review.  I personally felt that it would at least create the environment for a semblance of an average experience faced by other hobbyists instead of a much juiced up session just because I had posted so many reviews with details.

Wish you have a prosperous 2004.

Every day or so we enter from 9 to 10
on the TER NYC New Review search...

Not many new girls average a 9 - 10.
(We have 7 girls on that list)

We couldn't help but notice 2 things:

1. These girls are usually very expensive, $1500 for 60 mins
  is not uncommon.

2. gcinla has been with virtually all of the top reviewed
  expensive girls in NYC! ~fun reviews to read~

gcinla we salute you, for living like a RockStar!
You have a very beautiful life!

Please mention your screen name when you call us the next time
your in NYC. We have a complimentary hour with Cherryl waiting
for you :)

Happy 2004!

Lucid Dreamer7564 reads

If NY Confidential is recruiting former independents, and raising their rates, then there is nothing wrong with that. (What do you expect them to do, walk the streets looking for providers?)  It is called entrepreneurial savvy and good ol' capitalism.  Of course it's going to cost more to see her through an agency because the agency needs to make money.  You may be shocked by the news, but they ain't in this business to provide a free service for your convenience.  

The girl can greatly benefit from working through an agency.  She can benefit from the screening process provided by the agency so she doesn't have to do it herself.  She can also get appointments that she wouldn't otherwise get because the agency will recommend her when one of the client's other choices is not available.  She also does not have to worry about getting paid because the agency will take a credit card number to ensure payment. Perhaps the girl  will choose to also see clients on their own as an independent as well.  That's her choice.  (I don't know if NY Confidential requires a girl to sign an exclusivity contract.)  If you see a girl for the first time through an agency, it is only ethical and proper that she and the client continue to make arrangements for future meetings through the agency.  

Regardless, you can't criticize the girls for wanting to make an arrangement with such an agency like NY Confidential.     NY Confidential is not making any false claims or misrepresentations. I've done business with them several times and they have been incredibly honest. forthright, and helpful.   With them you can be assured there will be no bait and switch.  Many of you guys act as if the services these girls provide should be given away almost as charity and that they are lucky to meet you.  It's usually the other way around.   Remember, they are selling something quite precious.

REFORMED6912 reads

NOBODY wants to see the SAME OLD girls for double the price, maybe you do but we don't.

Lucid Dreamer9251 reads

First of all,  you ARE criticizing the agency when you accuse them of "scamming," Reformed.

Secondly, I don't think you speak for everybody when you say "nobody," wants to see the "same old girls for double the price." I will be glad to pay more for a girl is she truly becomes more popular and is able to ask for a higher rate if what she delivers is commensurate with the higher rate.  It's good ol' American capitalism when someone raises fees when they become more in demand.  

John Travolta was getting bubkus (that's nothing in Yiddish) prior to Pulp Fiction because he made so many bombs in a row.  After Pulp Fiction resurrected his career and he was in great demand again, his salary quickly rose to $20 million.  Should he still have been accepting $500,000 when he could get the higher rate.  I remember when a Volkswagen Beetle was under $2,000.  Should they have kept the same price?

Thirdly, no one is forcing you to see these girls.  If you don't like the rates, then stick with the women who are within your price range.  You sound as if you are doing these women a favor by seeing you.  What's next?  Do you want them to see you for free?  Stop your bitching and be thankful that there are beautiful women out there that are offering the blessed and wonderful service that they provide.

REFORMED9021 reads

First of all I am doing these women a favor. Second, I don't like the rates because they're not worth it. Third, you insult our intelligence if you think we don't realize that you are affiliated with New York Old Independents, I mean Confidential. Most of us are used to a "HIGHER" class of girl but your agency will due for those who have no clue.

Lucid Dreamer9283 reads

Several points Reformed  1) I don't have to insult your intelligence Reformed; you do it fine on your own.  I would check your use of the word "due" in your previous post.  It's "do" not  "due." 2) How the hell do you think you are doing these women favor?  You must be joking?  I am not even going to make an argument on that point because your statement it is so insane.  3) If you don't think the girl is worth the rate, then don't go to them.  You're sense of entitlement is enough to give men a bad name across this globe.  4) I do not work for NY Confidential.  I actually live in California, and if you want me to prove it to you, then PM me and I will give you the TER name under which almost all of my reviews appear and you will see they are 98% Los Angeles providers.  The reason I am responding to you is just that men with attitudes like yours give men a bad name among women everywhere.  It's the 21st century.  Men are no longer Neanderthals who drag women around by their hair.  If you really believe that you are doing these women a favor, I suggest you tighten your loincloth and crawl back into your cave. You're likely to find a woman more accustomed to your way of thinking.

if a provider has a $$$ price on one site and twice that price on another site, which one would you go to?

having low rates then switched to some high end agencies and charged more.

Even independents could sense their high demand and adjust their rates accordingly, case in point, MorganAshley of LA.

cynic9757 reads

Travolta can't act, and never could.  He hasn't done shit since Pulp Fiction, and IMHO, he was terrible in that movie also.  In fact, Pulp Fiction, which I loved, would have been even better with almost anyone else in the Travolta role.  Hell, Travolta's not worth $10, let alone $20 million.

Lucid Dreamer8006 reads

Thank you for making my point Cynic.  You don't think Travolta can act and is not worth the money he is paid.  Nevertheless, he gets that much money because he is in great demand.  It's the same with these girls.  If they are in great demand, then the capitalistic economic system we have in the US says they should be gettting more money.  Don't get me wrong; I would rather pay less than more.  It's just that when the rates go up, I understand and accept it as a natural event in our economic society.  If I don't want to see a provider but her rate is higher than I can afford at that time, then I just find someone else who is within my budget without badmouthing the girl or her agency for asking for more money.  Perhaps anyone who disagrees with me will decline a raise from their boss next time it's offered.  Or if you move from one company to another for a higher salary because you've made a name for yourself in your field, decline the higher salary.  Why do you think these girls are not entitled to carry on their business as any other person in business would?  So many of the TER members have 19th century mentalities and treat these women as chattel.  They are people too.

Lucid Dreamer8006 reads

I'd like some Providers to speak up on this ongoing debate between myself and the TER members who believe they are doing you a favor by seeing you and don't feel you're entitled to higher fees based on your popularity.  Please read the previous postings and respond.  By the way Reformed, I think women deserve a lot more power in this world  We are way past due for a woman president in this country.

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