New York

Andthenshesaid 381 reads

the half empty buyers remorse guys. All these guys are gonna do, is use an alias to write reviews from now on. Agency girls do care about their reviews, I forward all reviews to the ladies I work with, when they get a sucky one, I either let them read it or some just want the cliffs notes, so they can improve.  

ANY lady worth her salt, agency or indy care about their reviews, cause those reviews are what determine her business. I love feedback from clients, but some of these guys like the ones above, shouldn't even be in the fuckin hobby. Theres a problem when you have more negative reviews than positive, why would you pay money for average service or average looking women (according to your scores)? just use your hand or a pocket pussy. Its cheaper and you won't be as upset.

Is it just me or does any one else experience providers backing out of a date with little or no concern for the guest? Especially after setting everything up and finalizing details.

I have had this happen to me now 3 times in the last 6-9 months or so. I am not active in terms of reviews or posts but I found that one provider emailed me the day of with a "something came up", another one after I repeatedly emailed her to confirm just kind of said "oh sorry, I have a conflict", and now one I found out via ad boards is going to be away after her and I emailed, screened and set a date and time, she  is extending her stay in another city well past when I date is supposed to be.

Does this happen to anyone else? I am never one to name names nor would I ever write false reviews or something along those lines since I haven't met with the ladies but it's frustrating.  

BTW, all of these providers are well reviewed and in the moderate to higher donation rate, so it's not like I am looking for bargain basement prices and expecting 5 star service. I am true believer of the "Good service isn't cheap" maxim.

Sorry for the rant but needed to see and hear other opinions on this

I can relate to your rant. This has happened to me too at various times.  

You mentioned that it happens with well reviewed girls with above average rates. I agree,same here.  

Obviously this happens more with independent escorts. One option to avoid this is to work with agencies, although there are other pros and cons with agency girls.  

Posted By: flloydgondolli
Is it just me or does any one else experience providers backing out of a date with little or no concern for the guest? Especially after setting everything up and finalizing details.  
 I have had this happen to me now 3 times in the last 6-9 months or so. I am not active in terms of reviews or posts but I found that one provider emailed me the day of with a "something came up", another one after I repeatedly emailed her to confirm just kind of said "oh sorry, I have a conflict", and now one I found out via ad boards is going to be away after her and I emailed, screened and set a date and time, she  is extending her stay in another city well past when I date is supposed to be.  
 Does this happen to anyone else? I am never one to name names nor would I ever write false reviews or something along those lines since I haven't met with the ladies but it's frustrating.  
 BTW, all of these providers are well reviewed and in the moderate to higher donation rate, so it's not like I am looking for bargain basement prices and expecting 5 star service. I am true believer of the "Good service isn't cheap" maxim.  
 Sorry for the rant but needed to see and hear other opinions on this

Guys who are super critical and love to rate the ladies 6/7, will suffer the cold shoulder or get tons of excuses once the ladies you try to book have the chance to view/read your reviews on TER.

Any lady with a bunch of 8/9/10s will never see you....why risk to lower her average high ratings because of ONE 'hard to please' guy? better lose the money from your appointment than get your low scored review posted on her profile, like an eyesore.

Good luck!

horneyhotmess414 reads


so true with their low scores history a well reviewed girl with average 8 or 9 will not see them  

they will learn the hard way....LOL..- Low review scores history will always suffers of getting appt  

and we are not going to tell you why we are denying the appt ... usually we will say we are booked or the girls should  have cancel with enough notice

Not to be mean, but guys like you two dudes are a liability for high end girls who's scores are the reason why they can maintain their high rates. One of the reviews rated a girl a 7 in appearance because of her hair since she just got out of the shower? Seriously? Like UP said, no provider that values her business will go all out to please the hell out of you only to expect a 7 in return.  

Agency girls have no control over their reviews nor give an f about them, so of course you can say you've had the best sex ever and rate her a 7 in performance

No one woul ran form you then :)
 And I totally agree with two posts above from woman..
What is funny for me - that we all know who is who yes using alises .. thanks god I do not need use that - any way you will find out me by my accent :)

Treat women well and no oen would ran from you .. not as sex workers  but as adult dates.. be a man,.. and woman be woman with you :)

I agree with your post except for this part,

"Agency girls have no control over their reviews nor give an f about them, so of course you can say you've had the best sex ever and rate her a 7 in performance."

Having worked for different agencies, it's true the girls have no control over their reviews, but they do read and care about them. And it's one of the reasons why many of the girls move on.

say "NO" during screening... righteous. No harm, no foul, no date committed to. Screw with the guy, say "YES" and then pull a bunch of bullshit... no es bueno.  

Yes, the OP is a fucking hyper-critical, never satisfied asshole as conveyed by his reviews. Not so sure about his bud, but, hey... call it as YOU will.  Same answer.

I've also had this happen a few times, but usually have been able to reschedule shortly thereafter, typically the following day.  
If you can do this, just chalk it up to "shit happens", and don't take the postponement personally.  Look at the bright'll be even hornier when you meet her.

FWIW, I would take Undercover Provider's comments seriously.  Many ladies will use your reviews in their screening process, and scores of 7 and below are considered as being below par, and thus damaging, to ladies who are typically rated higher.

Andthenshesaid382 reads

the half empty buyers remorse guys. All these guys are gonna do, is use an alias to write reviews from now on. Agency girls do care about their reviews, I forward all reviews to the ladies I work with, when they get a sucky one, I either let them read it or some just want the cliffs notes, so they can improve.  

ANY lady worth her salt, agency or indy care about their reviews, cause those reviews are what determine her business. I love feedback from clients, but some of these guys like the ones above, shouldn't even be in the fuckin hobby. Theres a problem when you have more negative reviews than positive, why would you pay money for average service or average looking women (according to your scores)? just use your hand or a pocket pussy. Its cheaper and you won't be as upset.

I have tons of gentlemen who cancel on me last minute! I would say 50% of my dates cancel they day of after screening and conversation. I understand there are "time wasters" but, they all have references with good things to say.

 I try to not break any dates unless I'm sick or I get a bad feeling from the guy. I will also cancel if the gentleman decides to start telling me explicit things via email or text.

Elspeth, If you are unable to return a reference requests, please do not request other ladies to provide you references for anyone either.

I have noted she is not reference friendly and will not return a reference request when asked.  It is rude and very selfish, to not even respond to a reference request.

Gentlemen it is up to you if you want to see ladies who request references but won't return one for you when you like to meet another lady.  It also goes that ladies should not provide references to other non-reference friendly ladies

I really wish I knew what you were talking about. I don't seen any requests from you Scarlet. I just checked my TER inbox.

I always give references and can name many Ladies I have given references to. When did you request? On what site or email?  

I don't think its fair of you to taint my reputation like this.

Yeah, it's shitty, but it definitely happens. If she's not hurting for business and you're only booking a short visit, then you can bet she'll cancel in favor of a longer date or if one of her favorites comes a-calling.

Never.Landed320 reads

As frustratingly simplistic as it seems, it probably had nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. I don't think it would have been your reviews if they had already accepted the appointment.  

And yeah... Cancelation notes can be kind of dry and leave more questions than answers. Would you rather she ramble about what really happened, how she messed up her schedule, started her period, mom complained she couldn't stay longer, got a job interview, booked a long date... It's all kinda moot and not on a "need to know" basis, so a short and sweet "sorry something came up" is often seen as the best option.  

I think cancelations come up a lot in this business because of the amount of physical and emotional labor required. If she got stuck at the airport and has a wicked cramp in her neck, you're not going to have fun. If she got four hours of sleep last night, the whole GFE vibe is going to be really hard to pull off. Maybe she just knows you would feel cheated with how she's feeling today, and doesn't want to risk losing you as a client or getting a bad review because of one situation driven poor performance. I know it's not a consolation really, but remembering that she may be doing you a favor can help lessen the sting a little bit.

We are suppose to be a community and I treat all providers with the same respect I would like to be treated with. I'm really upset that she would say such nasty things about me. I have provided many references for clients I have seen personally, and always hope others will do the same.

When I do not hear back from a provider I do not pout and write nasty things about them online its bad practice and only makes yourself look bad.

I am late to this discussion but feel the need to set the record straight. I know for a fact that Elspeth Sinclair has served as a reference for me. I've seen her a number of times and she has become a trusted friend. She is clear, articulate and professional in every single email or phone communication that I've had with her. Perhaps she's being unfairly criticized here because her name is similar to another provider and she's been confused with someone else. If anyone wants the complete picture of how kind, caring, and wonderful she is, just go check out my or any of the other rave reviews of her.

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