New York

Hey, don't forget "bitter" it's usually "old, angry and bitter" lol
GaGambler 600 reads

and yes, I do remember that conversation. It was one of those, "Yes, life is definitely worth living" kind of moment. Good booze, beautiful beach, warm night, and surrounded by chicas. No wonder we are so angry (and bitter) all the time. lmao

Given all the turmoil in the "real" world, it has become increasingly disheartening to see all the anger and insults that are spewing forth from some people on this site.
What's going on in "our" community????

And a question.  What prompted your post?  I haven't seen much anger on the NY Board so I assume you mean the General Board or elsewhere.  As a frequent poster there I do see a lot of anger but it really doesn't seem worse than usual.
In fact, the last flame war was started with multiple angry posts by a southern provider who was enraged by something I don't even know about.  The "usual suspects" pounced, of course, but it was pretty much business as usual,  which is why many people just lurk there.
Then there's the Monkey House called P&R.  I've been posting again there recently but probably won't do much more because that place is such a festering cess pool.
Anyway, have a happy!

This board has been as quiet as church mice so I don't think he is speaking of NY.

We have had 5 flair ups ALL from providers. 2 on the NB, 2 on the S&P and one on the GD where the gal Nick is referring to had a meltdown. In fact that same provider is also the one who threw down first on the NB with no one provoking her.

Its was gals starting shit and guys reacting, honestly. It may have something to do with it being a slow time of year, gals tours going bad on them, their Xmas credit cards all hitting their mail boxes and the typical BSC stuff.  

Who ever really knows what sets off a provider?

GaGambler711 reads

If we hadn't already noticed, none of us poor innocent men are doing the bitching, except for the OP whining that people are mean on the board.

You can be as moody as you like, it's a public board. Of course we reserve the right to make you look very, very foolish if you choose to have a meltdown right in front of us.

and don't forget bitter, besides being angry we are usually called bitter for some strange reason, especially considering that we are the ones having the most fun here.

Sooo...YouWanna632 reads

Men are amazing creatures. Selective hearing and vision on top of the ingrained idea that you're fuckin fabulous must make the world a truly beautiful place.  

How else could mysoginy be considered so fun, right?

You are the ones calling yourselves names. I just pointed out how ridiculous Jack sounds when he feigns innocence.

If you are going to accuse someone of something, don't you think it might be important to spell the word correctly?

Apparently you might need help with the definition too?  

I don't just ridicule BSC hookers but db johns as well or do you have selective vision?  

Now, go look up that big word you have trouble spelling to understand how you used it incorrectly. :)

GaGambler697 reads

Jack, just like me, calls out men all the time, but no one calls him a "man hater"

I am an "equal opportunity" asshole, I call out ALL stupid posters, the sex of the poster is irrelevant, stupid is stupid. For every BSC hooker like Corrine for an example who's meltdown was epic, for every one of her on the female side of the equation, there is another counterbalancing MacDiaper or Tidwit.

I don't see anyone on "our" side of the equation feigning innocence. I am proud of the fact that I call out stupidity whenever I see it here and I really don't care what sex a stupid poster is. the great news for me is that their is never a lack of stupid people, so I will always have someone to amuse me here, Thanks for playing.

Sooo...YouWanna632 reads

But there is a difference between being an equal opportunity asshole when the case calls for it, and the above for the sake of it.  

I don't particularly like the way people pick on each other, but you know, personal problems. It is the perpetual, general insults even when they don't apply in context that I find irritating. When Jack starts including guys in his every insulting post for the sake of insulting, I won't point out that he has a problem with the ladies.  

Well, a problem with himself, that he tries to make about others.

And maybe the eye doctor too?

If you don't think I am an equal opportunity offender, than you either don't want to know or you are lying. I'll assume you are not a liar. Now would a misogynist say that? :D

But keep on "feigning" your ignorance of my posting habits. LOL

You'll sleep better tonight without all those little details, like FACTS, from distorting your image of me. :

I seem to recall a conversation with you while having cocktails on the beach in Jaco, probably in the company of a Tica or three, looking at each other and you saying, "Does it really get any better than this?  We're living the life most of these wankers dream about."
Yes, I'm really miserable.  Must be why I'm so angry all the time.  LOL!

GaGambler601 reads

and yes, I do remember that conversation. It was one of those, "Yes, life is definitely worth living" kind of moment. Good booze, beautiful beach, warm night, and surrounded by chicas. No wonder we are so angry (and bitter) all the time. lmao

Fat and ugly need to be in play as well  

Adding all of those into the context will more accurately describe why so many of the old, angry, bitter, fat, bald and ugly guys seem so content with their lives.

Now don't screw it up again!

Posted By: GaGambler
and yes, I do remember that conversation. It was one of those, "Yes, life is definitely worth living" kind of moment. Good booze, beautiful beach, warm night, and surrounded by chicas. No wonder we are so angry (and bitter) all the time. lmao

GaGambler700 reads

Even your list of adjectives is woefully short. Let's add socially awkward, smelly, pencil dicked, broke, and incapable of washing their own smelly ass to the list. Of course that last one is admittedly not an adjective, but you get the point, I am sure. lol

As for me, while "old" is a matter of opinion, and I will be beyond Tobi's upper age limit in a matter of days, I will brag that I still have all of my teeth, most of my hair, I am far from fat, and as for ugly, I have it on good authority that I am at least "not repulsive" so I am going to run with that and be happy with small favors. lol

I was just trying to stick with the favorites that many here like to toss out...usually when they're losing the debate.

I prefer not to know if you are a pencil dick....let alone incapable of washing your own ass.

I have heard that you are an asshole however.  I'm still compiling the list of johns in Chicago that I piss off...I'm already up to 3 and it's awfully early in 2015.  I'll work hard to get to the 100 that I believe is the over on the line.

Posted By: GaGambler
Even your list of adjectives is woefully short. Let's add socially awkward, smelly, pencil dicked, broke, and incapable of washing their own smelly ass to the list. Of course that last one is admittedly not an adjective, but you get the point, I am sure. lol

As for me, while "old" is a matter of opinion, and I will be beyond Tobi's upper age limit in a matter of days, I will brag that I still have all of my teeth, most of my hair, I am far from fat, and as for ugly, I have it on good authority that I am at least "not repulsive" so I am going to run with that and be happy with small favors. lol

GaGambler833 reads

and that would if the pool of johns shrinks too low in your target market.

as for TMI where it comes to johns, like whether or not they are a pencil dick, or can wash their own ass, as long as there are hookers around like nicoleta who trashed one of your fellow johns for giving her a 7-7 review, I am afraid you will always be subject to receiving TMI as long as you read these boards. Now whether or not you choose to believe said information is quite another matter of course.

I leave Saturday to ski out West, then it's off to LV for the AVN M&G, visiting our mutual friend in ABQ for booze and good food, then it's off to Costa Rica for the rest of the winter.
Meet you at the Del Rey for Super Bowl and Chicas!
Sucks to be us. LMAO!

Why not extend her an offer to join you?  OTC of course  ;)

She might be half decent looking.  Then again...she might not.  

Posted By: inicky46
I leave Saturday to ski out West, then it's off to LV for the AVN M&G, visiting our mutual friend in ABQ for booze and good food, then it's off to Costa Rica for the rest of the winter.  
 Meet you at the Del Rey for Super Bowl and Chicas!  
 Sucks to be us. LMAO!

^___^446 reads

Amazing in bed too.  Soo ya wanna try me out? I'd give you a throw if you're hot. But first I'd ask you to give me a bbbj just to keep you from talking too much. lol

but unfortunately where positivity flourishes, negativity is soon to follow. I believe that goes for anything in life. I don't think TER is any different. But I tend to take a different approach in one that I choose to only see the positives and ignore the negatives and all who play either way. Participation in that is our only conscience choice here. I think if you can do that, you may find yourself enjoying what this site is truly all about and what it does offer for like-minded individuals. I have. And I am a firm believer that the Law of Attraction works not only in the real world but in this world too.  

Good luck to you and I'll be looking for you on the positive end of things.  

xx kisses + smile ;)  

(added-I guess everyone has just as much right to post as they wish, as much as anyone has that right to bother with it)

-- Modified on 1/13/2015 2:28:33 PM

I mean I would like to! LOL

But one can find negativity where it doesn't exist too, and then blow the lack of negativity out of proportion and dwell on those downer feelings and emotions, if one chooses to. Such a waste.  

I think some people here seek connection, some "renewal" (a girl told me that yesterday) and some seek a few laughs because life can be tough sometimes.  

Many, many, many people seem to take this place and themselves too seriously and cant seem to laugh at all. :(

But then there are others who can, who put things in their proper perspective, and they tend to be the happiest in life, imho of course.   :)

Just my 2 cents.

Thanks for yours, you are lovely, and enjoy your day.

how can you look at the world and not be angry?

GaGambler544 reads

I not only drink a lot, but I also try to get laid at least once a day. What is there to be angry about?

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