New York

Hello New York!!!
Monet 4650 reads

Just Dropping a line to say hello! And to say hi to our new Moderator Lancaster. in Lancaster, N.Y. about 30 mins. from Buffalo? Anyhoo... Nice to see the board is up, hopefully we will see more people joining in!Thanks Staff :)Love Monet xooxoxo

Lancaster5703 reads

Hello Back Monet,I wondered when you would get around to posting- You are one of the few people that used the National Board from the East Coast.I hope to see you here often. Your post have alwsys been insightful and tasteful. As far as Lancaster if that had been the case we probably would have met by now :~)--modified by Lancaster at Mon, Nov 27, 2000, 07:31:10

Monet4371 reads

Hi Lancaster!No we probably would not have met, because I don't get around much to them parts :)Talk to ya'll later!Love Monet xoxoxoxxox

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