New York

Have fun if you have that kind of cash.
Fridays117 27 Reviews 571 reads

Ladies will charge what the market will bear and what covers their expenses.  Me, while I have no problem with anyone charging that much, I just wont see them.  Its not feasible in my budget.  Does that make me a bad guy or them money grubbers?  No.  It simply means we wont meet in that capacity.  
I save a little each week and see providers once a month or so.  For an 800/hr girl I would be seeing her once every 2 months or so.  I hobby for more sex in my life, not less.  Those of you who can afford that and who get that: More power to ya!  Have a great time.

And once you stop being active and then come back to life, it's a shock to find out that 800 is pretty much the norm these days
for a vip lady (yes, and more, sometimes).
But am I right that 800 isn't so over the top as it would have been just a few years ago?

Ladies will charge what the market will bear and what covers their expenses.  Me, while I have no problem with anyone charging that much, I just wont see them.  Its not feasible in my budget.  Does that make me a bad guy or them money grubbers?  No.  It simply means we wont meet in that capacity.  
I save a little each week and see providers once a month or so.  For an 800/hr girl I would be seeing her once every 2 months or so.  I hobby for more sex in my life, not less.  Those of you who can afford that and who get that: More power to ya!  Have a great time.

BeautifulLover459 reads

"I hobby for more sex in my life, not less"  


This statement applies to a few ladies but in a opposite way. Ladies who charge more are looking to play less. This may not be the case for all but I do believe that they are looking for a lower volume. It is a beautiful thing that you pointed out seeing things a different way doesn't make you the bad guy or them money grubbers. It just means the you two aren't compatible and wouldn't meet.  

People need to see that the hobby is suppose to keep us all happy providers and hobbyist.
Ladies have to do what makes them happy and hobbyist have to do what makes them happy. No one wants to hobby in a miserable way. The word hobby means an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure which means this lifestyle isn't a mandatory thing. It is something that should be pleasurable. There is someone for everyone out there.

I like your input Friday117

Posted By: BeautifulLover
Ladies who charge more are looking to play less. This may not be the case for all but I do believe that they are looking for a lower volume.
The Freakonomics guys, Levitt and Dubner, had a chapter on prostitution and some examples of rates versus hours versus income. Others (pros and amateurs) have performed less sophisticated and even more sophisticated analyses.  

I was leaving a meeting with one of my faves in NYC. I hit the cool night air and was soon accosted by a pan-handler who said,  
"Hay Mister, Can you spare a million dollars, please?" I said,  
"A million? No way! Why not just ask for one dollar or five dollars?"  
"But I really want a million dollars."
"Yeah. How's that working out for you. Got anything yet?"
"No, nothing yet."
"Look Missy, you've got to learn not to put all your begs in one ask-it."  

She was kind of pretty but I had just spent my loads (money and "other") upstairs and I didn't have enough left to offer her a lesson in Freakonomics

What do I have to do to get laugh around here? Take off my Richard Nixon mask?  

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Don't put all your begs in one ask-it.  
Get it?

Ask for too much (and remain inflexible about it) and you'll price yourself right out of business.

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: BeautifulLover
Ladies who charge more are looking to play less. This may not be the case for all but I do believe that they are looking for a lower volume.
 The Freakonomics guys, Levitt and Dubner, had a chapter on prostitution and some examples of rates versus hours versus income. Others (pros and amateurs) have performed less sophisticated and even more sophisticated analyses.  
 I was leaving a meeting with one of my faves in NYC. I hit the cool night air and was soon accosted by a pan-handler who said,  
 "Hay Mister, Can you spare a million dollars, please?" I said,  
 "A million? No way! Why not just ask for one dollar or five dollars?"  
 "But I really want a million dollars."  
 "Yeah. How's that working out for you. Got anything yet?"  
 "No, nothing yet."  
 "Look Missy, you've got to learn not to put all your begs in one ask-it."  
 She was kind of pretty but I had just spent my loads (money and "other") upstairs and I didn't have enough left to offer her a lesson in Freakonomics.

Did you know De Balsio lawyer for charges 800 a hr thanks to his shady fundraising

Did you know most doctors and top class surgeons charges less than 700/hr

All 7 of those doctors who performed the USA first penile transplant aren't even charging close to that an hr.

Some of these "high" price girls aren't worth the penny they think they are.  
They all say they are college educated, but anyone even bother testing their educational level... In reality they are likely dumber than a doorknob, and they are b.s'ing you about their "education" like other b.s'ing to make you feel good talk.  They probably couldn't even score a 4.0 in a human sexuality class.  

Unless she can also do surgery or bail you out of legal troubles along with sucking and siting on your dick, being able to suck a dick and sit on your cock and being a good friendly b.s'ers isn't worth the price.  You could get your dick suck and your dick sit on and go to a therapist who say the same "nice" thing but is actually a QUALIFIED individual, all in the same day and it shouldn't cost you 800.  

And for anyone girls who are charging Porn Star rates and offer nothing near PSE and/or are too "pussy" to show their faces to give a reason for that rate, they can technically go suck a dick ;I ....LOL  ( see what I did there )

-- Modified on 5/16/2016 3:03:05 PM

Ipdailey388 reads

MidAged come on dude why sooooo angry-- every post you make is how these girls are not worth the price of admission-- ONCE AND FOR ALL GET A LIFE!!!if you can't play in that arena don't spew your anger -- if all you want is cheap sex by a toothless crackhead don't even bother with TER-- oh ya I'm sure your not a VIP member cause your resent TER for the price they charge -- or you write BS reviews to get the free VIP membership-- get off this site and go hunting on BP for your crack whores for $20 a pop.
Love IP Dailey - and enjoy the best things in life!!!

Do you honestly think your rant means anything coming from a worthless speck of cells like yourself.

A man who admits on TER that he pays just to have a female willing to talk to him.  At the end of the day and every time you look in the mirror at your pathetic self you will always question are people being friendly and nice to you just cause you paid them or do they actually like you.  Me I know where I stand with people, you well are just a sad human being looking for a "connection" that no amount of money will ever buy you.

I'm glad you I-p-daily cause every time when someone uses a toilet or walks on a carpet they can think of you :), because in the end you are just a sad human being that lets people pee and shit in you or walk over you with their dirty shoes :)

Ipdailey243 reads

As I said in previous post you must have had some really bad mother issues -- that lead you into your current state of sexual denial -- small penis -- small guy == small time loser without any $$$ -- just wondering if your a MidAged CEO or a Midget CEO??? Please throw your hostile rants out the door and please please go to BP where I'm sure you can find you $20 scanks  
And by the way
ip on you Dailey you gutter rat!!!

Men who think paying a premium is worth it to their ego are just as shallow as the girls who take the money and buy a Loubbie just to have it, when they can't even walk more than 6 steps with  :)

Sounds like a match made in heaven, both sides with low self esteem looking to spend on things to make them feel better :O

here are many different realities for many different people with many different needs, views  an means.

Seek answers among those who are in your circles of reality.  

Know yourself what you do enjoy the most and who's company is most enjoyable for you.

Then you would know how much you want it  and what you  do ready to gave up for that .
Finally it is all about you - how you would treat yourself.  

I think many know this feeling - money paid for show - but there  were not a show which moved us on.

That means - just KNOW YOURSELF what you do enjoy.

Do not ask others  for advice which show to go and what to pay for this show.  

[email protected]

Pavleina Alm

BeautifulLover370 reads

I agree with this statement. With everything you do in life the choice is always yours to move on.
You can't go into a Gucci store and complain about the prices or comment on the rate structure. That applies to everything in life.
It has always been different price brackets especially in a major city and NYC is surely considered a major city ( pretty expensive too) so you have to look at that.

You always have to do what makes you comfortable, providers and hobbyist

You don't have to pay nearly that much to get the same or better services from beautiful young eager enthusiastic girls.  Granted it sometimes takes more time and effort, but the payoff can be huge.

800 might be the norm in NYC but I can give you five name of providers who charge 400 or less who will fuck you harder with more passion than the 800 women with the fancy watch and the high end shoes who are based in NYC. I'm sure you can guess who I enjoy giving my money to. If you PM me I will throw you a few names. I see no difference between a 450 600 and 800 girl except the difference in my wallet. If there was truly a difference in the way they fucked I would stick with the 800 girl. I'd rather the guy trip to Arrowhead Stadium than waste the money on someone with an ego bigger than the Mississippi. I want to see one girl who charges upwards of a grand but I can't bring myself to do it. Do I have the money yes than why haven't I partaken yet because I don't think she can bring anything to the table. It's not worth the money I see the 4K TV as the better investment. I get laid enough not to worry about hurting a providers feelings. No one is worth 800 an hour. That's my opinion. Many will disagree.  

The way I am thinking lately is more long term outside of the hobby world. I would rather blow 800 in a casino where I have the confidence and ability to turn that into some real money than pay for an average hour of sex with a high end girl.

Number 7 in NJ Dreamy Danielle wipes the floor off anyone on the top 18 in NYC who I have seen. She is 300 an hour. I'm looking forward to seeing 19 in NYC city within the next two weeks.

Some of the best treasures are in NJ.  

That's my thought at the moment.  


Posted By: callmesm
And once you stop being active and then come back to life, it's a shock to find out that 800 is pretty much the norm these days  
 for a vip lady (yes, and more, sometimes).  
 But am I right that 800 isn't so over the top as it would have been just a few years ago?

Ipdailey311 reads

You seem to contradict yourself an little -- looking at your reviews you don't seem to have a problem going into the high rent neighborhood-- Araella Boxer, Aracy & Valeriya are all in the 700-800 range  -- Dreamy Danielle looks hot but I must say any girl that sells 1/2 hour slots -- I wonder how many other guys cum your Daty out of her -- btw your budds with MidAged Yutz?
Ip Dailey

I didn't review the thousand dollar provider I have seen and I didn't review three of the top 20 NY providers because they requested I keep it private. Don't get me wrong I had a great time with Arabella Boxer she would be the exception to the rule as she was worth every penny and she was the best by far at the 800 level. They can charge what they like but I get the feelings the lower tier providers are just as good as the higher tier providers.

Just my thoughts.

Posted By: Ipdailey
 You seem to contradict yourself an little -- looking at your reviews you don't seem to have a problem going into the high rent neighborhood-- Araella Boxer, Aracy & Valeriya are all in the 700-800 range  -- Dreamy Danielle looks hot but I must say any girl that sells 1/2 hour slots -- I wonder how many other guys cum your Daty out of her -- btw your budds with MidAged Yutz?  
 Ip Dailey
-- Modified on 5/16/2016 10:30:32 PM

-- Modified on 5/16/2016 11:02:01 PM

Ipdailey271 reads

As a follow up to previous post your scores on all 3 top shelf girls mention in last post all 10/10  
Your reviews say it all!!!

There are dozens and dozens of excellent providers in the $400-$600 range. And that doesn't even factor in the SB market.  

And some greatly discount the second hour, which makes it even that much less than the $800, averaged over the 2 hours.

But I guess it's all how you define a vip girl to you, as that means something different to everybody in a different kind of way. I'm not sure if you mean girls are at 800/hr but only speaking for myself with a minimum even slightly higher than that, all I can say is I have my reasons for my rates and that minimum that were carefully configured and thought out that work for me personally. Of course they may not work for everyone. And that's ok.  

I'm confident, as a few have already stated, there are a ton of ladies half the cost of a woman like myself who may rock your world better. But of course that idea may be subjective too to some extent. But maybe it can help you sort out what could work for you here in coming back vs what may not.  

This world can be so subjective sometimes with so many different factors involved but if you can stay true to your own belief system, you will probably enjoy the outcome tenfold whether it's with an amazing 300 dollar girl or 800.  

Good luck to you x

Apparently these days TER is littered with high priced hookers, you know ones that are in the plus sized Rosie O'Donnel range, female version of Chewbacca, and the whole litter of females who think being lazy and not shaving is actually a thing, along with a couple of chicks that seemed to step out, right out of Sons of Anarchy film  

God bless the girls who are actually considered really BEAUTIFUL, see what her competition charges.  Any girl who has proven beauty not that "photoshopped" beauty would be a insult to ever ask for lower when she see all the girls that are beneath her feel they are worth.

And females could care less what you dumb ass guys think of them, they are comparing themselves to each other.  As they say a girl don't dress for men but to dress for each other.

So somehow if you think you are defending some ladies' pride and her rates by sticking up for her or by voicing your support.  You know what you are a giant USELESS SAP of a man :)

I mean he has a point. We compete with Eachother. I did research of the women in my area and that's how I determined how to market myself and I'm still new so I'm still learning. Would I charge upwards of 800/hr no. I'm new and still learning the ropes. Do I have respect for the women that do absolutely. Are there women that are amazing at all levels yes there are. I would love to show my face but for protection of the fact that I actually plan to have a future outside of being a provider I can't. There are some gorgeous women that charge 300-600 an hour and have rave reviews. Everyone should just find providers they can afford and that they can connect with.  

Posted By: MidAgedCEO
Apparently these days TER is littered with high priced hookers, you know ones that are in the plus sized Rosie O'Donnel range, female version of Chewbacca, and the whole litter of females who think being lazy and not shaving is actually a thing, along with a couple of chicks that seemed to step out, right out of Sons of Anarchy film  
 God bless the girls who are actually considered really BEAUTIFUL, see what her competition charges.  Any girl who has proven beauty not that "photoshopped" beauty would be a insult to ever ask for lower when she see all the girls that are beneath her feel they are worth.  
 And females could care less what you dumb ass guys think of them, they are comparing themselves to each other.  As they say a girl don't dress for men but to dress for each other.  
 So somehow if you think you are defending some ladies' pride and her rates by sticking up for her or by voicing your support.  You know what you are a giant USELESS SAP of a man :)

I once asked a very wealthy man what he thought of Masa, saying that I'd heard it "wasn't worth the price tag." He replied "Only people who can't afford it say it's not worth it."

That being said, I personally wouldn't be able to justify a meal at Masa, but I certainly don't begrudge the Chef, or feel that his patrons are being taken for a ride.  

We all value our vices differently. One man's overpriced escort, is another man's all time favorite.  

-- Modified on 5/19/2016 12:46:45 PM

-- Modified on 5/19/2016 1:35:34 PM

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