New York

enough is enough alreadyconfused_smile
mrbiggs79 5154 reads

im tired of all the he said she said stuff all i asked for was to be removed from a mailing list because i didnt want to see a provider who smokes pot or anything else she does and i wanted it left at that but she keeps sending me stuff about energizer bunny and  how bunny is a liar and  all this nonsence about bunny and bdj enough already then shes telling me what i believe  and she thinks that i believe bunny. up to this point i didnot care what bunny had said i didnt want to see her because of what she said not because of anyone else. talk about paronia i didnt know pot made you parionoid hmmmm. this is like the 6th pm i recieved from whinning about bunny and bdj is there anything that can be done to stop this. i assume im not the only one getting these pms

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 6:26:33 PM

No enough of THIS. I don't know what your problem and Mr Bunnies problem is with me but I'm pretty certain staff can verify that 3 e-mails were sent to you, one when you asked to be removed from a website and this whole fiasco started when a certain person flipped the script over a post re me helping an agency girl PERIOD. THAT is what started this.
The second time I gave you Stephanies info after you asked me for it thru pm and you thanked me and I pm'ed back,(sic)... any time I'm sorry you feel this way please e-mail me trhe addy you signed up with and you will be romoved.
Today I drafted my monthly e-mail and pm'ed again requesting your addy to remove it so I would not be bashed for sending you an e-mail from my list. I have each and every one and I hope staff has a way to verify this because I'm sick and tired of this. Not to mention at no point an ANY of my pm's did I mention BDJ by name or reference. I made a general statement and you are inferring what suits your agenda.
If I pm'ed someone that commented in a thread that I just shut my mouth and stayed out of even though it was utter non-sense or someone I have comments with that is between us. Enough of it already can both of you'd respectively leave me be PLEASE????????????? I'd think my reputation for my consistent puntuality,  customer service and long standing GOOD reputaion would be enough, then one young kid (him) comes along and starts up a bunch of non-sense because he didn't like a comment I made, and you jump on the meat wagon. Well boo hoo. I'm sick and tired of it and I'm not going to sit by and just let you or him make up lies and try and rouse up problems that do not exist. Like when you accused me earlier of making ficticious posts under an alias and staff was able to prove that it was not me. LEAVE ME ALONE.
Please with my permission post each and every one or if you'd like I can.

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 6:53:27 PM

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 7:08:56 PM

mrbiggs794170 reads

what lies are you talking about the 6 pm you sent me or what substance you admitted to doing it was you who stated that you do drugs not anyone else i will be sending dingus all your 6 pms please leave me alone get help

All ready done, I'll save certain parties the embarassment of posting them even though I totslly do not respect him nor his integrity . I know how to protect myself from board politics. Try it with the new girls on the block not me please.

Why do you keep bringing my name up? In your post you claim that I will not leave you alone. Honestly, I want nothing to do with you. I wish that you would leave me alone. What's in the past is in the past. Can you please move on.

I do not know why you feel the need to slander my name. You know that everything that I stated happend during our first session is true. You even agreed in the thread that was deleted
that it was all true.

Once again, many people on this board have a bad taste in their mouth about statements that you made about your drug use on this board. This has nothing to do with me, but it has to do with you.

I would like to move on, and I would also like you to move on. I wish you the best of luck in the future!

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 8:17:01 PM

You got slapped on the wrist so now your trying to have this guy do it for you , just stop it already. Ashley already verified that you lied about asking me to help her go indie and get her a website, what happened in the session is your word against mine and I guess I'll just have to hope my reputation preseeds me as well as the many men that have seen me and have had nothing but stellar times. Sure you can't please all the people all the time, but I strive to. What I admitted to was I was tired it was my last appointment as YOU requested or is that a lie too? For any other girl that 1st appointment would have been a sufficient one, I however strive for perfection. I knew I was not my 100% so you came back the next night and stayed 90 mins, (guess I was such a horror and you were so scared of the "girl who might be bbfsing guy because she is so messed up I had to scrape her off the floor" Yes my dear friend THAT is a lie TOTAL) what has changed between then and now?  Are you sybil or did my post get you in trouble ?

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 7:31:07 PM


Why would my post get me in trouble?

I will be the better person here and stop with all the fighting. Can you do me a favor and please move on. You opened your mouth and made comments about your drug use that got you into trouble with the other guys. That had nothing to do with me.

You are the one that wants to continue and fight with me. I am trying to be the better person here by moving on. Remember your potential clients read everything that you write. You are not giving someone any type of reason to come and see you. As I said before I will not play the games that you would like to play. You made your bed now lie in it.

As I said before, I do wish you the best of luck! Learn from the mistake that you made with me and you will be just fine.

Inferring that a girl does drugs, narcotrics (and you did continue to infer that. I said I occasionally indulged in a little grass NOTHING else and and VERY against providers who use as anyone that knows me as a Madam knows) and implying that I "might" be doing BBFS (you did that too) puts me at risk to men who seek out these services which I want no part of please cease and desist you and I both know what happened, we have come to an impass I will not post another word, providing you leave me out of your posts in name and referrence, yes reference is just as bad Bunny , it does count too!
So good luck to you and have a good life.

This is a hobby to you, this is how I maintain the responsibilities of my life. Enough already I kept my side off the board since that first day but you would not leave it be. Can we please leave it be now?

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 8:02:48 PM


You always need the last word. I'll let you have it.
Good Luck!

I never said anything about anyone about any of this and quite frankly, I DON"T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANY OF IT!!!!

delete-- Modified on 6/27/2004 8:03:30 PM

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 8:27:41 PM

and hopefully we can all move on. I think He and I have calmed down and are seeing this more calmly. I hope he does not mind that I posted this, I felt it best that the board knows we are dealing with this in an adult manner and not involving the board or participants any further, I commend him for the suggestion. I wish we would have dont this before all starts of misunderstandings and the "he said she said bs got started."

Again my appologies to the board for this train wreck, it's like on the Belt parkway when there is an accident, no one really cares yet they slow down to rubberneck and sometimes things get blown out when tempers are running amuck and full details are not known.

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