New York

info on audry
stretcher2 4954 reads

anyone have experience with a provider called audry? She has pix on ny-exotics under escorts, brunettes. I'm considering giving this honey a try and was wondering if she is as good as her pix. Thanks in advance for any help.

None of Audrey's pictures are accompanied by the NY-Exotics logo that certifies the accuracy of the photos. Lacking that certification, I would advise you to beware. Who knows? Maybe what you see is what you'll get. In this case, however, thereis no guarantee.

I saw that, and hence the request for info on her. I suspect I may get who is in the pix, but 10 years removed. Which probably still aint that bad! She did reply to my email in a very personal and classy way.

Good luck! You're showing a lot more confidence than I would have in this situation, and I truly hope you have a great time with Audrey. I also hope you will post a provider review afterwards. It's always instructive to find out if the photo matches reality.

I hear ya, but if the pix aint real, then the cash stays in my pocket. Its a rule I never break, so all I've risked is a trip. Thanks for the comebacks! And I will definitely post a review, either way it turns out.

Did you ever see Audry? It's been about a month since your last post on this string. I'm just curious how it worked out. Or didn't work out. Did the lady match the pic?

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