New York

Did you even try to read the first article before you fired this off?confused_smile
chuckstiffy 13 Reviews 313 reads

If so, try again; and try to focus this time.

A preliminary Ebola test has come back positive for a doctor who recently traveled from West Africa and is being isolated at a New York City hospital, city and state officials said Thursday night.

The doctor, who has been identified as Dr. Craig Allen Spencer by New York government sources, was placed in an isolation unit today at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan after reporting Ebola-like symptoms. He had a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms when he was transferred to Bellevue, said NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will confirm the positive test. CDC test results are expected by the end of the day on Friday.

bigguy30526 reads

If you never came in close contact with this doctor, why worry about it?  
Just ask people if they have been to any of the three countries in West Africa, when screening hobbyist for a date. If this makes you feel better and request they wash their hands before your date.
I guarantee you most of us, have never been to any of these three countries in West Africa or in hospitals working with this disease.
Don't let some of these scumbag politicians or media scare you, trying to play politics with this shit.
I know going forward it won't stop me, this is still the best city in the world!

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 11:02:02 PM

Ebola is a concern, and the lax federal response will lead to more cases of this disease in the USA.  But as far as I am concerned at present, business as usual.

bigguy30357 reads

It's not just about the feds response only.  
Some not all medical professionals that deal with this disease directly, need to use a little bit more common sense when traveling.
I am glad to see another nurse was relased today, free from this disease!

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 9:32:08 AM

Fear better NYC rats ..there more of them then ebola infected doctors ..
look at that

 I  from first year in NYC just wore
gloves (and even during the summer ) always  driving my own car or walked or biked  

Subways and Taxi cabs are disgusting  -and not because of Ebola.

 There IS a vaccine  to treat Ebola.

Just in states immune modulators  
 available ONLY to limited circles ..
 while all Europe and Canada have them  

Instead fear of Ebola fear medical insurance barriers  and brain washing.

Yes wore gloves always in subways and public transportation .. do not pick up nose wash hands  before touch lips and eyes .. but  all that told us and grandma.

even before ebola smart people never took inside of living space cloth /boots they used  to walk in subways ..
I just use my car and walking and bike

It helps avoid side by side encounters with thousands people in NYC in subways.

When I  on rare occasion I am in metro  I see  people eating outside, picking up nose, touching lips eyes with hands . I look at my gloves and am happy  to get out subways ASAP

   Never arriving to appointment from subways not now not before.



-- Modified on 10/24/2014 10:22:02 AM

Hello, bodily fluids, remember? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges condom use if you can’t hold out. The virus can linger in semen for at least 70 days, the World Health Organization says.

because if you had, you would've known that it includes the info in the article you cited, namely the CDC safety guidelines for survivors and that semen doesn't seem to be among the most effective transmission channels. I agree that it may be a leap to say that swallowing is safe in this case; but, if you meant to present an opposing point of view, maybe you should have cited an article that actually disagrees with the original one, rather than one which repeats the same facts.

I specifically replied to Inicky46's false statement that it is ok to swallow. Duh.  Did you see the title of my original post? Duh. You should stop acting like a mall cop.

I wanted to post a useful article and did it along with a couple of jokes.  But the headline reads transmission via semen is "highly unlikely," meaning not likely but not impossible.  And the "you can still swallow" was the tag line for a link, for god's sake!  Thus obviously a joke.  But you just didn't get it and then argued the point several times.  So the only question is, were you born without a sense of humor or did you have it surgically removed?
PS: that's another joke. What a putz.  Fred, your Male Prostitute license is hereby revoked.

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 10:05:07 PM

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 10:06:16 PM

You mean you're not a doctor, Dr. Inicky?  Now who is the putz without the sense of humor?  LOL

Inicky, so what article did you actually post?  I don’t see one.  So when I called you “Dr. Inicky46”, you mean you’re not a real doctor?  “Argued the point several times?”  Where?  And you call me a putz?  LOL  I love guys talking tough on an anonymous board.  So manly.  LOL.

The article, as was pointed out to you by others, is linked in the tag line ("Don't worry, you can still swallow") directly underneath the "Remain Calm" poster.  Everyone else seems to have gotten this but you.
And, yes, I'm a real doctor.  And I also stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.  So take a few more Stupid Pills and call me in the morning.  It's not likely you can get any stupider but, just as a medical experiment, it would be interesting to find out.
PS: You seem to also like trying to talk tough on an anonymous board. You're just not very good at it.

I think women from Liberia will have a harder time getting clients.

Written by a herbalist:

In the fall of 2014, for the first time, ebola broke out of the African nations and reached (via airplane, as epidemiologists had long predicted it would) the United States, I began receiving scores of emails asking for some deeper information regarding herbal approaches to help prevent and treat the condition. This is a brief exploration to address those concerns.  

The virus and its effects really does need an in-depth treatment, especially going into its nature and function. This protocol should do a lot to help prevent or reduce infection and, if necessary, help combat the septic shock that occurs in the later stages of the disease.  

There are four species of ebola that can cause human disease; the virus responsible for the 2014 outbreak is (Zaire ebolavirus species) which causes anywhere from a 40% to a 90% mortality rate. The virus is highly virulent and actively subverts both the innate and adaptive immune responses. Although up to half of those infected are able to mount an immune defense, in the rest the virus so subverts the immune response it progresses to an acute hemorrhagic fever which is often fatal. This group of viruses is relatively new to human science, the first identification occurring in 1976 during an outbreak in Zaire.  

Infection generally occurs from direct contact with infected bodily fluids such as blood or the vomit and diarrhea that often occur with the disease. Infection through direct skin contact with an infected person or through contact with blankets the infected have used has also been documented but is much less common. There is some concern among virologists that the disease could mutate to an infectious airborne type; it has not been documented so far.  

As with most viruses, onset is flu-like with the usual fever, chills, and so on, generally after a 4-10 day incubation period. A rash often appears around day five which is the only way to differentiate it, in its early stages, from the flu. Generally, the liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenals, and endothelial structures are heavily infected, often leading to organ necrosis and failure. During fatal infections the endothelial structures of the vascular system fail with accompanying blood loss. The virus inhibits and modulates the immune response, ultimately producing a powerful cytokine storm, leading to septic shock. The latter stages of the infection are, in fact, nearly identical to the 1918 flu (see The Herbal Antiviral book for more on this).  

The primary cytokines that increase during severe and fatal infections are IL-1b, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-15 and 16, and MIP-1beta; interferon-a levels are severely reduced as is IL-2 through 5, IL-9, IL-13 and a severe drop of both CD+3CD4+ and CD3+Cd8+ peripheral cells. Those who successfully recover show the opposite profile, hence decreasing those cytokines and increasing IFN-a and other reduced cytokines is crucial.

Protecting the affected organs, reducing the cytokine cascade, and enhancing immune function are essential. A number of substances has been found useful for interfering with viral penetration and replication as well as protecting the affected organs and modulating the ebola effects on the immune system.  

(Please note the following dosage guidelines are, at the lower end, protective, at the higher end, for use during early infection. Long term use of these amounts is contraindicated.)The suggested protocol is:

* General antiviral formulation: Isatis, Baikal skullcap root, licorice. Broad spectrum antiviral combination, skullcap and licorice are synergists, licorice enhances IFN-a production, all acts in various ways to reduce ebola cytokines.  
* Elder tincture: Needs to be produced from stem, leaf, and berries as outlined in this book.  
* Genistein powder. Inhibits both infection with the virus and transduction in infected cells.
* Milk Thistle Seed. Protects the liver and contains compounds that reduce viral replication and penetration of cells.
* Salvia miltiorrhizae (red sage). Protects the spleen, enhances immune function, reduces cytokine cascade.  
* Japanese knotweed root (Polygonum cuspidatum). Protects endothelial cell integrity, reduces cytokine cascade.

1) Angelica sinensis/Astragalus  
2) Salvia miltiorrhiza
3) Pueria lobata/Cordyceps
4) Glycyrrhiza (licorice)/Bailak skullcap
Note: this has been found in vivo to stop exactly this kind of septic shock.

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