New York

Who is going to win the Cardinals/Astros series?
energizer bunny 2872 reads

My money is still on the Cards.

I think that Cards are going to win it all.

My money was on the Yankees(Da Bums)....How'd I do? I fell asleep on Sunday night and just woke up...............

Good job Frankie....I guess I knew that....they are still bums. I was counting my $ when they were up 3-0. Never could I imagine losing in 7 games. I guess that is why they say it has never been done before. If I feel this way, I wonder how Joe Torre feels.....except he gets paid no matter what...I lost!

  Well,I think the Cardinals will blow out the Astro's tonight.If they do,I also think they they will beat the Bosox. However,IMHO,I think the Bosox just had their World Series and they will savor their victory over the Yankees much more than they may regret a loss to St. Louis.


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