New York

Dear Captyve
JoeKolb 4280 reads

Thank you for responding to me in the "ISO Real Japanese" thread below, thus allowing me to start a new thread and get to the real issue I have with your post.

It's neither your overall hypocrisy, nor your mean-spirited, muscle-flexing soapbox attitude of not being able to leave a peaceful thread alone, no, it's your statement, and I quote "But most Caucasians can't really see or tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, although I know that Asians can".

It seems you have moved on from speaking for the majority of this forum to speaking for the majority of the "caucasian race". I don't know what your ethnic background is and don't care, but I am insulted and appalled by your racist statement.
You have once again proven, with your own words, what it is you are.

It is my hope, that not only the new moderator, but TER in general will moderate statements of racism, unfounded accusations of drug use etc., not only on this board but on every board and take the appropriate actions.

In anticipation of your response, you wouldn't be the first person in the world to proclaim victory in the eyes of defeat. I am done with you.

I'm not a member of the PC police. ;) If somebody wants to make a generalized statement, they are free to do so. Whether I think the poster is an visionary genius or a crackpot is irrelevant.

This should be an interesting thread. All I ask is that posters express themselves thoughtfully rather than stoop to name calling.


-- Modified on 1/23/2005 6:57:16 AM

JoeKolb3785 reads

Thirsty, we disagreed earlier on my suggestion that only VIP members should be allowed to post, but if you remember, I also suggested that this board might be better served if everyone was unmoderated. So thank you for allowing my post. I hope you're not too disappointed in your expectation that this should have been an interesting thread. You are right, it should have been and it could have been, but at the same time it could perhaps have been left alone. After all this is just a loose affiliation of extremely horny guys and not a kumbaya-singing thinktank.

The reason I did not leave it alone is because, as a white man, I find statements that the majority of "caucasians" cannot see or tell the difference between chinese, koreans, japanese, and vietnamese, or between, jamaicans, nigerians, ethiopians and brazilians from bahia, or between, turks, lebanese, egyptians, and iranians, racially insensitive and insulting.

Finally I am last guy calling for the PC police and I am not speaking for anyone but myself.

Guess what?  I find YOUR statement of use being "a loose affiliation of extremely horny guys and not a kumbaya-singing thinktank" JUST as insulting as captyve's statement!  Are YOU speaking for all of us???

I apologize for implying that what you said was racist.  I was just so upset by the whole thread that I shot off my reply too quickly.  

What you said was not only unbiased but extremely fair.  I have made the same statements to Asian men AND women in other social sitations, and NEVER was I called on the carpet as saying something insensitive.  BTW, Asians have a tough time themselves of distinguishing Caucasians of their nationality, and they have said so to me and others.

What ends xenophobia and brings us together is open dialog, free inquiry, and honest questions that clear the air of our differences.  Anything less, and you unfortunately have our current state of affairs in the world today.

JoeKolb2271 reads

...and i guess this is why this thread never had a chance to be as interesting as thirsty had suggested. no, no, lars, i'll leave the speaking for all of you who cant speak for themselves to people like captyve

SmellySmegma3611 reads

Political Correctness and the era of "you can't say that" is repugnant to me. These boards are for discussion of ALL types, not just PC thoughts.

Landem4510 reads

I have read the various exchanges between Captyve and JoeKolb. While I do not agree with Captyve that only posters with reviews should be given credence here (which has been the chief bone of contention between them), I must rise to his defense against this scurrilous charge of racism.

There is nothing at all racist in any remark he has made. The physical differences between people of Japanese, Korean and Chinese descent are subtle. It is no doubt accurate that the majority of Caucasians (or AfroAmericans, or Hispanics, or even Canadians for that mnatter :-) will not perceive those differences.

Some of us will, many will not. But then, this is true in many areas - some people are perceptive enough to see subtle differences, many, probably most, are not.

Captyve's observation is in no way racist, EXCEPT under a Politically Correct interpretation of the word in which ANY mention of racial, ethnic or cultural differences, other than as part of a full-throated praise of diversity, is per se racist. And as our new moderator points out, the PC Police have not yet taken over this board.

Sorry, Joe, on this one, you lose.

DONE!!! Game, Set, Match Joe you lose once again. Joe your rude comments are so over! Hey Joe, Thanks for playing.....

-- Modified on 1/23/2005 11:41:13 AM

Clearly you now recognize that you are unable to either entertain or persuade through your postings—due to your lack of wit and eloquence, as evidenced by the pathetic quality of your postings, and the lack of personal experience that you could reveal, as evidenced by the absence of any reviews by you.  Hence, you are reduced to yelling “racist” in a crowded thread. It would be sad and pathetic if your slur, by cheapening the accusation of "racist", did not also soil the memories of Rosa Parks and Dr. King.  As is evidenced by anyone reading my posting, it clearly is not racist at all-—in fact, by saying that Caucasians can’t tell the difference between North Asians, it establishes our “oneness”.  An earlier post warned me and others that you tried to get others moderated by dancing close to the edge, and then having others over-react. You’ll have to try harder next time, Joe.  Better yet, keep off the Boards unless you really have something to say.

As an asian, I actaully find it more annoying when I encounter a non-asian dude who likes to proclaim "I know the difference!  I bet I can tell you if that person is chinese, etc."  As if asians are collectibles like beenie babies or something, or as if it proves some higher level of cultivation on his or her part.

Just my little pet peeve.  I can't believe this thread is this long.  talk about a hot button...

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