New York

Cuts both ways...
VonRyan 15 Reviews 6608 reads

depends on who is doing the schilling(does he have reviews?) but ultimately its up to the hobbyist who reads the post to make his own determination on a provider based on her reviews and that hobbyist's taste in women.One man's pudding is another's poison.
It could be the grand puba of hobbying saying a provider is this or that...but only a fool would act on it solely his say so.

Conversely, I have seen providers and felt compelled to tell the community about how great they are only to feel that maybe I should have kept my great time a secret.(how selfish)
Its partly done out of respect for the provider's great service and that the provider has only maybe a few days left on the tour.
A review should be in order but by the time its written and posted, she left town.

So as far as I'm concerned , a schill is not necesarily a schill but maybe a timely tip.


Here are my thoughts on Belle De Jour. Setting up the appointment was very easy. I called them in the early AM to set up a late night appointment. I had to call back a few hours before the appointment to confirm that the time was still ok with me. I found the phone girl to be easy to deal with. Prior to my appointment I spent some time chatting with Kim. She is about as sweet and as nice as they come.

I had an appointment with Brooke. She is a cute blonde with just a killer body. The session was outstanding. I think she may be the 1st provider that I will give a 10 to for performance. She was that good. She reminded me more of an independent provider than an agency provider. I will have a review up on her shortly.

In my opinion, I think that BDJ has received a bad rap unfairly from some TER posters. If you have not tried their service due to some of the comments that were written on this board, then it is your loss. They are a great agency and although I have only seen one of their girls, I will say that Brooke also was great. I will continue to use BDJ and I just hope that all my experiences are as good as the one I just had.

This Board is no place to schill for your favorite agency!!this is particularly true in light of the latest "scandal" over Fortitude. If you like a provider review her favorably. Period.

depends on who is doing the schilling(does he have reviews?) but ultimately its up to the hobbyist who reads the post to make his own determination on a provider based on her reviews and that hobbyist's taste in women.One man's pudding is another's poison.
It could be the grand puba of hobbying saying a provider is this or that...but only a fool would act on it solely his say so.

Conversely, I have seen providers and felt compelled to tell the community about how great they are only to feel that maybe I should have kept my great time a secret.(how selfish)
Its partly done out of respect for the provider's great service and that the provider has only maybe a few days left on the tour.
A review should be in order but by the time its written and posted, she left town.

So as far as I'm concerned , a schill is not necesarily a schill but maybe a timely tip.


Very True Von Ryan , but its been my experience with some agencies that they ask guys to post things on the board for marketing purposes in exchange for discounts or just to get in the good graces of the owner. The agency  (owner)question is notorious for this ( see Bigdog circa 2001 = 2002).
I may be a cynical Bastard , but I dislike phonies.
Some of these sound like a pure infomercial instead of information.

I read EB’s post about BDJ and I do not see why you would have a problem with it. He used the agency and had a good time with one of the girls so he reported back to us. He also wrote a similar post on one of the girls at Miami Companions a few weeks back. If memory serves me he has also made comments on a few of the indy’s. To me a shill is someone who follows one girl or agency around and tells everyone to see her/them. Do a search of his name and you will see all the comments that he has made on various girls. I agree that some of the guys on TER shill for certain girls. I just do not think that EB is one of those guys.

Be the better man and don’t respond to his comments.

Happy Hunting!

Good experiences both time.  The first person who I met through them was Brooke.  She was attractive, bright, and quite.  She was a very good GFE for me.  I did write a review on both BDJ ladies, but may not have rated them as highly as I should have.

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